Monkey Lover, on 31 October 2020 - 01:31 PM, said:
You have no faith in your teammates and lot of the team is worthless. Right back to my point, the games are bad because the people playing this game are bad.
Yes, that's correct.
Monkey Lover, on 31 October 2020 - 01:31 PM, said:
I play with a small group i can trust them 100%. If I go somewhere stupid they will go with me and we might die but it will be fun. If I yell i need help they will come back . If a push is called we push.
You establishing that between a small group of friends is very different from 11 other people who often barely have the ability to walk and shoot at the same time.
Monkey Lover, on 31 October 2020 - 01:31 PM, said:
A team game without trust is not worth playing. It's really looking like the people who made this game fun are now basically gone.
Sure, mostly. That has to do with skill level. I can't trust 11 other people of varying, and sometimes very poor skill level to do much to help themselves, each other or me. Not because I don't want to, but because time and time again it's proven fruitless.
Many times in the past I played group queue or even FP with large teams and no one said much at all. Why? Because everyone trusted each other to be competent enough. Easy wins with little communication (other than going up against other sweaty teams) because we all knew each others' skill level. If some guy was off in a corner farming with ac2s, it was usually fine because they were probably carrying their weight. And if they got bounced and called it out, I'd be happy to come and help because I knew they wouldn't just get blapped without a fight or use me to abscond such that I am now the focus of 3 mechs.
Trust in this case is earned and frankly, the way games go these days...Yeah, most people are far far away from earning it.