TLDR - This game is ******* awesome.
I've probably spent ~30-40 hours playing the demo at this point, all solo.
BTW several early critiques and bugs have already been addressed patched - difficulty and flamers. Difficulty is perfect to me atm.
I love how one map can be played differently according to you - Go Rambo with the Sleipnir or BW, do a light rush with squad mates, random grenade. Before you know it, you're running a 4 man Assassin pack, or trying to see how long you can survive PPC sniping in a PHX-KK (fragile arms btw!!!)
It is exactly what kind of Mechwarrior game I wanted before I discovered MWO and became ensconced in a hyper-neckbeard comp fantasy land where everyone has small hands and smells of cabbage.
It's what I want.
The mechs are absolutely gorgeous. Entire blocks of buildings that you can just wreck havoc in like a giant playground. The difference in how different size mechs interact with the environment like, the same wall that a Kintaro 55t can't walk through, our boy the Atlas will just drop a shoulder. That's cool as hell to me.
JJs - much more logical and both more powerful, while being impacted by gravity more. I like it.
Music is on point.
Controls are different at first, but become more natural as you get use to the HUD.
No more balance issues. There is no balance, it just is.
No more baggage from years of brackish, boorish weapon balance changes to achieve androgynous symmetry for the sake of pvp. Thank goodness for all of that.

No more samey weapons, every one has a distinct attribute. Heat management is simple and effective. Every component available feels like it improves firepower or survival.

I like the AI for what it is, what it does and how it reacts. I've spent countless of hours in the demo and have yet to encounter any anomaly that can't be attributed to 'There's a lot of **** going on, eventually something might shoot sideways."
The AI does exactly what it's supposed to, make you feel like you are in a battle from start to finish.
I'm very pleased with how PGI has thus far implemented AI. It's pairs perfectly with the game style.
I like how squadmates function and think they do pretty damn well for the most part. Little things like how your squadmates weapon groups are set are important to consider.
It is pure unadulterated romp stomping fun 7 ways from Sunday.
I can safely say if the demo is just a teaser (and there is lore etc), this game is going satisfy many a mechwarrior to the max.
I am greatly looking forward to the 10th.

It's surprisingly well optimized. There are some minor occurences of dithering involved.
I am playing on a Samsung 40 series 6 4k tv with a i-56600K, gtx1060 6gb, 32 GB set up and it runs great at 1440p.
The screenshots I took after figuring out how to use the built-in Nvidia supported Ansel screenshot tool paired with the HUD clearing Ctrl+Shift+v (meant to be used with a 360 pc controller for more options). Now I need a gamepad, sigh.
I happened across on Russ's twitter-
here's the link for the camera controls on a 360 controller. I'd assume an xbone or similar would work?
Further update - XboxOne wireless controller works via standard micro-USB. Sweet, it's been collecting dust for two years.
With the dev camera you can pan over the entire map! A lot of enemies are spawned at start of map, that's interesting. PGI PLEASE KEEP THIS IN!!! IT'S VERY COOL.
Night mode (and subsequent 5 or so other day settings) is

pretty damn nice.
Edited by Jackal Noble, 06 December 2019 - 11:07 PM.