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Pay-To-Win Mechs Maybe?

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#21 ingramli


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Posted 14 October 2020 - 07:54 AM

View PostWarning incoming Humble Dexterer, on 14 October 2020 - 05:07 AM, said:

Increase MC consumption :
- Introduce back MC-only advanced consumables (as they used to be).
- Introduce a Premium time bonus such as -5% heat generation.
- Give MC mechs more then 91 skill points.
- Maybe add 1MC to the cost of skill nodes.

Popular MMO games are full Pay To Win, some pull it off by not allowing full groups and splitting the P2W players between both teams, so the players aren't equal but the teams are, and the money generated pays for the updates.

Yeah just do it this way, if i am not going to pay, i will be screwed and quit as a whole, the term "F2P" is a gimmick anyway, the core idea is to make people pay by making them suffer for not paying (which is many so-called "F2P" games are doing), and the reason why i stayed clear from this category of games after a few trials....good luck and have fun, soon enough almost every players who remain active for more than a few weeks would pay....as anyone who don't is asking for misery

Edited by ingramli, 14 October 2020 - 08:03 AM.

#22 Spheroid


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Posted 14 October 2020 - 09:01 AM

They should introduce locked new tech on existing chassis (as timed exclusives) for a period of up to six months to raise money.

Instead of the (S) or (L) label give these variants a (T) or (NT) label for "new tech".

Things like LAC-2/5 and cRAC-2/5 would be simple XML variations of existing code and thus little or no work. If PGI is really cheap they would even delay creating appropriate weapon geometry until after the c-bill release, it wouldn't phase me.

Other interesting tech could include inferno SRMs or hardened and ferro-lamellor armors. Likewise structural tech like composite and endo-composite can be added with minor work. Alteration of structural damage taken is already present with machine gun damage. That fragility attribute would simply be applied to all weapons against composite.

There is historical precedence. When rolled out I believe ECM was initially locked to the Raven-3L prior to the Commando-2D being retrofitted. Obviously the game survived.

Edited by Spheroid, 14 October 2020 - 09:34 AM.

#23 Nightbird


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Posted 14 October 2020 - 09:22 AM

I think new tech should go to it's own thread.

#24 dario03


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Posted 14 October 2020 - 11:37 AM

View PostWarning incoming Humble Dexterer, on 14 October 2020 - 05:07 AM, said:

Increase MC consumption :
- Introduce back MC-only advanced consumables (as they used to be).
- Introduce a Premium time bonus such as -5% heat generation.
- Give MC mechs more then 91 skill points.
- Maybe add 1MC to the cost of skill nodes.

Popular MMO games are full Pay To Win, some pull it off by not allowing full groups and splitting the P2W players between both teams, so the players aren't equal but the teams are, and the money generated pays for the updates.

Popular MMO games also have a lot of people playing them so they can handle people leaving over p2w. MWO's small population can't handle a bunch of people leaving over p2w.

#25 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 14 October 2020 - 02:15 PM

if the game became pay to win they would have even fewer players all those MMO's you talk about are mostly PVE games as well pay to win in a f2p PVP game is just asking for trouble.

as for you suggestions

-this one works fine got no real problem with it
-no its more of the pay to win crap, though premium could use something else to make it more attractive (not sure what as i haven't spent much on this game. a little for some mech bays in my early days but thats it, i'm on Vet Benefits and don't have much if any spending cash) perhaps allow an extra consumable slot or carry an extra on in each slot might work.
-again no more pay to win
-and absolute no tying progression to spending money is always a bad call. yes buffs that speed up progression are fine but making it so you can't progress at all unless you spend money is always absurd in a f2p model. might as well go back to the subscription service (that would likely murder the game outright.)

#26 General Solo


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Posted 15 October 2020 - 06:43 PM

Match making is so bad I doubt many could win in their pay to win mechs.

#27 w0qj


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Posted 15 October 2020 - 08:54 PM

One "mild" version of P2W where MWO gets more revenue is to add defensive power to your existing mechs:

For real life cash: add the ability to add one(1) additional AMS to your existing mech at the torso of your choice (Head/RT/CT/LT/LA/RA).

This is on top of the normally allowed AMS number already allowed on your mech.
Therefore little or no play balancing would be involved for MWO, right?

eg: Timber Wolf: By adding the only AMS choice (TBR-C LT-OmniPod with AMS + Missile hardpoint), I'm also stuck with mandatory missile hardpoint, which may be undesirable should I go for full energy or full ballastic weapon build.

***I would be willing to pay real world cash for this feature, for each and every mech chassis/variant that I frequently play!

Edited by w0qj, 15 October 2020 - 10:00 PM.

#28 ingramli


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Posted 15 October 2020 - 09:52 PM

View Postw0qj, on 15 October 2020 - 08:54 PM, said:

One "mild" version of P2W where MWO gets more revenue is to add defensive power to your existing mechs:

For real life cash: add the ability to add one(1) additional AMS to your existing mech at the torso of your choice (Head/RT/CT/LT/LA/RA).

This is on top of the normally allowed AMS number already allowed on your mech.
Therefore little or no play balancing would be involved for MWO, right?

eg: Timber Wolf: By adding the only AMS choice (TBR-C LT-OmniPod with AMS + Missile hardpoint), I'm also stuck with mandatory missile hardpoint, which may be undesirable should I go for full energy or full ballastic weapon build.

***I would be willing to pay real world cash for this feature, for each and every mech chasis/variant that I frequently play!

If player who don't pay for this real money buff have to play against those who paid for, it is a obvious p2w in a pvp game, no way for me and many to play MWO, unless those who don't pay have a choice to opt-out playing against those paid players.

#29 The6thMessenger


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Posted 15 October 2020 - 10:19 PM

View Postingramli, on 15 October 2020 - 09:52 PM, said:

If player who don't pay for this real money buff have to play against those who paid for, it is a obvious p2w in a pvp game, no way for me and many to play MWO, unless those who don't pay have a choice to opt-out playing against those paid players.

Well, that depends really.

MWO is quite lenient with the idea of P2W, since the mechs that are MCed are quite achievable considering their constant events -- or at least it was before. Honestly the hero mechs i only ever bought was the K9 and Kaiju, everything else, my Purifier, my Cougar, my Gray Death, Pakhet, Black Widow, Ultraviolet, etc -- those was Event MC bought during Hero Sales.

#30 Pseudo98


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Posted 15 October 2020 - 10:38 PM

It's a shame players can buy skill points but not actual skill.

#31 Curccu


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Posted 16 October 2020 - 06:14 AM

View PostKodyn, on 14 October 2020 - 02:49 AM, said:


You are tier1 & 82% percentile player so not bad, maybe not great but over 4/5 of this games players are worse than you.
clearly you can aim somewhat or you wouldn't kill anything with dakka or lazorboat.

#32 Warning incoming Humble Dexterer


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Posted 16 October 2020 - 03:39 PM

My issue with MWO's FP is :
- Because it's not P2W, there's a lack of finance for constant updates.
- Allowing full groups of up to 12 FP players, for free, makes the FP matches even more unbalanced and unfun then in a P2W game.

So you don't get the benefits of a P2W game (more updates), and even less the benefits of a F2P game (more fair and fun challenging matches) : PGI has invented a F2W model : Free to Win.

I'm saying the FP full groups do a better job chasing everyone else out (starting with new players), then paying for the updates that would make the ungrouped players they keep stomping stay.

#33 Anjian


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Posted 17 October 2020 - 05:45 AM

View PostWarning incoming Humble Dexterer, on 14 October 2020 - 05:07 AM, said:

Popular MMO games are full Pay To Win, some pull it off by not allowing full groups and splitting the P2W players between both teams, so the players aren't equal but the teams are, and the money generated pays for the updates.

That's War Robots' MO. Making the whales suffer a more than 50% loss rate makes them open their wallets further.

Edited by Anjian, 17 October 2020 - 05:46 AM.

#34 Sjorpha


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Posted 17 October 2020 - 07:36 AM

Please no, pay to win options should not be part of MWO.

Also new mechs shouldn't be the focus of the immediate future. Game has more than enough mechs already and the development bias towards just pumping out new mechs has been a huge problem throughout MWO:s history, what's needed is and has always been other types of substantial content.

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