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Mw5 Mercs Hot-Fix #04 - July 21 2020

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 11:44 AM

#2 DeadWeight18


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 12:33 PM


#3 C337Skymaster


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 02:57 PM

This isn't the same weapon door fix that's going into MWO, is it?

#4 Serial Number


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 03:52 PM

Does anyone even care about mw5 anymore? lol

#5 Redeye Sigma


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 06:38 PM

No. Not multiplayer. but after this recent changed that makes all but Tier 3 players wait for 10 to 20 minutes play, when every player waited about the same time, 1 or 2 minutes... I might just play the stupid computer in MW5. These not to bright people who do not understand statistics, and the reason why players play in the first place have just nurfed MWO. As long as you have developers that have nothing better to do that invent failures, because you don't have anyone in the organization that can actually make improvements to the game, encourage game play and generate revenue...... I think they should get real jobs, and let the really talented programs do the real jobs here, I am sorry, but I am a victim of a very misinformed developers imagination and fantacy..... who things that "his update works as expected?" Not sure what he expected.

#6 Nesutizale


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Posted 18 July 2020 - 07:09 AM

While its good that you guys at PGI work on hotfixed how is the progress on the DLC and big patch?
The Gamestar interview was nice but didn't reveal much new stuff. I would like to see more progress, even if its small.

@people complaining about MM
While Paul should loosen up the MM a bit again, 4min timer for the valve on some Tiers is to long, everyone also needs to understand that pushing out of T3 by force to be first in tier "whatever" was a stupid idea to begin with.

The biggest amount of people are T3 and will stay in T3. Everyone that was pushing fast had to aspect this comming. At the beginning MM won't have enough people for pure T1 matches and it will most likely stay that way.

When looking at the numbers of people that have moved out of T3 I did say, when the rate is constant, it will take about 3 month for everyone to settle in their Tier. Only after that valves should or could be regulated. I am not sure why Paul allready started to experiment with those and espacialy during an event.

Still this is something that went wrong on both sides. Valves changed to early, people should have started in T5 and people gameing the system.

#7 OneTeamPlayer


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Posted 18 July 2020 - 08:09 AM

View PostNesutizale, on 18 July 2020 - 07:09 AM, said:

While its good that you guys at PGI work on hotfixed how is the progress on the DLC and big patch?
The Gamestar interview was nice but didn't reveal much new stuff. I would like to see more progress, even if its small.

@people complaining about MM
While Paul should loosen up the MM a bit again, 4min timer for the valve on some Tiers is to long, everyone also needs to understand that pushing out of T3 by force to be first in tier "whatever" was a stupid idea to begin with.

The biggest amount of people are T3 and will stay in T3. Everyone that was pushing fast had to aspect this comming. At the beginning MM won't have enough people for pure T1 matches and it will most likely stay that way.

When looking at the numbers of people that have moved out of T3 I did say, when the rate is constant, it will take about 3 month for everyone to settle in their Tier. Only after that valves should or could be regulated. I am not sure why Paul allready started to experiment with those and espacialy during an event.

Still this is something that went wrong on both sides. Valves changed to early, people should have started in T5 and people gameing the system.

It is stupid for consumers to expect for a matchmaking system from a paid company (not an indie development team) to work in less than three months.

Players are for frequently playing the game.

Reaching the segment of the MM one is intended to be is fool's errand.

Is that the hill you're standing on at the moment?

I don't want to misrepresent your argument, i'm just fascinated by it's foundational assumptions.

#8 Nesutizale


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Posted 18 July 2020 - 11:35 AM

View PostOneTeamPlayer, on 18 July 2020 - 08:09 AM, said:

... Stuff ...

I am not quite sure how I should interprete what you said either Posted Image
So lets go through it 1 by 1.

View PostOneTeamPlayer, on 18 July 2020 - 08:09 AM, said:

It is stupid for consumers to expect for a matchmaking system from a paid company (not an indie development team) to work in less than three months.

Not exactly what I was going for. Lets try to get it more clearly.

The time it needs for a matchmaker to work is highly dependent on the players and how many games they play in a certain amount of time as well how the MM works.

For time...a rule of thumb, I read, is that at about 100 games played a MM in general has a solid number to place you into a certain spot.
So the question is how much time it takes for each player to play that number of games. A day, a month maybe even a year?

Next thing is how much movement each rise or reduction is made of or how finely tuned it is. When the movement is very rough you might over shoot where you should be constantly. To little and it takes forever.

My conclusion from this is that it matters less who creates the matchmaker or whatever system is used. The time players spend is the bigger factor because its not controlable.
Personaly I aspected the MM to not work at all for at least a month just from knowing that.

Now how did I reach the 3 month prediction then?
What I did was very rough and basic. I looked up the number of players, according to Jarls list, then looked how many people have moved out of T3 and how much time has passed and came to the conclusion that at this rate and the assumtion that everyone moves at this rate costantly, it would take about 3 month till everyone is moved.

With the current even running and people mostly showing up more frequently, one can aspect the system to work faster. When everyone runs 150 matches to get all the lootbags we should see a much wider spread in the next 3 weeks...or whatever timeframe the event has.

I still stand by my point that no one here should have aspected wonders, like veryone beeing sorted out in two weeks and that its still to early to complain about the PSR system placeing people correctly. The numbers are still to little.

Looking at Pauls comment that they will have a final review of the changes in about 3 month, I think they are doing the calculation with similar assumptions or they have things planed to change during that time to see how it works. Sadly PGI is quite silent about these things.

So do I see "consumers" as stupid? No. Not clearly informed or haveing to high aspectations, thats more like it.
And for all MWO veterans....seriously you aspect wonders from PGI? You should know better. Posted Image


Players are for frequently playing the game.

I guess this is about the higher and lower tiers currently haveing a hard time to find a match in a short time?

This is indeed a problem. I can't remember PGI makeing an announcement here in the forums but from twitter I read that Paul changed the valves that regulate who is matched with whom to a strikt "one tier only" with a 4min timer.

Meaning that if the MM starts looking for players the MM will only match T1 against T1 and so on until 4min are over. Only then the MM starts adding more people from other tiers.

Russ and Paul also allready agreed that the waittimes are bad. I aspect them to be changed soon™
Sadly all those informations are on twitter and not here.

Personaly I don't understand why Paul did it allready. Looking at the player numbers he posted it was way to early for the high and low Tiers.

I think that could have been aspected to not work.


Reaching the segment of the MM one is intended to be is fool's errand.

Is that about people gameing the game and me thinking that this is a bad idea?

In that case....
The new PSR system is about the try to quantifiy a players skill and then put that player against people of similar skill.
So it should be in everyones interest to reach that point by playing normal, as you would do if there wasn't a new system in place. I can not see how this in any kind of way a fool's errand.

When I talk about people gameing the game it means people "cheating" the system by useing a loophole that is there and is legal to use but I think opens up a can of problems. More to the problems later.

A loophole that exists seams to be using massive LRMs to farm damage (insert image from 300s arrow scene here). I haven't tried that but seams to work for some.
So its totaly legal to do so, the game is designed that way.

Now to the problem I see with this and lets stay with the LRM example for this.
Since the LRM farming is pretty easy to do aginst lower skilled players and by lower skilled players its easy for them to get a rise in tier. This will move them out of their skill level and into people they shouldn't be faceing.

Results will most likely be the following things:

A- The player has to keep playing like that, LRMing to no end, to keep his damage output high. So that player would force himself into a corner of playstyle. Pretty boring if you ask me and he will get shouted at by high tier players for that.

B- As soon as he stops gameing the game he will get killed fast and a lot and have one bad match after the other because he is faceing people that are higher in skill and his "fun" builds don't work on that level. Beside missing the awareness and knowledge of the game he needs.

C- He will reach a point where much better players will force him to loose in Tier because he is outmatched so far that gameing the game won't work anymore. Matches will feel like driveing into a brick wall at full speed.

Whatever happens I can allready see people complaining about a bad MM while its just the differance in skill and that they shouldn't be at T1 or T2 in the first place.

So I say to everyone do yourself a favor and play normal. When your skill is high enough you will end up in T1. If not....be happy for wherever you settle. It either means more fun games because you will face people of similar skill and mindset or it means you still have room to improve.


I don't want to misrepresent your argument, i'm just fascinated by it's foundational assumptions.

Well I didn't said what I base my arguments on so yes, I guess its hard to follow.

#9 Mighty Spike


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Posted 21 July 2020 - 11:14 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 17 July 2020 - 11:44 AM, said:


Edited by Mighty Spike, 21 July 2020 - 11:51 AM.

#10 OneTeamPlayer


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Posted 21 July 2020 - 11:18 AM

Just crashed out for the 5th or 6th time today. Guess that's a sign to pack it in.

Love the updates always changing up things in unexpected ways, like not allowing play.

#11 Nesutizale


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Posted 21 July 2020 - 02:55 PM

Played a handfull of games and had no problems so far. Maybe something went wrong with the DL/patching? Have you tried repairing?

#12 OneTeamPlayer


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Posted 21 July 2020 - 05:29 PM

View PostNesutizale, on 21 July 2020 - 02:55 PM, said:

Played a handfull of games and had no problems so far. Maybe something went wrong with the DL/patching? Have you tried repairing?

I'll do it overnight. I just note that MWO is literally the only game that has ever hardlocked my computer that i put together brand new in January-ish and i don't even run it at higher than medium.

#13 KrocodockleTheBooBoxLoader-GetIn


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Posted 23 July 2020 - 11:52 AM

Mwo and mw5 both ghost towns

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