Looking To The Future Of Mechwarrior
Posted 15 October 2020 - 05:10 AM
What is needed is something to bring people back and can create a revenue stream. That to me means a new way of playing the game and a new thing to sell cosmetics.
Whilst everyone is up to their eyes in mechs and we have all sorts of things for the Mechs the part of the Warrior has been missed completely. So people should be able to create their own pilot.
A pilot should have its own skill tree (to replace a some of the mech tree). So that there is a reason to own multiple pilots. The skill tree should be short and easy to fill out (see death).
Pilot should be the thing that carries the loyalty to a house, or clan etc.
You should be able to own multiple pilots. Whilst the first would be free and if you want more they should cost like mechbays.
Obviously you would get paid for cosmetics as an additional revenue stream.
When your mech is destroyed in a game that has multiple spawns then you control the pilot and must return to the re-spawn point. Added game play in avoiding being killed and also killing the pilots of downed mechs.
Death (not going to apply to quick play): If your pilot is killed then the progress in the skill tree is lost and you are out of the current game and must make a new pilot (with the option to clone the last one but without the experience). This will make bailing on a mech something that you do to protect the pilot and gives a reason to eject.
Have achievements and rewards for long lived pilots. It should be expected that pilots will die often.
New Game Mode
This would probably run under something like community warfare, but doesn't have to replace it.
Drop in and drop out game for control of a planet over multiple maps. This would be between 2 or more factions. The maps would have control points that you had to capture in a certain order (like an advancing line of engagement). You can re-spawn in as many times as you like. This would be where pilot death would work well and the having to return from the front to re-spawn would be the penalty for loss of a mech and the loss of pilot XP would be the cost for death of the pilot.
You might have to select mechs before starting the game and additional slots over and above say 4 could be purchased, like buying more space on a drop ship.
A planet would be multiple maps that once one map is completely conquered you progress on to the next. once all the maps are conquered by one faction then that faction gets the planet.
You can add in re-spawn score as an entire thing for added meta gameplay. But I haven't really thought about that.
Have bots in game to fill in when there are low numbers and to provide cannon fodder to newer players. It would also make the drop in and drop out game mode workable for equalizing the teams.
They don't have to be super clever and a bit of cheating would be ok to make them challenging.
Firstly accept it is never going to be perfect.
Also removing pin point accuracy whilst moving (standing still would be pin point) would be helpful in achieving balance and reducing the alpha warriors goal of most damage to a single spot in the shortest time. So cone of fire (like there is in every first person shooter) or convergence would help.
Posted 15 October 2020 - 11:18 AM
Posted 15 October 2020 - 05:04 PM
Hydraden, on 15 October 2020 - 11:18 AM, said:
After awhile, you get used to the skill tree and actually appreciate how much it allows you to further customize the way a mech performs beyond it's built-in quirks. What exactly don't you like about it?
Edited by DAEDALOS513, 15 October 2020 - 09:40 PM.
Posted 15 October 2020 - 05:33 PM
DAEDALOS513, on 15 October 2020 - 05:04 PM, said:
I love it. It's a mess, but it makes it like pseudo-quirks.
Ammo/Ton skills are useful especially to the lights.
Posted 15 October 2020 - 09:07 PM
Posted 15 October 2020 - 09:13 PM
Posted 16 October 2020 - 05:20 AM
blackbullitt, on 15 October 2020 - 09:13 PM, said:
You know who SHOULD get paid? All of us who supported a game we NEVER SAW!!!
You know what I would be satisfied with? If Russ, and the members of his team who said they wanted to do the game I wanted to play and it never happened, were TRULY remorseful, CONTINUALLY remorseful, and actually built THAT game. That would be satisfying.
Then, do you know HOW YOU WOULD GET PAID? By inviting friends and family to a game you're proud to play, a game that DOES NOT make a mockery of BattleTech but supports and works from that lore and all of the wonderful tools built for the sake of unit and resource management, a game you're not ASHAMED of sharing with other people, because THEN you would have so many people in the queue that you would NEVER wont for a game/match.
Still, you feel entitled to be paid, whether through C-Bills, MC, or cash -you didn't specify- because you're waiting for a match?! Give me a break. Hang on, I'll go get your participation trophy.
Posted 16 October 2020 - 07:32 AM
Let the faction camouflages collect points in every game mode
(a mech with the faction livery, e.g. Steiner, collects points for Steiner in every game mode, so you then have a chance to reach the upper ranks, since FP is almost dead)
So you also have a reason to buy the camouflages of the factions.
Translate by Google.
Edited by BS 1893 CH, 16 October 2020 - 07:33 AM.
Posted 16 October 2020 - 07:35 AM
BS 1893 CH, on 16 October 2020 - 07:32 AM, said:
Let the faction camouflages collect points in every game mode
(a mech with the faction livery, e.g. Steiner, collects points for Steiner in every game mode, so you then have a chance to reach the upper ranks, since FP is almost dead)
So you also have a reason to buy the camouflages of the factions.
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Seeing everyone in the same camos will get boring fast.. part of the charm or uniqueness of this game is that you can personalize each of your mechs.. instead it should be a cockpit item that you place.. make it affordable enough that you can buy for many mechs.. like 50-100mc.
Edited by DAEDALOS513, 16 October 2020 - 07:36 AM.
Posted 16 October 2020 - 08:13 AM
or when buying any camouflage you can simply choose which faction you want to collect points for.
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Posted 16 October 2020 - 09:01 AM
BS 1893 CH, on 16 October 2020 - 08:13 AM, said:
or when buying any camouflage you can simply choose which faction you want to collect points for.
Translate by google
.. even better.. make these faction point boosters rewards for events.. this game definitely needs a greater variety of event prizes. Better yet, make them tiered so you can level them up.. something I’ve noticed in other games... they use a wide variety of prizes to keep people playing....
Edited by DAEDALOS513, 16 October 2020 - 09:03 AM.
Posted 16 October 2020 - 09:37 AM
Threat Doc, on 16 October 2020 - 05:20 AM, said:
You know who SHOULD get paid? All of us who supported a game we NEVER SAW!!!
You know what I would be satisfied with? If Russ, and the members of his team who said they wanted to do the game I wanted to play and it never happened, were TRULY remorseful, CONTINUALLY remorseful, and actually built THAT game. That would be satisfying.
Then, do you know HOW YOU WOULD GET PAID? By inviting friends and family to a game you're proud to play, a game that DOES NOT make a mockery of BattleTech but supports and works from that lore and all of the wonderful tools built for the sake of unit and resource management, a game you're not ASHAMED of sharing with other people, because THEN you would have so many people in the queue that you would NEVER wont for a game/match.
Still, you feel entitled to be paid, whether through C-Bills, MC, or cash -you didn't specify- because you're waiting for a match?! Give me a break. Hang on, I'll go get your participation trophy.
Calm down Doc, and heal thyself...!
Posted 16 October 2020 - 02:49 PM
Posted 16 October 2020 - 03:00 PM
Threat Doc, on 16 October 2020 - 05:20 AM, said:
You know who SHOULD get paid? All of us who supported a game we NEVER SAW!!!
You know what I would be satisfied with? If Russ, and the members of his team who said they wanted to do the game I wanted to play and it never happened, were TRULY remorseful, CONTINUALLY remorseful, and actually built THAT game. That would be satisfying.
Then, do you know HOW YOU WOULD GET PAID? By inviting friends and family to a game you're proud to play, a game that DOES NOT make a mockery of BattleTech but supports and works from that lore and all of the wonderful tools built for the sake of unit and resource management, a game you're not ASHAMED of sharing with other people, because THEN you would have so many people in the queue that you would NEVER wont for a game/match.
Still, you feel entitled to be paid, whether through C-Bills, MC, or cash -you didn't specify- because you're waiting for a match?! Give me a break. Hang on, I'll go get your participation trophy.
You don't remember ghost drop rewards? They should bring those back actually..
Posted 16 October 2020 - 03:32 PM
Lance McRaven, on 16 October 2020 - 02:49 PM, said:
Only trouble with some of these are where they cross tech trees (Mauve Wolf's Thunderbolt very likely had Clan tech weapons on it). That said, any time the Clans are on the defensive, they're much more likely to have had Annihilators, and the attacking Inner Sphere forces most certainly had none, unless they hired Wolf's Dragoons to come along...
Posted 17 October 2020 - 02:45 AM
A lot of game modes feel like „Killing the opposition and care about objectives afterwards“ (if at all). While I understand that the general mech combat is the central source of joy MWO provides, making a lot / most of the game modes feel like some sort of skirmish makes the gameplay experience feel somewhat „interchangeable“.
While I am kinda unsure, if such ideas are on the table anyhow and the following proposals are most likely flawed in terms of their applicabilty, may be some of the more experienced / tech-savy community members are able to think these „work in progress ideas“ through and properly refine them to some sort or – in case they are not viable at all – dismiss them totally if these thoughts ain’t viable at all.
Main focus should be on a more diverse gameplay experience in between game modes without sacrificing the central element of mech combat and too much work on the coding-side.
- Protect the Prototype / protect the MobileHQ
Rebrand the former VIP-mode into a „Protect the Prototype“ or „Protect the MobileHQ“ kinda mission, in which a random player controls a heavily armored but very close range or very lackluster (high risk, high reward gameplay) weaponized version of a mech (with global ECM) that needs to get into an extraction zone / or an installation alive.
Ye could even implement this Prototype to be a version of a soon to be released chassis / hero mech for a limited timeframe (like 1 week pre-release). Else make it some sort of a slow but heavily armored MobileHQ (movement and minor weapons controlled via a gun-turret somewhat similar to a mech-turret, so no insane amounts of coding are required).
If I recall correctly former VIP mode had maps being dotted with minor turrets and capturable ECM-nodes all over the place. Those generally have not been much more than a nuisance for most mechs though. How about replacing them with some sort of more heavily guarded and defendable intel-points kinda denying certain areas of the map by firepower and damage taken if you just pass it. Conquering the first provides 1 true and 4 false positions of the VIP on the minimap, second provides 1 true and 2 false and last provides the true position). The more of these intel points you take, the more power the Prototype / MobileHQ has to redirect into his ECM-module and therefore it is slowed down (use some leg-modificators here).
Posted 17 October 2020 - 05:48 AM
Retooling the mode slightly to make the VIP a mobile capture objective for the attackers might help.
Posted 17 October 2020 - 06:41 AM
The balance to this, and the strategy, is that the movement speed and repair time of the MFB should be such that there is not time to repair more than 6 'mechs before you miss the extraction window, so you have to ration the repairs. Conversely, you could attempt to make a mad dash to the extraction zone and get the MFB out early, or could take a super long route away from the enemy team to keep the MFB safe.
Unfortunately, placing any kind of destination structure on the map will highlight the destination to the enemy team, and they'll merely need to camp outside it.
The attackers objective, as always, is simply to destroy the MFB's, and the MFB's should not be some super-tanky, impossible-to-kill behemoth like the original VIP Atlas was. That way, you either keep on the move to stay safe, or you stop for repairs and hope the MFB doesn't take too much damage.
Oh, and there shouldn't be any fixed emplacements on the battlefield. The ability to repair is advantage enough for the defending team.
Posted 17 October 2020 - 11:42 AM
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