Nightbird, on 29 June 2020 - 07:02 AM, said:
The graphs show out to 200K games. May I ask what the comparison to is, when you say the convergence is slow?
Well, you mentioned that your psr/wlr is calculated around 50 latest games. But well, I think that there will be an overregulation (no idea how big it would be however) which would require several hundred games to finish transient, during which stomps would occur often.
To make things worse, you eiter win or lose, so your PSR(WLR) would be quite unsteady and might change very rapidly.
So basically, if we are speaking about 60 games per month, 60 games sound ok, while 300 sound not so okay. Waiting for several more month is not really an option for MWO.
I mean, it is okay in general but I'm not sure if it would be so good for an individual.
So could you please make PSR(WLR)/games player by individual graph?
Edited by GweNTLeR, 29 June 2020 - 07:20 AM.