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Future Of Mwo Ngngtv Podcast

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#21 Hellfire666


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 05:14 AM

A lot of big talk we have all heard before. Faction Play ring a bell?

We are going to overhaul it and fix it properly!

Proceed to make small changes and go - meh good enough.

I'll believe it when I see it and going by PGI's past track record, I wouldn't get your hopes up. They basically just admitted they got the IP renewed for 5 years and wasted the 1st year and STILL don't have any kind of real plan.

#22 Beorning


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 05:15 AM

lumberyard is what amazon stole from cry engine.

Real question is did PGI hire some coders or just more ideas guys. Who gives a **** what engine they use when it will be shoddy and half-assed filled with the most punitive ideas that pass for game play.

Ya, happy thoughts.

#23 TheFallOfTheReaper


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 05:16 AM

bruh, twenty of you are all that even bothered to respond? Or are the 20 the ones who still care? Who is actually left? I got on last week, and waited and HOUR for solo queue...... fix literally anything before "Crossplay" or any other nonsense, or this game and series probably die with pgi.

#24 C337Skymaster


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 06:31 AM

View PostTheFallOfTheReaper, on 08 October 2020 - 05:16 AM, said:

bruh, twenty of you are all that even bothered to respond? Or are the 20 the ones who still care? Who is actually left? I got on last week, and waited and HOUR for solo queue...... fix literally anything before "Crossplay" or any other nonsense, or this game and series probably die with pgi.

An hour wait for QP?! What time of day, and what region? I know I've seen the QP queue drop to near zero once or twice, but it usually fills up enough to drop within a couple of minutes...

As for the 20 of us, we're the 20 loudmouths who have more hot air than our lungs can contain. :) The real discussion is going on over on the original announcement post.



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Posted 08 October 2020 - 06:42 AM

Could someone, please, transcript the key numbers about population and budget around minute 20 of the podcast?

My hearphone and english are not good enough (shame on me) but I'm sure it's something valuable to have in this thread and in tdiscussion.

#26 ERescue


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 07:37 AM

@RRAMIREZ: If I made it out correctly, about 10 000 unique players (accounts?) per day and about 40 000 unique players (accounts?) over a course of a month.

#27 Thorqemada


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 08:05 AM

That is an average of 416.x players per Hour or less than 20 matches any give time at average - ofc here are peaks and lows but it sounds better than it is.

The money spend per player figures are impressive though!

Edited by Thorqemada, 08 October 2020 - 08:06 AM.

#28 Ruediger Steiner


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 08:11 AM

View PostERescue, on 08 October 2020 - 07:37 AM, said:

@RRAMIREZ: If I made it out correctly, about 10 000 unique players (accounts?) per day and about 40 000 unique players (accounts?) over a course of a month.

Maybe 4 years ago ...
In would delusion do these people live? No, wrong question. What substances in what amount do they offer at PGI headquarters?
We had a comeback at the beginning of the year (still no clue why), from 10.000 to 17.500 per season. We are now back to 14.000.
40.000 per month ... sure ...
Believing you still have 40.000 unique players per month is like believing your events are well done and MW5 is a perfect game and the best Mechwarrior we ever had. Oh ... wait ...



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Posted 08 October 2020 - 08:36 AM

Thx ERescue and Thorqemada

View PostThorqemada, on 08 October 2020 - 08:05 AM, said:

The money spend per player figures are impressive though!

even if you could have transcripted the numbers ^^

Edited by RRAMIREZ, 08 October 2020 - 08:39 AM.

#30 LordNothing


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 09:08 AM

View Postblighty, on 07 October 2020 - 11:09 PM, said:


MWO + UNREAL ENGINE + CROSSPLAY PC/XSX/PS5 That is the only future where this succeeds, crossplay enables everything because of population (real faction play ideas, real working match maker) then move to unreal gives you a technical pathway you are already on, that makes sense for NG Console.

You MUST seriously consider making this in the new engine and as a crossplay title. I think its the only way to make this work.

keep in mind that ms owns the ip. one of the conditions is that they dont launch on non ms platforms like linux, or other people's consoles.

#31 Ruediger Steiner


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 09:13 AM

okay, 17 minutes into the video and i have to stop before i punsh a hole into my monitor.
Russ talking a lot and saying nothing.
After 4 minutes he misses the monthly "beer meeeting" at PGI.
After 7 minutes he talks about how drunk he was with Sean Lang.
After 16 minutes he talks about how they wanted to see if the community would still support the game.
To see what the community is interested in.
Come up with a plan and get the community behind that plan ... that´s where i had a "year of the faction play" flash back and stopped the video.

#32 Darkhorse13Golf


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 10:19 AM

View PostK4I 4LL4RD LI4O, on 08 October 2020 - 01:58 AM, said:

Event with fast firering Balistics, double speed Urby...this is not Fortnite! Matt go home your drunk.
Your priorities should be:
1. More Maps for Gameplay value
2. Balancing Mechs so it is fun to play them all again looking at you Executioner and Nightstar.
3. Balancing Skill tree system cause a newbie with 0 Skillpoints on his mech is just canonfodder.
4. Classic Mechs like Crusader, Wasp, Stinger, Macky because we carry those mechs in our hearts.
5. Events that are actully fun to play and not the omnipresent get 5000 dmg with weapon xyz.
6. Insert new Gamemechanics like Melee, Actually jumping Assaults, Death from above, Ramming and collisiondmg.

Thats only my 5 cents on how to improve the game. And I am sure if the game is good player will come back and money will start flowing again cause people like to pay for good stuff, not for half done thing that are patched into olivion every 4 weeks.

HEY! I like my Nightstar, lol.

#33 Hellfire666


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 10:28 AM

View PostWishmast3r, on 08 October 2020 - 09:13 AM, said:

okay, 17 minutes into the video and i have to stop before i punsh a hole into my monitor.
Russ talking a lot and saying nothing.
After 4 minutes he misses the monthly "beer meeeting" at PGI.
After 7 minutes he talks about how drunk he was with Sean Lang.
After 16 minutes he talks about how they wanted to see if the community would still support the game.
To see what the community is interested in.
Come up with a plan and get the community behind that plan ... that´s where i had a "year of the faction play" flash back and stopped the video.

Imagine being a CEO doing a supposedly MAJOR announcement and you start it off with "Man we got so ****** hammered last time!"

oh wait, we don't have to imagine. That is the head of PGI. More worried about getting drunk than his he is about the company.

Nice showing PGI, Well done!

#34 Farix


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 10:39 AM

So tell me, are casual players important enough to pay attention to now? I remember Russ stating back in 2016 that casual players weren't important for PGI to pay attention to since PGI was focusing on turning MWO into an eSprot.

#35 Thorqemada


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 03:12 PM

View PostRRAMIREZ, on 08 October 2020 - 08:36 AM, said:

Thx ERescue and Thorqemada

even if you could have transcripted the numbers ^^

It was about 90 bucks per paying user and is around half of that by now...

#36 -Mean Machine Angel-


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 03:54 PM

LOL words words words words.That all PGI can do.This is just the same old 30-60 days BS.

#37 Magic Pain Glove


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 05:16 PM

If the engine update is on the table . I feel like the resources would be better spent not "porting" but creating a new multiplayer mechwarrior game ( whatever name they decide to give it ) . MWO already has a lot of bad perception around it and I highly doubt that even if we did recieve significant updates to it people would come back . This also gives PGI a possibility to not repeat the same mistakes and start fresh .

I understand the problems associated with this decision , but ultimately I think its a right one .

#38 crazytimes


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 05:49 PM

Instead of worrying about new engines and monetisation... why don't we start small? Drop "solaris" from the official name. It is a vanishingly small portion of the playerbase that ever touch it. A new player dropping in there to get kited by one of the handful of people that play it regularly is a quick recipe to encourage them to try a different game.

#39 eddieb


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 06:05 PM

1) Advance the timeline so that there are
a) New mechs
B) New weapons, new armor types(reflective) , making new builds possible for old mechs
2) Combined arms. Allow tanks/elementals/infantry controlled by ai.
3) Give us something new to spend cbills on. Maybe allow some cosmetics to be purchasable with cbills.
4) Events with meaningful gameplay changes like.... medium mechs only, weapon limits, chassis limits. Change tonnage limits in faction periodically for events to get more mech variety and builds.
5) Solaris awards rework. If sufficient awards were given, more people would play solaris. Make solaris awards more linear, less exponential.
5) Loyalty rewards. Maybe quickplay contributes to faction loyalty. Faction loyalty rewards faction skins.

#40 Al_Bundy


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 07:01 PM

-open the game for mods (cards)

-Let clans conquer planets (bonus for conquered planets)

-Make special camouflages that give bonuses

-PVE events, like in WOWS (for Halloween etc.), with special camouflages as a reward

-Faction game, if too few people are there, uses bots so that the waiting time is not more than 5 minutes

-give each player a base that can be expanded with cbills and bring bonuses (for example: instead of mechbays, mech hangars in the base)

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