AnAnachronismAlive, on 17 October 2020 - 12:04 AM, said:
Don't wanna "whiteknight" PGI here, but after the E-PIG-Deal they / their support communicated pretty openly , there won't be no (additional) steam key coming with the pre-order. So ye had the option to "keep your money" and all the MWO-goodies anyhow ...
Provided you didn't pay with a non refundable payment source... like say paysafe cards.
Anyway, i am not going to give Epic money and i am not going to pay for steam again. I won't be loosing sleep over this. Its PG's choice if they want a chance for my money or not. As things stands.. they won't get any more of my money.. and they will have to put in some work to get some goodwill back, as far as i am concerned.
Edited by IshanDeston, 23 October 2020 - 11:52 AM.