Khalcruth, on 31 December 2019 - 12:25 PM, said:
Unfortunately, Yeonne spotted my error - I DID mistype the first time, and I DO think that clan lights and mediums such as the Piranha, Huntsman, and Vapor Eagle are ridiculously superior to anything the IS has at the same tonnages. It's likely we're just going to have to disagree on that one, you're just never going to convince me any Locust or Flea loadout can hold a candle to a Piranha, for example.
Well, in that case, I would politely disagree.
For Lights, I think the Piranha is extremely good at ganking things...but it is literally the most fragile 'Mech in the game and that hurts it even in good hands because incidental damage stacks up on it rapidly. This is exacerbated by Clans not having comparable light-weight trading weapons to the IS ML and MPL; they all have too much duration or too little range or a combination of both. Only cSPL with cERuL is somewhat comparable, but only the Piranha has the hardpoints to make that work, taking us back to the drawbacks of the Piranha. The JVN-11A, WLF-2, and FLE-17 are far and away superior choices for aggressive poking due to better weapons for the task at that weight and superior survivability attributes (higher armor and/or agility). A PIR-2 has to get under 200 meters to deal 40 damage using cSPL and cERuL and under 150 meters to do 50 points with HSL and cERuL. The JVN-11A can do 35 from 310 meters, the WLF-2 can do 36 from 253 meters, and the FLE-17 can do 28.5 from 230 meters (or 35 from 310 if you want to eat ghost, but why?).
The Incubus with 5 cMPL or 6 cERML is, I guess, OK at poking, but the heat means it's not that great at the point in the match where you would typically drop Light. And none of the Clan SRM bomber Lights are really good. The JVN-10P with 6 SRM2 is superior to any other Light SRM carrier.
For Mediums, Vapor Eagle and Huntsman are certainly strong and versatile, but can get out-classed when min-maxing. The BJ-3 can trade at-range better thanks to superior mounts and hilariously faster ERPPC velocity; even at mid-range, swapping into HPPCs the BJ-3 will go toe-to-toe against both with ease. The Dervish hero is a direct competitor to the Huntsman hero for SRM bombing, with tangibly superior SRM spread. The direct IS answer to ATM spam would be a Wolverine using MASC and MRMs. It's not the same, no, but the farm is just as high and it has no min range weakness. The IS also have the Assassin, more than a match for the Arctic Wolf SRM bomber, and the Vulcan 5T (and UZL-6P)...which has no Clan analogue. There's also the Bushwacker, notoriously hard to kill quickly and with enough firepower to chew up the smaller Clan HP pools and trade tonnage favorably.
TL;DR: IS are extremely good at aggressive poke, and aggressive poke is extremely versatile. Clans have MGs and extreme alphas and that's about it.