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Mw:5 Cbt: It's Good, Folks

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#21 Jackal Noble


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Posted 28 November 2019 - 01:32 AM

View Postjustcallme A S H, on 28 November 2019 - 12:00 AM, said:

30+ enemy mechs is 30+ enemy mechs...

ESP with a mech paperdoll that is largely fresh.

Kuma made a good point from a single player perspective that you start from the bottom and build your company up. There needs to be a different level of balance for a game like this rather than MWO. Difficulty is probably (hopefully) adjustable on the metrics of damage done by AI weapons paired with AI accuracy, both being scalar. There are moments in the midst of a firefight where it feels really good. Personally, I like what I’ve experienced and it’s fun. Sure, you can wipe out a battalion of enemies, isn’t that the point in this game? The mild amount of huplah that the AI has gotten seems feigned.
You get to drive a massive mech, knock **** over and blow stuff up all while looking shiny and chrome.
And yes, hopefully there are options to enhance difficulty..

I’ve had two days with the demo and will play some more after the holidays. I’ve probably played the 4 IA missions 20 times or more, trying all variety of combinations.
If the demo is just that, a teaser, I’m pretty excited for it.



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Posted 28 November 2019 - 03:01 AM

View Postjustcallme A S H, on 28 November 2019 - 12:00 AM, said:

30+ enemy mechs is 30+ enemy mechs...

ESP with a mech paperdoll that is largely fresh.

I have done a large part of Doom 3 on Nightmare with nothing more than a Pistol and Assault Rifle. If I used all of the weapons, then I could've finished it on Nightmare with less effort.

The point of this game is also about salvage and building your company up. This demo has unlocked all of the equipment minus the higher tier variants. So, it is going to be easy for top tier MWO pilots to go in and wipe out 30+ enemies singlehandedly, especially when the AI doesn't have decent loadouts and no Elite pilots. I'm pretty sure that the campaign will throw in some elite mechs with fully upgraded weapons and a AI pilot with good accuracy to make things difficult. Plus, we can tweak the game's AI to have better accuracy.

#23 kuma8877


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Posted 28 November 2019 - 09:58 AM

View Postjustcallme A S H, on 28 November 2019 - 12:00 AM, said:

30+ enemy mechs is 30+ enemy mechs...

ESP with a mech paperdoll that is largely fresh.

While I have no reason to believe that the late game will not suffer a bit from your described issue in the demo (all MW titles do), I do think the campaign can be much better balanced overall than is represented in the demo. Not only will you not have access to every chassis and weapon system at all times, you will have to repair and rearm between every mission with what you do manage to scrape together, limiting your purchasing power when you do run into nice trinkets to buy.

I think, for the fun of the game, more is riding on the pacing rather than the demonstrated AI. There are VERY FEW titles we describe as having actually good AI, most are just serviceable and rely on damage/health/aim buffs to be dangerous, they are almost never cunning. The FEAR series and Halflife 2 are notable exceptions. It'll have to play out, but I'm not too worried yet that it won't be fun.

#24 justcallme A S H


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Posted 28 November 2019 - 01:23 PM

The early game willw be smaller/weaker Mecha and just less enemies to shoot.

So rather than combating 30+ mechs you'll fight 8...

It's all relative. The early game will always be easier than the late game...

#25 Ilfi


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Posted 28 November 2019 - 04:00 PM

I get the feeling early game will be a mad dash to find the fastest most affordable Mech that can one-shot enemy cockpits in a single alpha, and then a whole lot of... well, doing that. I don't have too much faith in Piranha, but there's always the chance they make things more challenging (even if it's artificially so).

#26 Nesutizale


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Posted 28 November 2019 - 04:33 PM

Getting to the Meta mechs might be difficulte. I have tired some round with stock mechs and lights and mediums at max and you will get hurt. Sure you can do the missions but depending on how much you can salvage, keeping you in shape could become hard at the beginning.

#27 Xaat Xuun


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Posted 28 November 2019 - 05:22 PM

View Postjustcallme A S H, on 27 November 2019 - 01:26 PM, said:

Well you can drop without any lancemates in a 'recommended' 400T mission - and still WIN with a single mech.

You could probably do it solo in a Heavy if you were really careful.

that is true, I didn't realize I could had a AI to lance with me till after I did the first 2 , by myself, first one took four tries, second 2, then I really looked what I could do, so added one lance mate, for the 400t contract, I did go full lance.

I think the problem you see with the AI's, they don't NASCAR

forget which lancemate, but one keeps getting in front of me, like they're trying to kill steal Posted Image
from my experience,(of lately) they(AI's) do a better job of situational awareness and focus firing then pugs in MWO without being told to focus fire.
I bet these AI's Press "R" too, dunno really, but they seem better at working as a team then there is in a PUG team in MWO.

can't wait for the full game, this beta Trial seemed too small, and limited, though just enough to test out the mechs and work on some builds, for me, that feels like that's it, nothing showing what the game is really going to be like.
as small as it is, haven't bothered getting a COOP going yet (with players not AI's)

found one thing wrong, with a texture , took screen shot to show, but later realize, there is not a screen shot Posted Image, but simple to describe, missing arms, but the weapon barrels are still there floating like they were still attached to the arms.

I found it fun to play, and enjoyed what little we have to play with for now, but can only repeat the same 5 contracts so many times, it's more fun going under recommended weight

#28 Anomalocaris


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Posted 28 November 2019 - 05:25 PM

I know most of you are joking, but seriously, the AI in MW5 is nowhere near as good as your typical QP pug. Which says a lot about both parties......

#29 Xaat Xuun


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Posted 28 November 2019 - 10:29 PM

thought I just print screen and use paint to do the screen shot bit.
this is what I put together for the RAID (270 recommended contract)
only thing that was not stock, was the Wolfhound I was in.,
Click Here for Pic

I did what could, dbl HS and 5 MPL Wolfhound, really needed more DBL HS, that thing was hot, still just as fun to run as in MWO

Edited by Xaat Xuun, 28 November 2019 - 10:39 PM.

#30 Novakaine


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Posted 29 November 2019 - 12:14 AM

To be honest folks I'm having a blast.
Just with this demo niggling issues aside.
Running the mechs thru demo scenarios are a delight.
PGI has managed to cram a lot of fun into this.
I can't wait until the 10 for the full game.

#31 Mr D One


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Posted 29 November 2019 - 01:18 AM

View PostRestosIII, on 27 November 2019 - 12:35 AM, said:

Good job PGI, you've cracked my anti-hype wall and am excited over Mechwarrior again.

Mmmmmmmm yes, it is really Mech-cellent!

I was looking at some black friday stuff, but I think Heavy Metal will tide me over just fine.

Y'know the best part of the Beta, no idiot voices on coms, no alt accounts, no kids using mechdaddys account, no sync dropping, no ddos attacks, no pretentious fools.

#32 MischiefSC


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Posted 29 November 2019 - 02:15 PM

View PostAppogee, on 27 November 2019 - 01:02 AM, said:


The AI is braindead. Even being constantly swarmed by a large number of witless helos, VTOLs and tanks - most of which you can take out in one shot - doesn't make the game at all difficult.

I'm not trying to naysay the whole game. There are aspects of the game that are good - the graphics, the destructible terrain, and the sized hardpoint system. It also feels a lot more like piloting a Big Stompy Robot than MWO has ever done, providing a better sense of mass, momentum and scale.

So overall, it's as if the traditional Mechwarrior series old were updated into the current millennium. But unless the campaign storyline is engrossing, and the enemy AI is significantly improved, that's all it will be.

I don't know how else to put this.

Most conversations on MW5 are people having issues setting their joysticks up.

The AI in the demo is only green and rookie and a couple regular skilled enemies. The difficulty slider for the game is off.

All the enemies are not only in 3025 stock but mostly BAD mechs like the Cicadas.

Because that's a fit for a significant segment of the population who's going to play the game.

Campaign will limit your ability to significantly out-class enemy mechs by design as instant action does. It'll have a working difficulty slider and inevitably allow both more skilled enemies and more dangerous enemy mechs.

Instant action has dropped 3 assaults - one spot in one mission drops a Stalker with minimal support. The rest are stock Awesome and Zeus. Heavies are mostly QDs and the under armored Warhammer, a few of the under gunned Orions. One Archer.

It's geared towards most players and playing with a joystick using stock mechs. Not vet or comp players with a comp m&kb setup in SLDF meta mechs.

That's okay. Ideally difficulty can be tweaked stock, if not it can be modded. I can't help but face palm at people creating incredibly skewed situations (War in a double Gauss Sleipnir and running to max range then headshotting enemies dropped 4 at a time in the open) and trying to gauge gameplay off that.

Itay we'll be that campaign AI will be horrible. If so we can mod it. At least solid pathfinding is in and AI accuracy is in a good place. I'm no coder but unless it's 100% locked out even I can make a mod to have the AI focus fire and likely focus damaged locations, when possible killing player mechs either biggest to smallest or easiest first.

Pathfinding changes are probably out of the "casual" modders scope but again, if they're even moderately reasonable with modding tools it's something that can be done.

If you play MWO and your W/L is over 1.3 you're not the difficulty the demo is likely focused on.

#33 C E Dwyer


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Posted 01 December 2019 - 07:16 AM

People don't play games like M.W.5 for a perfect A.O, they want to feel achievement in completing the story.

Yet again you see the 10% complaining about how easy it is, how the dumb A.I is, ruining the game for them, therefore, its a bad game.

The bottom end of the 90% are going to struggle to get the story done as it is.

The 90% are the ones that keep games like M.W.O. or world of Tanks going.

They want to have fun to, yet the 10% endlessly complain about how much harder it should be ensuring, the game does badly on the market.

There are issues with it sure.

The bottom line is, does it feel like your piloting a mech in combat.

Yes it does.

That's all that matters.

There are people out there saying its crap because Beef can take a piss during a game.

Well the nine year old kid with Motor Neurone Disease wants to pilot mechs to.

Should they be excluded from having fun, just because the elite think its to damn easy.

Not in my book .

#34 Nesutizale


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Posted 01 December 2019 - 08:49 AM

One could argue that there could be a difficulty setting that gives the 10% the difficulty they want while the others can have their own.

My complaint or problem with the Ai is more on the line of missing interesting behavior like tanks driving in formation and enemys using flanking tactics more, get better into the optimal range for their weapons or use jumpjets? Has anyone ever seen an enemy jump yet?

Also a problem is friendlies shooting through you instead of holding their fire, what they should do. Okay shooting through your allies is MWO QP standart, I know but come on...at least the Ai should know better ^_^

Ai not notecing that a building is destroyed and trying to run around it while you get free damage done.

#35 Quandoo


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Posted 01 December 2019 - 09:46 AM

from what i have seen, they continue to add arena style combat or compact maps with instant action.
and they think its cool. in this game and mw5....

you kill waves of enemies in mw5, like 1v30, no challenge, no fun.

Edited by Quandoo, 01 December 2019 - 09:48 AM.

#36 Mystere


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Posted 01 December 2019 - 01:23 PM

View PostC E Dwyer, on 01 December 2019 - 07:16 AM, said:

Yet again you see the 10% complaining about how easy it is, how the dumb A.I is, ruining the game for them, therefore, its a bad game.

The bottom end of the 90% are going to struggle to get the story done as it is.

That's what difficulty settings are supposed to be for. <shrugs>

Having said that, friendlies shooting the backs of their mates IS stupid, dumb, etc..

Edited by Mystere, 01 December 2019 - 01:25 PM.



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Posted 02 December 2019 - 02:57 AM

The more I play MW5 demo, the more it reminds me of UT2004 AI set to Novice. I'm guessing that the demo is set to this and the main game will have a more accurate AI. For the rest of the behavioral patterns, there'll be mods.

#38 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 02 December 2019 - 03:16 AM

with each game thats im paly ...The bots Level 8 or 9 was more dangerous in MW4 im thinking , and the grafic im thinking al little to oversharped , looks with the Trees , thats stands like Pillars wide away from another not really realistic

#39 Unleashed3k


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Posted 02 December 2019 - 03:58 AM

View PostMW Waldorf Statler, on 02 December 2019 - 03:16 AM, said:

with each game thats im paly ...The bots Level 8 or 9 was more dangerous in MW4 im thinking , and the grafic im thinking al little to oversharped , looks with the Trees , thats stands like Pillars wide away from another not really realistic

Did you even watch the Video about "Instant Action" map creation, which is not implemented in the demo?
There's huge difference in Vegetation and on how many trees and other stuff is around.

You still only make claims out of this demo, as like you never played a demo back in the 90's, where most stuff was cut down to bare minimum…. you just need to fill your workless day with writing down crap.

How about doing something constructive? Get a rope? Save a kitten... yeah, you get it...

#40 LowSubmarino


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Posted 02 December 2019 - 04:36 AM

I dont know. Ive seen an mwo streamer that is okay in terms of skill play mw5 and his lance killed like 60 mechs.

For me, that would kill immersion.

Im already bored when I faceroll team red with my pug team and its like 12:1 or 12:0 even. No offense, but you havent been around in mwo that long. If a match is too imba, if the opposition is vastly more powerful or weaker than you and your team is, then it kills the fun. At least for me.

There were assault mechs dropping in left and right around him. Entire asault lance but not once did they ever really unleash a full alpha on one of the core components. It seemed as if they just werent ever fighting back at all and they melted by the dozens. The ai skill was vastly lower than that of even the most inexperienced mwo players.

Those mechs just werent ever using their weapons. They ineffectively shot some of their weapons, spraying them everywhere. I didnt see one enemy mech, not a single one, that acutally truely unleashed a single alpha where it hurt. Thats like clubbing seals.

Sure, if a game has good visuals and is new then its fun for a few moments. Maybe even for a few days. But with that kind of ai id be bored after hours. A single player game needs at least an okay ai. So far, the ai looked abysmal.

Maybe theyll patch it.

But even if they plan to patch it, that could take years. Pgi isnt really known for rapid and effecitive fixes. In mwo, it took them over half a decade to make some major fixes. SOme of those very bad bugs are still there even after that many years. It aint very likely that there will be dramatic changes in the forseeable future when it comes to mw5's ai.

Id say theres a 1 % chance theyll patch it in the next 2 years.

Even though I wont buy mw5 (cause pgi refused to ever address the nonstop discos in every single QP match for well over half a decade) I still hope that many of you actually bug mw5 cause that will prolly mean that mwo wont be shut down and that there might even be a mwo 2 at some point.

I hope a lot of you do buy the game.

I cant though. Ive promised myself to never pay any money for any of those games cause of pgi's policy of stoically ignoring some of the very worst bugs and stability issues. Cant go back on that promise. Just one single public acknowledgment that theyre aware that those constant crashes are super annyoing and I would have felt that they at least realize how bad that is and how annoying. But iver never seen anything like that, no comment, no plan to patch it, no way to stop those discos.

ANd i cant support that.

Still, I hope mw5 is successful so there is a chance well get more mechwarrior games in the future.

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