First off, thank you to everyone participating in this. There are some ideas here that will work with some fine tuning and we can work on those to get something that works for the game and you the community.
After reading through all the posts made so far, there seems to be a two sided trend going on. On one hand there's the notion of comparing an individual against the 24 other players in the game and separate of the win/loss condition. On the other hand, there's the notion of keeping the win/loss condition with varying methods of comparing the individual against their team or the players in the match. Most of the suggestions are permutations of these two systems.
For clarification let's make sure we use common terminology. For the rest of this write-up, I'll be using the following:
Match Score Kicker (MS kicker) - Variables that include things like Kills, Damage, Captures, Spotting, etc. that
Match Score (MS) - The resulting score based off Match Score Kicker formula.
Player Skill Rating (PSR) - A player's skill rating in a range from 0 to 3750 with new players starting at 1500. (This is essentially the players Elo rating)
PSR Movement - How much a player moves up or down in PSR based on their Match Score performance.
Match Maker (MM) - A server side algorithm that matches players into teams and games.
Let's take a look at the aspects of these two main suggested systems.
Core 1A: Global Compare
This is the system that compares the individual player against all other players in the match (23 others). Essentially this system compares a player's Match Score against all other player's and assigns PSR movement based on that comparison. This system works well as it can be made zero sum very easily. It also doesn't measure the player against an arbitrary threshold as all players will fall into discreet brackets in the resulted sorted list. This proposal also removes the win/loss component to PSR movement. The variations being suggested can be summarized in the image below:

All players in a match are ranked from highest to lowest Match Score independent of the team they were on. In the example image above, as long as the number of green squares matches the number of red squares, the number of yellow squares match the number of orange squares, and there is an even number of grey squares, you have a zero sum PSR movement formula. The number of green squares etc can be adjusted before implementation with the key criteria of symmetry on both sides of neutral (grey squares).
However, there are pros and cons to this system depending on what the numbers are set to. There are scenarios that all suggestions should be taking into consideration. For example, how much would you want to reward a team that lost? In some of suggestions around this global compare system, even mid level participation could end up in positive gains from players on the losing team. High performing players could have a bad match and be severely punished for that.
Core 1B: Global Scalar
This is the system that compares the individual player against all other players in the match (23 others). The difference between the above is how the PSR movement is determined. Instead of falling into discreet brackets, a formula is used to determine how much a player should shift in PSR movement.
In the image below, you can see how this has a more dynamic method of distributing PSR movement.

This also breaks zero sum but keeps the performance variable as high value in the outcome. This system also suffers the same cons as outlined in the non-scalar version above.
Core 2A: Win/Loss Team Compare
In this system, win/loss still dictates direction of PSR movement. However, instead of an individual measure against Match Score, the player's match score is compared to the match score of all players on their team. For example, the winning team will have a neutral to positive movement in PSR. The losing team will have neutral to negative movement in PSR.
In the following image you can see how this scenario works out:

Again, to maintain zero sum, the distribution of points in both positive and negative directions need to be equal.
Core 2B: Win/Loss Team Scalar
Similar to the above, but without the determined movement values, this system will compare players against their team mates and scale the PSR movement based on a formula that uses Match Score as an input. Basically after the win/loss condition determines PSR movement direction, a formula is used on each player's Match Score to determine their PSR movement relative to the average of the team's Match Score. There is an issue with this, it is no longer zero sum as the number of players moving up by X are not matched by the number of players moving down by X. You can see this in the image below:

Now what does this all mean?
Well, for starters, when it comes to these two systems, both are being suggested in a manner that is something we can implement. It works with current metrics that we have available.
There are some suggestions out there that will not work when trying to access data that isn't loaded while players are still connected to the game servers. This type of change is something we cannot address at this time.
From what I've been reading, there's a slight majority of players who are favoring Core 1A or 1B above. This doesn't negate the large number of people favoring 2A or 2B above. However, it does indicate where our starting point should be. There's nothing stopping us from trying 1A or 1B above and letting it run for a few months to see how people are settling into their Tiers.
What else is there to discuss?
While there has been a little discussion over Match Score Kicker values, there hasn't been a lot of consensus for a change in any direction. As you folks have been discussing here, there are so many player controlled variables that data cannot predict. This is why the numbers required for the kickers were pulled from averaging large numbers of historical matches across large numbers of players. Some of you are using random number generators to provide data samples which is really cool to see.
One thing both raw data and random number generators will always have a hard time determining is what happens when a player starts playing in an area in the PSR levels that they should be? i.e. Those magnificent Match Scores from earlier on are going to drop as you climb the PSR ladder. There's only so many enemies and so much damage that can be dealt. This is why PSR/Elo etc form a bell curve across the player distribution.
Internally we've been discussing some of the values assigned to some critical Match Score kickers. Like mentioned by many of you, damage weighting is too high. Way too high? Not really.. but undeniably high none the less. We think it's necessary to correct this PRIOR to implementing any of the suggestions above. The reduction amount we're looking at is between 10-15%. We don't want to break the ability of higher tonnage 'Mechs to get good match scores, but we also don't want damage to bury lighter tonnage 'Mechs either (which it kind of is doing right now). We will leave all other kickers in place for now as we monitor what matters to you in your feedback on the issue.
Next plan of action:
Lets assume Core 1A or Core 1B are the current marching orders. We need to determine which of the two is going to be favored by as many of you out there as possible. (Again, 2A and 2B are not out the window.. just on pause for now so we can try getting something implemented and testing.)
We also need suggestions on Match Score kicker values. You can come up with ANY set of numbers you want to try out but use that last scalar multiplier in the list to bring numbers down to a manageable level. i.e. your numbers shouldn't be shooting people into the high 1000 MS levels. I mean, they could, but just adjust the final scalar to bring the final number into a range like you currently see in the game.
Thanks again for all the suggestions and discussion in the other thread. I hope to see it continue here as well.