(and possibly missing a few things which I would have spoken about in the process)
Matt Newman, on 31 August 2020 - 02:54 PM, said:
Thank you for making Mini-Challenge #2 a gentle one... And extra thanks for extending it, as I really severely needed it.

Due to the universe deciding to sabotage me, it literally took me right up until the last minute to properly finish it. Without the extension, there's no question that I would have failed.

I don't know if you had it planned or not, but I look forward to a Mini-Challenge that asks for TAG usage. Something along the lines of successful implementation of "TAG-assisted Damage" should be appropriate, right?

Also, would it be possible to have future Mini-Challenges run for 3-Day cycles? I think it would help for managing to get around a lot of problems (including the kind where someone ends up conflicting with their family on weekends, like what happened to me with Mini-Challenge #1... or future hardware issues like what just happened recently) before they can happen.

MovinTarget, on 02 September 2020 - 07:48 PM, said:
995/1000 dmg on the Boars Head
You still have time, and the Damage amount is a Cumulative Total to put together. Keep punching, okay?

Lockheed_, on 03 September 2020 - 05:46 PM, said:
Heh... I'm still working on my 'Phase 2' Mech items. That crazy Corsair "Broadside" 'COR-BR' Mech is not an easy thing to pilot and/or earn with, particularly when your Team would rather sabotage you with Zero Communications whatsoever combined with that abhorrent nascar tactic. I just don't get why people think it's such a great idea to do something so bad when they have slow Assault Mechs in their own Team that should never be left behind. Can't even take aim to shoot if you're having to run all the damned time, which means you die without being able to really do anything either. Sadly, COR-BR is not allowed to mount a large-enough Engine to move at least as fast as a Kodiak on the battlefields, which leaves it horribly short-changed in the long run. *facedesk*

...and now here I scram again. I think I need some sleep!

~D. V. "worn out around Midnight PDT as they're typing this HttR Event Feedback post" Devnull