VonBruinwald, on 27 April 2020 - 02:15 PM, said:
Jarl's list will now become worthless with try-hards going 4-man to farm pugs.
This has been covered many times. Jarls list orders by adjusted avgms, so you want a high avgms. It isn't easy to get very high match score with a stacked team because you will get more quick wins with low damage. From what I've seen in the current system a high avgms solo player that goes into group queue with a stacked team sees KDR and W/L go up, avgms goes down.
So unless you go really out of your way like literally getting friends to shield you and disarm enemies so you can shoot off every component this probably won't help. And that wouldn't be so easy to do if another good 4man is on the other side.
Besides Jarls list rank isn't worth much as it is anyways. You can use it to check what class a player mostly uses in qp and get a vague guess of skill but not exacts. Like you can look at the extremes like a sub 200avgms player probably needs work but you can't assume the 380 guy is better than the 350 guy.
Edited by dario03, 27 April 2020 - 03:04 PM.