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I Love Mechwarrior (I Do!) But I Hate This Game... [Nevermind Ignore Previous Statement]


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#1 Goldenflare5643


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Posted 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM

EDIT: A good friend of mine convinced me to give this game another try. Turns out You cant play this game like other mechwarrior games and I was doing it all wrong. Thank you theiving magpi for responding to my post. The things you said helped me alot and im having fun with this game now. Thank you everyone else. I wont do this again


I love Mechwarrior. I hate this game.

Nothing but confusion crosses my mind when I think of my time playing this game. Im going to break down why I hate this game and believe me I tried to love it like I do for other installments of Mechwarrior.

Making Mechwarrior into a mmo is a mistake because by balancing everything you completely destroy all combat strategies that existed before. A light mech can completely disintegrate a heavy mech because if the heavy mech tries to to anything at all ghost heat shuts him down.

The UI and shop system is terrible and I get a headache trying to do anything in the menus. I waited in the clan battle queue for 30 minutes. I struggle modifying different aspects of my mechs like loadouts to camo to grouping because you have to go though this un-intuitive save for even the smallest changes I make. Sometimes I give up trying to do something because I either forget to save or cant find how to do it.

The cockpits are a garbled mess of useless information just blocking your view, the default fov of 60 fixes this but its so small you cant see anything to your sides which is vital to combat effectiveness. This game is just information overload even though Mechwarrior was designed to be a simulator; I don't have this problem for previous games such as Mechwarrior 3 and Mechwarrior 2. Its like the proposed HUD from Ready Player One the IOI wants to put into the VR systems.

I really tried to love this game I did! I bought $5 in cosmetics for my Timberwolf Prime and I leveled it up with tech points. I am combat skill 5. I tried so hard yet every time I play this game no matter what style I play with I end up furious and confused at the end of every match even if our team had won. Questions like "Why did that mech do so much damage to me?" and "How come last match I could hit the cockpit of that mech but in this match no damage was dealt to the same mech in the same circumstance?" or "How did that tiny mech do so much damage to me?"

The new mech designs are terrible for already existing mechs but great for newer ones. Then mechs feel like they have half of the durability they had in the last game. I don't like the tech trees because they give unfair advantages to newer players. If you want to experiment with new mechs or new loadouts than either drop money into this game or know exactly what you want. Everything is so expensive. A good match cant even get a laser AMS.

When in game I find myself in three types of situations:
1. I am completely outnumbered even though just a second ago I was surrounded by teammates, why? Because some light mech popped a uav and it rained LRMs.
2. I'm 1v1 a mech on the outskirts of a map and I cant cool down due to ghost heat and this guy just just will not die. Why? Because hes got Ferro-Fiberous armor that costs as much as his mech and he also has 20 coolant flushes.
3. I stay in the back of the pack spamming LRMs and I'm having no fun. Why? I cant get a single kill because I am relying on teammates to spot for me, that is'nt the problem though, the problem is someone has some sort of anti scanning technology and its impossible to keep a lock on them.

Certain aspects of the Mechwarrior series are either missing or gone. Coolant flush is a P2W mess that's way to OP. Gyroscope failures and getting up or crouching to decrease scan effectiveness are missing entirely. The HUD is absolutely HORRIBLE in a combat situation:
1. Things you need to pay attention to like enemy damage are too far apart from equally important things like your weapon status. The reason you cant just move them closer is because the aspect effects and downright worst color choices for a HUD would make it even more eye hurting and headache inducing than it already is.
2. The crosshair is so big and intrusive that it can sometimes completely blind you when close up because of how uselessly complex it is. In previous games if the crosshair had information of it it would also be transparent as not to distract you but the entire HUD has ZERO TRANSPARENCY WHATSOEVER, let me state that again, ZERO TRANSPARENCY; there are so many problems that could be fixed if the developers just made the HUD elements less bordered and more transparent that would fix this problem.
3. Zooming doesn't zoom enough to see important weakspots or apparent damage to whatever your targeting and getting whatever the upgrade is to make it have its own window or zoom more should be a default component in all mechs. Again, more unfair advantages to new players.

Its like the developers balanced the weapons and took out the equal gameplay. the skill ceiling is like a 7ft room while the floor has elevated parts for systems that don't need to be there in the first place or are outdated; basically a New York apartment. The developers are treating Mechwarrior like an MMO game and not like a simulator. Being an MMO game is fine but preserve the original aspects of the game that made it great. "Don't fix what aint broke!" is exactly what they've done.

Im uninstalling this game for the third time. I don't think i'm going back this time. If someone knows how I can refund my $5 into my Steam wallet please do tell. I'm going to post this on Steam as a review and on the MWO forums as criticism. If any developers are watching please either take what I am saying into consideration and please add options to make the HUD less intrusive along with clearing up the views from inside your mech, especially Timberwolf. If you move the player forward a little in their cockpits that would fix the view problems.

I'm going to go play Mechwarrior games that outshine this despite being nearly 20 years older. Im sorry but I cant put up with this game anymore, I hope my concerns are heard and used to improve future aspects of this game. Maybe then I will return.

Edited by Goldenflare5643, 03 April 2020 - 01:32 PM.

#2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Urbie


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Posted 29 March 2020 - 08:57 PM

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#3 thievingmagpi


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Posted 29 March 2020 - 09:37 PM

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

Making Mechwarrior into a mmo

It's not an MMO, but that's nitpicking I guess.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

is a mistake because by balancing everything you completely destroy all combat strategies that existed before. A light mech can completely disintegrate a heavy mech because if the heavy mech tries to to anything at all ghost heat shuts him down.

Heavy mechs can kill light mechs with one shot.

Balancing chassis is how you create a variety of playstyles. If you just kept them "like in lore" you'd only ever have the best assault mechs every single game, match after match.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

The UI and shop system is terrible and I get a headache trying to do anything in the menus. I waited in the clan battle queue for 30 minutes. I struggle modifying different aspects of my mechs like loadouts to camo to grouping because you have to go though this un-intuitive save for even the smallest changes I make. Sometimes I give up trying to do something because I either forget to save or cant find how to do it.

I dunno what you mean by the "clan battle queue". If you mean Group Queue, then yeah GQ is dead.

But I agree that the UI is terrible.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

The cockpits are a garbled mess of useless information just blocking your view, the default fov of 60 fixes this but its so small you cant see anything to your sides which is vital to combat effectiveness. This game is just information overload even though Mechwarrior was designed to be a simulator; I don't have this problem for previous games such as Mechwarrior 3 and Mechwarrior 2. Its like the proposed HUD from Ready Player One the IOI wants to put into the VR systems.

It can be a bit to figure out what's important, but some cockpits are better than others.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

I really tried to love this game I did! I bought $5 in cosmetics for my Timberwolf Prime and I leveled it up with tech points. I am combat skill 5. I tried so hard yet every time I play this game no matter what style I play with I end up furious and confused at the end of every match even if our team had won. Questions like "Why did that mech do so much damage to me?" and "How come last match I could hit the cockpit of that mech but in this match no damage was dealt to the same mech in the same circumstance?" or "How did that tiny mech do so much damage to me?"

Timberwolf is a terrible mech. Probably one of your first mistakes.

Your questions and you saying you're Tier 5 is just you being new. Learning how to play doesn't mean the game is bad.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

The new mech designs are terrible for already existing mechs but great for newer ones. Then mechs feel like they have half of the durability they had in the last game. I don't like the tech trees because they give unfair advantages to newer players.

The skill tree is almost universally agreed to have been a bad idea and/or bad implementation at the least.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

If you want to experiment with new mechs or new loadouts than either drop money into this game or know exactly what you want. Everything is so expensive. A good match cant even get a laser AMS.

New player grind can be a bit much, but it's better than most other f2p games. There are always very generous events going on, including one going on right now with a free mech, millions of cbills and like 2 weeks of premium time.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

When in game I find myself in three types of situations:
1. I am completely outnumbered even though just a second ago I was surrounded by teammates, why? Because some light mech popped a uav and it rained LRMs.

Read the map, stay with the team.

Shoot UAVs.

LRMs can't hit shoot through hard cover like tall buildings.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

2. I'm 1v1 a mech on the outskirts of a map and I cant cool down due to ghost heat and this guy just just will not die. Why?
Because hes got Ferro-Fiberous armor that costs as much as his mech and he also has 20 coolant flushes.

Don't get into 1v1s. Be greedy. Don't fight fair fights.

Don't use weapons systems that trigger ghost heat.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

3. I stay in the back of the pack spamming LRMs and I'm having no fun. Why? I cant get a single kill because I am relying on teammates to spot for me, that is'nt the problem though, the problem is someone has some sort of anti scanning technology and its impossible to keep a lock on them.

LRMs are dumb as hell, you're right. Don't bother.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

Certain aspects of the Mechwarrior series are either missing or gone. Coolant flush is a P2W mess that's way to OP.

Not really. In Tier 5 I really doubt there are a lot of people running around with double coolshots.

Coolshots help win games and winning games makes cbills. I've never worried about the cost of 2x coolshots surpassing my game winnings.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

Things you need to pay attention to like enemy damage are too far apart from equally important things like your weapon status. The reason you cant just move them closer is because the aspect effects and downright worst color choices for a HUD would make it even more eye hurting and headache inducing than it already is.

Sure, it takes a bit to get used to. But all you need to do is glance at the corner of the screen.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

2. The crosshair is so big and intrusive that it can sometimes completely blind you when close up because of how uselessly complex it is. In previous games if the crosshair had information of it it would also be transparent as not to distract you but the entire HUD has ZERO TRANSPARENCY WHATSOEVER, let me state that again, ZERO TRANSPARENCY; there are so many problems that could be fixed if the developers just made the HUD elements less bordered and more transparent that would fix this problem.

I don't really know what you mean, have never had this issue.

Turn on colour-blind crosshair though, it will light up when you hit the enemy.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

3. Zooming doesn't zoom enough to see important weakspots or apparent damage to whatever your targeting and getting whatever the upgrade is to make it have its own window or zoom more should be a default component in all mechs. Again, more unfair advantages to new players.

Most games you don't really need to zoom in that much.

Also just don't bother with advanced zoom, it's useless in about 95% of quickplay matches.

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

Im uninstalling this game for the third time.

Bye felicia.

There are lots of great tools, streamers, websites etc out there that can help with good builds and tactics but hey whatever bud.

#4 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 29 March 2020 - 10:13 PM

Good bye threads are against TOS. Goodbye, clueless.

#5 thievingmagpi


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Posted 29 March 2020 - 11:12 PM

OP is welcome to rephrase the points of their post in the form of a question

#6 Sniper09121986


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Posted 29 March 2020 - 11:22 PM

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

I'm going to go play Mechwarrior games that outshine this despite being nearly 20 years older. Im sorry but I cant put up with this game anymore, I hope my concerns are heard and used to improve future aspects of this game. Maybe then I will return.

You might want to look at MWLL, even though population is low, or might graduate to MekTek. So far the devs ignore this game, if they have any plans for it at all we have yet to hear them.

#7 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 29 March 2020 - 11:25 PM

OP is welcome to play this game, which he hasn't since his first 62 matches back in summer '18, at least for 10 or more matches per month.

#8 Scout Derek


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Posted 29 March 2020 - 11:30 PM

I fail to see how 12v12 deathmatch or deathmatch with side objectives is a MMO, let alone a population that doesn't number into the hundreds of thousands.



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Posted 30 March 2020 - 02:18 AM

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

I'm going to go play Mechwarrior games that outshine this despite being nearly 20 years older. Im sorry but I cant put up with this game anymore, I hope my concerns are heard and used to improve future aspects of this game. Maybe then I will return.

I had never played ANY mechwarrior game before MWO. I got into it 'cause I started playing HBS's Battletech and I started MWO in Oct 2018 and I picked it up almost instantly. I could play the game, understand the information, figured out how to use consumables, set up weapon groups, etc., It was only after I asked around for build ideas, what makes a good mech, etc., many people here kindly helped me out immensely. There are a few streamers who help new players out and help them in understanding the aspects of team play.

Many of your points are valid but a vast majority of them looks your own issues with understanding, your unwillingness to learn and the ability to blame everything except yourself. Try asking around for help.

Or good-bye.

#10 VonBruinwald


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Posted 30 March 2020 - 03:53 AM

View PostFRAGTAST1C, on 30 March 2020 - 02:18 AM, said:

I had never played ANY mechwarrior game before MWO. I got into it 'cause I started playing HBS's Battletech and I started MWO in Oct 2018

Make sure you give MechCommander a run at some point if you want a good RTT.

There's MechCommander Gold - Released for free and features the original game plus expansion (Desperate Measures).

Then there's Darkest Hours which combines MechCommander and Desperate Measures into a single campaign, re-jigs the existing missions so they don't play exactly the same and adds a few of it's own. To top it off it takes the "slot" used for Desperate Measures in Gold and adds an entirely new campaign of it's own.

My recommendation, play Gold, and if you ever feel like replaying it, pick up Darkest Hours for the expanded experience.

Or if colouring in is more your thing...

#11 Nearly Dead


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Posted 30 March 2020 - 04:20 AM

I'm sad to see anyone that frustrated with the game, but as an old, set in my ways, retired guy, I just do not see that the game interface is that confusing. Sure there were and are aspects that I don't understand about the mech lab and the store but with a little time looking at it and googling it can be figured out.

And wanting your $5 back because you don't enjoy the game is just silly and petty.

I get frustrated while playing, but I watch and learn and usually come to the conclusion that if other people can score 1000 damage regularly in heavy mechs and I am not, the problem is not with the game and I need to learn what they have learned and improve my play.

It isn't easy, which is what makes it interesting. I have played the single player games and they were much simpler because, first of all you were playing scripted missions that were created to be fun and tell a story and second because you were fighting a predictable AI opponent. You are fighting real people here and they are pretty random. From the little kid who can't even move his mech thru the streets of River City, (and never does manage to shoot anything) to the players who live, breathe, eat and sleep MWO and can do things that look impossible with their mechs.

I will not say you should keep trying, there is enough bitterness and anger in the game already, I will say that you might look at yourself and see if some of your problems you attribute to the game are really in your attitude and expectations.

Good luck and have fun wherever you go from here.

#12 Kodyn


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Posted 30 March 2020 - 04:54 AM

The OP outlined some actual points, but they're all dead issues we've discussed for years and know aren't changing. Apart from that, I'm picking up that they were really expecting MWO to be more like older MW titles, which is their first mistake. I came into MWO with only a vague familiarity with BT as something I remembered from my youth- seeing big cool robots at card shops and whatnot, so I had no real expectations. If you just treat it as a shooter where you happen to be in a customizable robot, I think you can enjoy it more easily than someone who grew up on BT TT and/or the older MW titles.

PGI make and have made many mistakes and poor choices in their development, but at least I never have to get mad about lore or things not being how they were in other games, etc. I wonder how much hassle PGI could have saved if they'd initially released the game with a descriptor of "loosely based on the BT universe", instead of allowing early players to believe it was going to be more of the mech simulator they were expecting at the time. Coming in with no assumptions, it's just a cheaply-produced, unpolished game with some cool robots. Less egregious than it likely is for those expecting something like the rest of the MW games.



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Posted 30 March 2020 - 05:14 AM

View PostVonBruinwald, on 30 March 2020 - 03:53 AM, said:

There's MechCommander Gold - Released for free and features the original game plus expansion (Desperate Measures).

Thanks! I'll check it out sometime later. I'm currently trying to do all of the challenges on Doom on Nightmare whilst also delving into Divinity 2 while also working from home.

#14 Vxheous


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Posted 30 March 2020 - 08:05 PM

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#15 Hellbringer


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Posted 30 March 2020 - 08:58 PM

ah shaddup op.

#16 General Solo


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Posted 30 March 2020 - 09:57 PM


There are two more battletech type video games, if this one does not suit you

The first game is called BattleTech which is a turn based game adapted from tabletop to suit video game media.

The next is MW5 which is PGI's remake of the Mechwarrior Series of Video games.
Comes with an editor which admittedly is a bit of a work in progress, doh eventually you will be able to alter to match your vision of Mechwarrior.

As for this game, well it is what it is, as the game is in maintenance mode and anything but the smallest changes is unlikely.

So I suggest you learn from the masters of the game and get a better understanding and handle on it, so that you win more and feel more in control of your mwo destiny.

Its a challenging game with a steep learning curve.
Its not your old Mech Warrior.

Its a Player vs Player Mech Arena Robot shooter, which is something quite different from the old Mech Warrior we all new from the past.

Check out your options OP

Edited by OZHomerOZ, 30 March 2020 - 09:59 PM.

#17 MTier Slayed Up


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Posted 30 March 2020 - 11:16 PM

View PostGoldenflare5643, on 29 March 2020 - 08:39 PM, said:

Troll poster from 2018.

You've barely played over 50 matches well over a year ago and expect to learn every nook and crannie of the game as if you're some sort of prodigy?

Go away.

Edited by Michelle Branch, 30 March 2020 - 11:16 PM.

#18 General Solo


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Posted 31 March 2020 - 12:48 AM

Or put your nose to the grindstone

#19 Snowhawk


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Posted 31 March 2020 - 02:11 AM

Ehrm….. ok, now I'm speechless…. Posted ImagePosted Image

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