justcallme A S H, on 30 April 2020 - 03:52 AM, said:
So much this. People need to understand this. There is a reason group queue was more stompy than solo. The ultimate answer is skill disparity, but the reason the skill disparity was worse in group queue was the matchmaker, or lack thereof.
There is no doubt that the old solo queue matchmaker needs a lot of work. PSR/Tiers are broken. But ultimately, the pre-merge SQ MM did do something. It matched tiers, mech class and approximate tonnage. While outside of excluding Tier 4/5 that portion of the MM wasn't all that useful, it did at least assign players in a relatively random fashion (provided they're all Tier1) between teams. That means that if you played 100 games, you'd get some stacked teams on either side occasionally, and you'd get some serious potato swarms too, but overall it would balance out and your WLR would reflect your contribution even if the variance from match to match could be irritating.
But GQ had no such protections. It simply matched groups until you had 12v12 (or 8v8 lately). Bigger groups would be lower in tonnage which would theoretically handicap them vs. collections of smaller groups. But there was no attempt to match for skill or even tier. When the population was large, this was probably less of an issue because you weren't likely to face the same high skill groups over and over. But as population dropped, the small groups and low skill players trying group would increasingly face the better groups over and over, resulting in repeated one sided losses and discouraging them from playing.
This is why GQ died well before SQ as population dropped. Because there was no matchmaker (even a crappy one), because there was no tonnage/mech class matching. Because this resulted in high skill stomping low skill on a repeated basis as the high skill players agglomerated into groups (like attracts like remember) while newer players or those trying group for the first time were in less coordinated teams of generally lower skill.
Now they're trying to do the same thing to SQ with the merge. There is no matchmaker. Mech classes and tonnage are not balanced. And high skill groups will stomp low skill groups and players. This isn't rocket surgery people. It's completely predictable.