Sorry, no, the aiming is still horrible. I used to be able to get pin point accuracy on components like in the video. It's still extremely difficult because of the movements. Nothing I change in the settings is helping. And this stuff should be auto handled or something in the settings. I should not have to adjust a bunch of stuff to get basic aiming abilities. They don't have to not change the aiming. They just have to not change the aiming(via updating the code). I'm betting it's the DPI, but the mouse is from near the games creation. This stuff should not be a problem. I don't care what the issue is it shouldn't be there. This game used to be much easier to aim and the mouse logic didn't make things float all over the enemy mechs.
The mouse only has 4 settings. If those aren't good enough the game needs to make up for it. And having players do it is not idea. It should just query the mouse and auto set it. Or have a button to get auto base settings that should be stable. I guarantee you they have people that know enough about the graphics and game to make a quick adjust button to make all mouse start at a default setting across hardware. Even a button would would help in the settings area if it detected stuff and got it in the same starting point.
You are also probably wrong that, "nothing," was changed with aiming like most things on these forums. There have probably been updates and modifications to it. You just probably don't know about it. That is traditionally the case in this community. That or it's a lack of updates with new mice hardware. I'd almost bet they left it as a sloppy balance things to simulate spread on table top.
And aslo the tanking is not longer doable because of the agility changes from decoupling. You need certain stats in torso speed and other things to do it. I've been testing it. It's been nerfed as far as I can tell. Did full agility tree also and couldn't get close. You can only do that stupid side jerk crap. So, I guess a bunch of half educated players have ruined another aspect of the game they never learned about and the game has been dumbed down to others standards...
BTW, if those things had remained it probably would be a good counter to new tech(or new tech would have been a good counter to it.). Say, high damage per shot weapons like long toms or the area hit cannons. With increasing damage it would have been good to be in game and people probably would have learned to do it by now with the increased difficulty with new weapons layouts. So, sadly, the game won't get to be played out correctly because of the change. And less reason will exist to bring in more of the missing game items. That defense tactic was an intended part of the geometry originally. It maximizes both arm twisting and CT twisting. The arm twisting became dominant because IS is more inclined in that direction and the nub tanking glitch/cheat like thing that got shown in youtube videos and the other side never got exposed as much(pun intended.).
I still think it would be interesting if they put back coupled engines and either turned off the skill tree and either, reduced maximum points and shut off the agility and appropriate trees/nodes, or reduced the value of the points to allow more minor adjustments to possible increased mech speeds. Assuming there are any overall. If not the readding of the old per weapon upgrades could be cool. They could redo the game to add more customability while leaving room to still cap the mechs layouts. They could also add new stuff like component upgrades for RT or CT or LT etc and diversify the game more. Having the old weapons combos could be interesting in the mix. And the more they add the more they should technically be able to balance mechs to cap abilities also. They could simply make things not fit under the guise that so and so upgrade was not made to fit in thismech and it's fitting's won't hold it or some other compatibility things like in the real world.
Actually, I'm kind of getting the tanking back down. But you have to turn torso and legs to begin to do it a little. So, I can't be anywhere near as aggressive with pushes. and I have full agility tree upgraded to do just that much.
Edited by Arugela, 03 May 2020 - 07:28 AM.