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Favorite Mechs And Why

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#1 Hellbringer


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Posted 27 April 2020 - 09:26 AM

ill start

My absolutely favorite is the hellbringer. duh.
Loved it since mechwarrior 2 (first jade falcon mission utilized the hellbringer i believe). the hitboxes are decent, the peeking profile is tiny, ecm is great and laser vomit is strong. Plus you can mix and match omni pods so it can run everything from dakka to gauss and even lrms if youre a sadist. also good mobility and agility makes it the best balanced mech on the battlefield.

Second favorite mech is and always will be the timber wolf. too bad its nerfed to oblivion and utterly worthless to play right now other than some ATM bs.

Other strong contenders are the blood asp, and the night gyr. both ecm mechs with great dakka. Night gyr especially. its like a blood asp b but at 75 tons. Can load up whatever the blood asp can just minus a few more tons of ammo.

whats your favorite?

#2 JediPanther


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Posted 27 April 2020 - 09:59 AM

My two favorite mechs are the chassis and variants of two mechs. First will always be the cptl-c1. It got me into mwo with the founder video way back in '12. I found the mech to be fun,mobile and tanky. It still is after all these years no matter how many nerfs the lrms and lrm mechanics all the haters cry to add to it are. I've tanked more with the Catapult than any assault mech. The worst time of the cats were the years of the dreaded vcrs which took over 96 forum pages daily rage for pgi to get off its *** and finally fix.

Second has been the IS Jenners before the REscale and other ners such as the arm armor being reduced to where a 20 ton mech has two more armor than the 35 ton mech even with armor tree nodes. The Jenner use to be very fast and mobile. wolf packs of jenners were scary. Then the usually cry babies wanted their ez kilz and the Jenners took most of the nerfs over any other light mech. It was ReScaled making it easier to hit, the arms were given a mere 12 armor which made the F the worst and most worthless mech in the light class to which even the 5v could at least have its paltry 2 mls and not be rendered useless once the arms were shot off.

Jenners use to be able to clutch out a 3 vs 1 match to win the round. They could scout properly and be flankers. Now they are just a joke and ez kill. The 2cs are pretty much the exact same pile of problems but weigh less.

While I run Jenners now just for the novelty value of having someone go "omg a jenner!" I'll still run the cats because they've retained all the things that make them great since closed beta days. They were one of the few mechs that survived the Rescale and didn't become obsoleted by other heavies like how many of the 35t light mech class has been now replaced by the 20 ton class.

#3 Swamp Ass MkII


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Posted 27 April 2020 - 10:20 AM

Mad Dog (Vulture)... Yeah, it's a 60 ton mech, and yes there are others that seem to have better loadout capability... I guess this stems from Mech Warrior 4,3, or 2. Not a reit'sally great mech for a toe to toe fights, but, if I find a team that pushes, it's a great, and damn awsome support mech...

Prime: 4 MPL, 2 ATM 9's +4 tons, 1 DHS, AMS +1 Ton, Active Probe. (I have 2)
Prime: Swap Left Torso for the H, 4 MPL's, 1 ATM-12 + 2 Tons, 2 SRM 6's +2 Tons, AMS + 1 Ton, 1 DHS, Active Probe.6
RV or BA) UAC-10's +4 Tons, 4 ERSML, 1 DHS...
RV or BA 6 MPL (with H and B Arms) and 2 HPL. Theory built, buying today. Will add ATM's Streaks, or SRM's... Active Probe, and Targeting Comp... ANd DHS whereever I can!

#4 VonBruinwald


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Posted 27 April 2020 - 02:31 PM

Favourite in BattleTech history...

Catapult (C1b), it's been the top of my list for decades.

Other noteworthys:
Black Lanner, Champion, Gùn, HawkWolf, Men Shen, Raven, Revenant, Sha Yu, Vulture and of course... Urbie.

As far as MWO:
I'm quite Partial to the Cicada and Huntsman.

I'm also in love with the Black Heart, but sadly he's not canon.

Don't ask me why...

Edited by VonBruinwald, 27 April 2020 - 02:31 PM.

#5 thievingmagpi


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Posted 27 April 2020 - 04:35 PM

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Posted 27 April 2020 - 05:42 PM

Black Knights with 9 MPL and XL360

T-bolt Top Dog with 6 MPL + 3ERSL and LFE300

Orion IIC A with LBx20 + 4 SRM6+A


Vulcan Bloodlust with 4 SRM4 + MGs+SL used like a SRM bomber

Dervish Frenzy


Ebon Jaguar

Arctic Wolf Prime with ECM + 4 SRM6+A

Mad Cat MkII B dakka

Gargoyle with MPLs + ER Micros

Wolfhound Grinner

Javelins (the ECM + SRMs; 6 SRM2s; 7 MLs variants)

Quickdraw IV4

Highlander IIC Keeper

Huntsman Pakhet with 2 UAC10s

#7 ccrider


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Posted 27 April 2020 - 08:30 PM

Roughneck 2A with lb20x and 3 medium pulse lasers. Runs 71 with a std engine, hanky as balls and super agile. PGI hit it out of the park with Roughnecks.

#8 Ken Harkin


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Posted 27 April 2020 - 08:50 PM

Marauders, all of the non II/IIC ones. Great profile for rolling damage and a nice choice of weapons be it a 3R with UAC10, 2LL, 2ML, 2MG a BH with UAC20 and 6ML, 9M with 2MRM30, 5ML and can or the others.

#9 Valdarion Silarius


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Posted 27 April 2020 - 08:58 PM

Rifleman IIC. It's been a nostalgia favorite that got me into the franchise (Mechwarrior 2), a mech that seriously causes major butthurt in tabletop, versatile no matter what game it's thrown into, and it's decent in Mechwarrior Online. Even though with the quirks it runs extremely hot in MW:O, my favorite is the prime with quad pulse laser prime variant. It's a mech that rewards players that know how to position well and if you know how to coordinate with your team with call outs. A solid support mech in lore and in game.

Other mechs that have grown on me over the years in MW:O are the Executioner, Gargoyle, Awesome, Annihilator, Mauler, Marauder IIC, Warhawk, Battlemaster, Banshee, Summoner, Mad Dog, Marauder, Hellbringer, IS Rifleman, Vapor Eagle, Shadow Hawk, Blackjack, and the Wolfhound.

Outside of MW:O the Toyama, Jagermech (in MW5 Mercs), Kodiak, Warhammer IIC (I hate the squandered potential of this mech in MW:O but love it outside of the game), Shadowhawk IIC, Locust IIC, Firemoth, Stone Rhino, Nova Cat (again love it outside of MW:O), Grendel, and there are probably a few others that I can't think of the name at the moment.

#10 crazytimes


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Posted 27 April 2020 - 09:04 PM

MCII Deathstrike. Max engine, 2 x LBX20s + 2HML.

It's my best performer over a statistically significant number of matches. It's fast enough to keep up with the rotation, does enough damage early game to be useful and starts hitting hard late game when armour is open.

#11 Harbinger Kane


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Posted 27 April 2020 - 09:10 PM

Posted Image

This Awesome is pretty badass.

Edited by Harbinger Kane, 27 April 2020 - 09:11 PM.

#12 Teenage Mutant Ninja Urbie


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Posted 28 April 2020 - 03:53 AM


the most nimble of assault mechs, the Urbie, is my favourite, cause:

Posted Image

the only question is: how can you prefer anything to it?

#13 Gagis


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Posted 28 April 2020 - 03:58 AM


It's pretty, the design is from a good TV show, it's of a convenient size, agile and properly powerful with the LB10+4SRM4 loadout.

#14 ocular tb


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Posted 28 April 2020 - 04:18 AM

Jenner-F. When I first began playing MWO it was the only mech I recognized. After trying a lot of the other mechs and lots of struggling the Jenner just clicked with me when I tried it. After that the game started to make more sense and the Jenner has since become my favorite and most played mech by far.

#15 Bud Crue


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Posted 28 April 2020 - 04:49 AM

For quick play: Jester.

I used to really like the Quickdraw 5K but anything it can do the Jester does significantly better. I like to brawl and I also like to jump into the biggest group of the biggest enemy mechs in my vicinity and see if I can kill one of them. I used to go by apparent threat (based on presumed meta build) but now a lot of times I try to go for known good players and/or friends. While this is often suicidal, it gets my pulse going, and its shocking how often I survive for long enough to kill that one target.

Ya see, I'm not very good at the game, and my logic has always been that if I can kill or at least cripple something that is at least as big as a threat as my mech, then I am coming out ahead for my team, despite my lack of skill, situational awareness, trigger control and patience. I've found that the Jester is the best mech in the game to maximize the effectiveness of my particular type of ineffectiveness (the IV-4 is up there too).

The Jester's undersized visual model, its mobility, and its capacity to stay cool for extended periods of fire is the best mech that I have found that allows me to have fun playing the way I like to play, and to perform adequately despite my shortcomings as a player. Oh, also, the two AMS are really nice for a bit of match score padding when there is an event going on and the LRMs and ATMS are out in force.

Edited by Bud Crue, 28 April 2020 - 04:50 AM.

#16 Funky Bacon


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Posted 28 April 2020 - 08:13 AM

AWS-8Q for sure.
3 ER-PPC's with a massive TC-7 for a projectile velocity that can reach its max optimal range in the third of a second? Heck yes~
3 Heavy PPC's for an alpha that is just 5 damage short of being Dual Gauss without chargeup and better range (minus the 90m deadzone)? Heck yes~
3 Normals PPC's..... well sure why not! Just keep shooting all day without a care. Or put in a 4th PPC and do the old double punch for long range dual "AC 20's".

So many options!

#17 RickySpanish


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Posted 28 April 2020 - 10:53 AM

Highlander with 2xPPC, 1xAC 20 and SRMs, back in the day. It had a solid 2.4 win/loss ratio and was tons of fun. Recently though I have really begun to appreciate my Grinner - it's a simple 'Mech with an alright profile, 5 IS MPLs is good damage with a short burn time and the ECM gives people a hard time locking onto it.

#18 Flyby215


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Posted 28 April 2020 - 11:28 AM


I retired the mech nearly 2 years ago; but to this day is still my favourite by a good margin. Quick, agile, high mounted lasers, easy to use easy to aim. The gentle hum of dual AMS. Cozy. Over 7,000 matches in Jester alone. Aside from the occasional training grounds run to keep the dust off, its a well-earned retirement for Jester.

Lore favourites and game favourites differ for obvious performance reasons: Timber Wolf being the obvious example. Top Dog, Bellonarious, any Catapult, K9, Corsair 7A are the favourites that come to mind.

Flea20. If you played against me recently I am annoying the heck out of people with this thing. It is crazy fun! Posted Image

#19 Lanzman


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Posted 28 April 2020 - 11:38 AM

Tabletop it was the Griffin. In MWO, my favorite by far is the Blackjack. Outfitted with long-range sniping weapons and plinking from halfway across the map just never gets old.

#20 Red Potato Standing By


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Posted 28 April 2020 - 12:07 PM

View PostFRAGTAST1C, on 27 April 2020 - 05:42 PM, said:

Black Knights with 9 MPL and XL360

T-bolt Top Dog with 6 MPL + 3ERSL and LFE300

Orion IIC A with LBx20 + 4 SRM6+A


Vulcan Bloodlust with 4 SRM4 + MGs+SL used like a SRM bomber

Dervish Frenzy


Ebon Jaguar

Arctic Wolf Prime with ECM + 4 SRM6+A

Mad Cat MkII B dakka

Gargoyle with MPLs + ER Micros

Wolfhound Grinner

Javelins (the ECM + SRMs; 6 SRM2s; 7 MLs variants)

Quickdraw IV4

Highlander IIC Keeper

Huntsman Pakhet with 2 UAC10s

Thanks for posting the top dog build it works great.

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