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Monday Mechwarrior Update With Daeron #02

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#121 Mothykins


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 09:54 AM

View PostAlreech, on 10 November 2020 - 09:25 AM, said:

If PGI want's to have a 2nd grinding mechanic in the game besides grinding C-Bills: add Knock downs after critical hit to Gyro & Hip and add piloting skill checks. Add Pilots with skill levels (for the piloting skill check) & ranks (for access to UAV, Airstrike, ect....).

I think focusing the current system is more important then adding too much more. Plus this gives a straight buff by training up a pilot over training up a mech - It's just a second skill tree. I understand that it's got the fluff of being 'Oh, My pilot is real good, look." but... MWO's UI already has menu fever. The game needs to have subsystems pulled back and looked at critically, not just more tacked on at this point.

#122 K19


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 10:16 AM

"Remove Time of Day Change in Matches (FPS hit)" Posted Image Posted Image

Hello. I don't think that's the problem Posted Image . The maps have this filters and can make fps change.Posted Image But wasn't it easier to check the code? For when a binge on the "Portal" for APU Posted Image that causes resolution to choose "low-medium-high" as a defult. If game is available for more PCs but players appear for example the 2010 definition. Thanks for trying Force.Posted Image

#123 Fae Puka


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 10:19 AM

Throw the idea of 8v8 or 12v12 to the vote, enable the 8v8 if enough interest, but make the group sizing electable as you already do with server location/QP/FW choices.

Some experienced players may well enjoy 8v8, but the potential for a crushing defeat increases if 2 x 4 pre-mades drop against lower tiers and is even more likely to drive newer/casual players away; allow the 12v12 to support developing players or pure casuals where the drop is more likely to last longer and everyone gets something out of the match or where people just want to play for fun.

However, that said, the list of changes/proposals looks very promising - just deliver and I know I'll be continuing to contribute cash to the game for a few more years.

#124 Mothykins


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 10:56 AM

View PostMummyPig, on 10 November 2020 - 10:19 AM, said:

Throw the idea of 8v8 or 12v12 to the vote, enable the 8v8 if enough interest, but make the group sizing electable as you already do with server location/QP/FW choices.

Some experienced players may well enjoy 8v8, but the potential for a crushing defeat increases if 2 x 4 pre-mades drop against lower tiers and is even more likely to drive newer/casual players away; allow the 12v12 to support developing players or pure casuals where the drop is more likely to last longer and everyone gets something out of the match or where people just want to play for fun.

From past experience 8v8 actually generally decreases TTK by a massive margin and reduces high swing games. Not having 12 mechs instantly melt your face off if you make a bad peek allows players to actually learn and be more aggressive, instead of being taught to hide and wait for some other fool to expose and get melted.

On the premade thing... You're not getting away from that, honestly, but I often wonder how much it matters. The game's in year seven and I see veteran players who appear to be aiming with the arrow keys instead of a mouse. No amount of team co-ordination can help that. Been running solo and have yet to really encounter a majority group vs all solo game in the last 100 drops, so your example feels a lot like an extreme that's pretty rare.

#125 Prince V


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 11:04 AM

First let me say that I appreciate you Daeron, your devotion to the Battletech brand and this game, as well as your candor and enthusiasm in approaching this task.
And to PGI, I see this as an effort on your part and a good start. Asking for help is rarely easy to do, same with taking a hard look at your self/product/etc.
The both of you are going to hear a lot of things, as I'm sure you're already aware, that're less than polite, but I urge you to not lose your nerve in the face of it all. Even venom(mostly) comes from a place of care that's been corrupted by frustration... but if they still care enough to post, they (again, mostly) still care. So please try to focus on that fact as the feedback mounts and, inevitably, varies in it's tone.

With that out of the way, lets get down to it. My suggestions are thus:

1. Ghost heat needs a serious revision. It is/was a clunky, awfully complex, and symptomatic-treatment "solution" to a bigger, deeper problem. I once heard a quote "A complex machine/solution is the mark of a bad engineer." I.E. you should strive for a simple, elegant solution rather than a large messy/clunky one. Ghost Heat is the Rube Goldberg device of solutions; a complex and arbitrary list of rules that requires an external resource to fully see/understand, with ever-shifting values and rules based on whack-a-mole balancing born by players simply shifting to the next most effective loadout/grouping etc. As long as boating, group-fire, pinpoint-damage, and projectile speed synching are desirable and beneficial stats/styles to build toward, you will forever be chasing the next iteration and the next and the next as players seek to continually do effectively the same thing, with a different loadout/mech/whatever and then need to balance that.
To that point, I suggest the implementation of a system, spoken of in the past, but ultimately decided against for whatever reason.

1a. Cone of Fire(CoF).
Now I know this got some pushback in the past because of the desire to "keep it skill-based" as far as aiming is concerned, and the aversion to introducing an "RNG" element to the game, but hear me out. The mechanics for CoF deviation are already in the game, you see it every time you fire while jump-jetting. So development cost in time for this should be quite short.
Additionally, it doesn't need to be as pronounced as while JJ'ing, in fact it should be variable. That's the whole point. The bigger the weapons discharge, the more deviation. This is also backed up by lore, iirc, as the Targeting Computer struggles to find firing solutions simultaneously. Speaking of Targeting Computers, this would give purpose to a basically defunct item. In almost no situations ever is a TC more beneficial than bringing several tones more weapons/ammo/heatsinks etc. Let TCs help counteract deviation. This will add another layer to the formula of heat efficiency vs burst damage, ammo weight vs longevity in combat, and so on, and will act as a counterbalance to boating tons(literally, heh) of weapons as players will have to factor in accuracy and effectiveness in bringing them to bare on the OpFor.
Pilots discharging their weapons more slowly also affects Time-To-Kill(TTK) as well as changing the feeling of combat closer to lore, the sense of firing salvos back and fourth in tense combat rather than "Oops I exposed myself at the wrong moment now half my mech is blown off in under a second, guess I'll play the entire rest of the match crippled or just death rush". It also makes peeking/sniping less effective, without abolishing it entirely, and lends itself to the more action-packed, brawling, chaotic playstyle most players say they're missing, rather than a mostly static snipe-fest that contributes to "NASCAR".
In summary, CoF is a resolution/solution to the pinpoint damage meta, burst damage meta, and Time-To-Kill.
It's also a tertiary balance against NASCAR meta, peeking/sniping meta, and unhealthy playstyles like frustration rushing.
All while encouraging a healthier, more exciting and lore-friendly playstyle.

1b. Hardpoints. (ala MW4)
This is a tougher one, as it would require an almost complete overhaul of customization and I realize we're likely too far along for that, but it would be greatly helpful in creating not only diversity in loadouts, but identity in mechs.
I know that Quirks were introduced to address that latter point, but frankly most of them are too small to make a difference, and those that do, approach the danger of creating overpowered loadouts, or a meta of "only this loadout or you're 'wrong'."
It was a good attempt at salvaging the situation, but realistically can anyone actually feel 5% turn speed? Come on.
Unfortunately, as I warned in Alpha, not having hardpoint sizes has created a "Tonnage bucket" feeling with many chassis, with meta loadouts being used by so many, and across various chassis, they all feel quite similar in performance and combat. (This is exacerbated by a lack of weapon diversity relative to chassis diversity, but that's a later point.)
As funny as an "AC20 Raven" is, we all know it's absurd to shove a battleship-sized cannon where a Machinegun barrel used to be. Likewise, taking a cannon of that size out and being told you can only fit a single, tiny MG in that same space, is silly.
Some mechs (mostly Clan) skirted this issue by using "baked in" internals to limit weapon sizes, like the Kit Fox torsos being too small for Autocannons, and that somewhat sidestepped the logic and balance issues, but most mechs don't do this.

2. Quirks
If the ideas in 1b are not implemented for whatever reason, I propose an alternative; a way to improve Quirks.
Many people have expressed a desire for a "stock only" playlist/mode, mostly for the reasons of getting away from the meta loadouts and/or to get closer to a lore-like experience.
I suggest encouraging stock loadouts by way of heavily quirking them across the board, either by adding specific quirks for remaining stock, or removing existing quirks for deviating from it.
It's a bold idea, I know, and a difficult one; there's quite a gap in performance between stock and custom, but I believe it could be done "right".
Additionally, the changes proposed in 1a would greatly diminish that gap by reducing the benefit of meta/boat builds in the first place, which would also narrow the gap between newer players and stock mechs and veterans with custom/meta builds.
In summary; more diversity, closer to lore, healthier new-player experience.

3. Weapons and/or Armor
In an effort to add both diversity to the game, as well as another layer of strategic complexity, I would like to see more weapons and armor choices added. Ferro isn't bad, but it's just a weight trade-off. I'd like to see Reflective and Reactive armors added, each offering a bonus against beam/ballistic weaponry respectively.
This will allow players to build to their strengths; For example, a light running Reflective armor to maximize it's defense against it's main weakness, beams. Assaults might chose to run Reactive armor to mitigate the heavy-hitting autocannon fire they couldn't hope to dodge. But most of all, it would further discourage boating as you might be heavily penalized 1v1 against someone holding the metaphorical 'rock' armor to your 'scissors' weaponry.
Speaking of weaponry, there are many weapons in lore that could offer a welcome break from the meta. X-pulse lasers (continuous fire with heat ramp?) or Plasma Cannons (A PPC with Flamer effects, anyone?). Others offer strategic options; wanna see NASCAR stop? Implement mines. >_>
MW:O has barely scratched the surface of the awesome weapons of lore, and if implemented properly, each can offer new opportunities for playstyles, strategy, diversity, specialization, and balance/counter-balance.

4. AMS.
The LRM debate and balance debacle? One. Easy. Fix.
Right now, AMS and LRMs are 'balanced' in a 'war of escalation' style, this encourages boating of either system and an unhealthy feast-or-famine performance; Either AMS>LRMs and they're useless, or LRMs>AMS and you get a miserable static game of cowering for your life in cover.
But what if it didn't have to be like that? What if AMS and LRMs could both be effective in equal measure, and bringing a single AMS or a single LRM5 didn't feel useless?
What if... instead of AMS destroying a set number of missiles from each volley, it destroyed a percentage?
I give you.... Flak AMS, a system that increases in functionality in proportion to the prevalence of LRMs, while simultaneously not negating them entirely in small numbers.
Mind blown, right? The rest is up to you. Make all AMS work that way? Make it another type? Make them both equippable at once or not? That's up to you. You look at the idea, the numbers, test them, look at the statistics, etc. That's your thing.

5. Information Warfare.
If my section about CoF didn't make someone bristle, this probably will. This term has been thrown around countless times, and each time PGI over-promised and under-delivered. Lets see a use for the C3 system. Lets see a use for BAP besides being an ECM foil. Lets see active/passive radar.
Lets see...
-BAP being the only way to get an enemy mech's weapons loadout, then see that information disseminated by a C3 master/slave system across it's lance, and/or other lances.
-ECM scramble weapons locks, or throw out garbage data, or false-flag locks that make LRMers second-guess their targets.
-C3 systems required to share locks and spotting data.
How about an IFF jammer that makes you appear neutral to both sides, or mechs running passive radar for an ambush.
There's so many interesting and awesome opportunities here just sitting by the wayside. Lets give them their time to shine.

6. Consumables
Outside of a rebalance of these entirely, I'd like to see more diversity. Air/Arty are good, and UAV is a nice tool and can fit in with the idea above. But what else? I'd really like to see a mine drop, a scrambler beacon, a diversionary beacon, smoke screen... and those are just the easy ones.
How about a little PvE mixed in? How about a couple light vehicles or air units? A few attack VTOLs flying in from the edge of the map to a designated point or a few hovercraft/tanks dropped off by a dropship? Maybe the Clans could call in a Point of Elementals. Even a static turret emplacement drop. They could have middling armor, say just ten points on the air units, or 5 on the Elementals, but how awesome would it be to call in actual air support, or watch the chaos in the enemy ranks as little power armors jump around taking potshots at them?
Static turrets have been in the game, as have non-static assets like dropships. It's not impossible to have something like this, and it would add another layer of awesome to the game.
Additionally, Coolshots need to be removed, as they allow players to supersede the already tenuous balance of heat/cooling/DPS efficiency in brawling.

7. Match balance/ELO
I'm not sure how much can be done here with MW:O's already dwindling playerbase, but the number one thing that drove me away from this game were the atrociously balanced games. Maybe one out of five games wasn't a landslide victory/loss, and in almost every single game, you had upwards of 50% of both teams with <100 damage and 1-2 players with upwards of 1000 damage. Now I know that TTK is partially responsible for this, but when you're spectating players that can't hit a mech <200m in front of themselves, or are firing LRMs under their range, or standing there repeatedly firing Med Las at 800m... it becomes quite obvious that sheep are being thrown into the lion's den.
The skill matching system is either woefully ineffective at it's job, or there simply aren't enough players in the queue to create balanced matches without upping the queue time into unacceptable levels. I'm not sure which of those it is, and obviously nothing much can be done about one of them other than fixing up the game and hoping people come back/join up... but if there's anything that can be done to optimize the skill ranking... it NEEDS to be done.
Landslide victories are as hollow as landslide losses are frustrating, and Vets are just as fed up with both as the newbies that're having an awful time getting rolled.

Aside from all that, many of the ideas already listed are great; I especially like the tutorials update, heat management clarity, rescale(Phoenix Hawk, anyone?) and Dailies/Weeklies, which I think would help bring up/back player count and engagement.
However I do not like the laser color cosmetic idea; as fun as it would be to have, it would deny/remove crucial battlefield awareness. The rest sound great though - I'd pay money to get my Clan Commander voice a throat lozenge, he sounds in desperate need of one.

To be honest though, this really all comes down to follow-through, as many have already said. This isn't the first time PGI has asked for feedback, and it's far from the first time it's been given.
Most of the list you've compiled has been presented to PGI by numerous people, in numerous ways, over several years, both invited and volunteered, along with potential solutions/fixes and suggestions for implementation. The fact it's still on your list speaks to the situation very plainly.
You seem to be doing a great job compiling our feedback and they seem to be, once again, asking for it...
Now we all just need to see action.

-Edit for typos

Edited by Prince V, 11 November 2020 - 01:47 PM.

#126 Alreech


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 11:10 AM

View PostMothykins, on 10 November 2020 - 09:54 AM, said:

I think focusing the current system is more important then adding too much more. Plus this gives a straight buff by training up a pilot over training up a mech - It's just a second skill tree. I understand that it's got the fluff of being 'Oh, My pilot is real good, look." but... MWO's UI already has menu fever. The game needs to have subsystems pulled back and looked at critically, not just more tacked on at this point.

IMHO the current skill system should be removed because it stacks with quirks and put players with new Mechs in a disadvantage.

But this would also remove UAVs/ Airstrikes ect from the game if this part of the skill tree isn't replaced.
Pilot ranks could be such an simpler replacement.

#127 crazytimes


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 11:13 AM

Good work on actually putting something into text.

I'm moderately interested that some meaningful issues may actually get considered. Considered is not the same as actually addressed though.

Spawn points would be an excellent start though.

#128 Alreech


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 11:15 AM

Improve new player experience: add Voice Com to the group screen.

New players are mostly recruited by other players and get the best experience by playing with friends in a group who mentor them, communicating via an external VOIP.

New players without friends playing MWO have the disadvantage to play without mentors. They can use the LFG Lobby to find a group. Not many groups invite players from the LFG because they have to invite them to their private VOIP.

Adding Voice Com to the group screen would make external VOIPs obsolete, and the LFG more useful because you can use the Group Screen VOIP instead of inviting strangers to your TS or Discord.
VOIP channel may be closed if the group doesn’t drop after X minutes to prevent abuse.

#129 Tiamat of the Sea


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 11:16 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 09 November 2020 - 08:48 PM, said:


This needs an added bullet point:
  • Update the Tips that show up on loading screens.
As I said before- I'd rewrite the entire list for you for free to make it accurate. As it is now, the tips are often useless, mostly because they're out of date, wrong, incomplete, or out of date and were wrong or incomplete or both when they were added to the tip list.

Right now the tips are worse than useless, they're nearly all lies. A new player seeing a 'tip' on the screen is liable to believe that tip, and this has a lot of potential to ruin the NPE.

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 09 November 2020 - 08:48 PM, said:

  • Remove Torso Heat Spike Mechanic
Got to weigh in here- the spike itself isn't actually the problem. I've proposed before and would gladly write out again a proposal for Engine critical hits to be a thing in a way that won't break the game's durability system and would make side torso destruction with an LFE or Clan XL engine less overall sudden-deathy as well as allow IS XL engine 'mechs to continue to operate at least some of the time with a side torso missing.

The problem you've got here is the issue of meshing a system that was built to operate with engine critical hits being an actual thing (tabletop) with a method of operating that system (MWO) that decides that engine critical hits are literally impossible. Straight up removing the heat spike would be removing the danger from LFEs and Clan XLs and that should ABSOLUTELY NOT BE YOUR GO-TO SOLUTION.

Like I said in my previous post of stuff to consider, don't do the 'pour on changes with a bucket then remove them with a teaspoon' thing. It's not great.

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 09 November 2020 - 08:48 PM, said:

  • New Community-Driven 'Mech (Community input to new 'Mech chassis choice)
I'm gonna have to say the Crusader is unlikely at best. I love the 'mech too, it's a cool design, but it mounts leg weapons, and those are not something that MWO is set up to handle. The amount of potential friendly fire involved is kind of horrendous.

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 09 November 2020 - 08:48 PM, said:

  • IS Omnimechs / Engine Discussion
These are two separate discussions. Please do not merge them. IS Omnimechs are a thing that exists in the universe, they're a thing we should have had at the same time as Clan non-Omnis were introduced to the game, and they don't step on any toes anywhere because they still use the IS tech base.

None of the engine topics and discussions relate specifically to IS Omnimechs. Please do not confuse topics.

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 09 November 2020 - 08:48 PM, said:

  • Examine Match Scoring (AMS)
AHA! I knew I forgot to mention something last time.

Alright, so listen- right now and going on back through the whole history of MWO, score, C-bill earnings and XP have been predicated either mostly or to a very significant degree on Damage Dealt. This is a significant issue, because Damage Dealt doesn't take into account whether that damage contributed to the destruction of the 'mech. If everyone on your team is shooting at the CT of a 'mech and you shoot the legs, and it dies from CT damage, you did not contribute at all to the death of that 'mech. Same if you shoot an arm up and then someone else tears the side torso out- all that damage you did to the arm is funcitonally wasted, but you get rewarded for it anyways.

I don't think that Damage Dealt should be a non-contributor, but it shouldn't be the largest contributor, and it always has been. Things went in the right direction when rewards for kill assists and tactical things like 'hit and run' were introduced or increased, but AMS stands out as the only existing defensive score contribution, outside of losing less 'mechs in FP mode.

Since getting the computer to recognize when ECM has contributed to defense is probably hideously, prohibitively complicated, I think that reducing AMS score/earnings contribution and adding a benefit for Damage Taken (or even Components Lost) before 'mech death would be a good way to balance out the score situation somewhat and also encourage players to actually engage. You'd want to be careful so as not to put too heavy an onus on, for instance, sniping or fire support, but it would definitely help encourage a more thoughtful and less suicidal set of play methods.

I'm also going to reiterate what should be another bullet point- Something needs to be done to alter or replace Ghost Heat. Make the HSL data very present in the 'mechlab in a way that makes it not just easy to understand but easy to accidentally find or outright just notice. That needs to be done immediately, irrespective of anything else. Then, look at options for changing or replacing it.

Ghost heat or the HSL was added to the game to curb alpha-striking and high-damage volleys and it has unqualifiably failed to do just that. It absolutely needs changing or replacement, it's actually an issue that was more contentious and has had a longer gripe-life than Faction Play. Something needs doing here.

That's all I can think of to add for the moment, I'm sure I'll remember something else eventually.

#130 Alreech


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 11:16 AM

Player experience: use VOIP sub-channels for lances In Game.

At the moment all 12 player of one team are in the same VOIP channel. But in most cases you only have to communicate with the 3 players of your lance, not the whole team. In the worst case talking to one player causes confusion for the other 10 players who don’t need that information.

Use a channel for each team, and in each team channel 3 sub channels for the lances to reduce confusion and enhance coordination:
  • The communication in the lance sub-channel can be done without pressing a key (Voice activation of microphone).
  • The current used VOIP Key can be used for Whisper to channel family to talk to the whole team if needed.

#131 Eurystheus


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 11:18 AM

View Postjvb50m, on 09 November 2020 - 09:28 PM, said:

This is all fine and dandy, but I don't know how we can get many new players in a 8 year old game that still doesn't run well on modern hardware.....

Personally, I feel like it would be better to just do some basic balance changes and possibly find a way to update the game engine.

View Postjvb50m, on 09 November 2020 - 09:28 PM, said:

This is all fine and dandy, but I don't know how we can get many new players in a 8 year old game that still doesn't run well on modern hardware.....

Personally, I feel like it would be better to just do some basic balance changes and possibly find a way to update the game engine.

What issues are you seeing? I'm running very modern hardware (see below) and not seeing any problems at all.

Operating System
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i7 8700K @ 3.70GHz 42 °C
Coffee Lake 14nm Technology
16.0GB Dual-Channel Unknown @ 1199MHz (17-17-17-39)
ASRock Z390 Phantom Gaming 4 (CPUSocket) 42 °C
ROG PG279Q (2560x1440@144Hz)
FHD2400 (1920x1200@59Hz)
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 (ASUStek Computer Inc) 53 °C
953GB INTEL SSDPEKNW010T8 (Unknown (SSD))
953GB INTEL SSDPEKNW010T8 (Unknown (SSD))
Optical Drives
Realtek High Definition Audio

Edited by Eurystheus, 10 November 2020 - 11:23 AM.

#132 Alreech


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 11:19 AM

Game Modes: Clear Attacker / Defender roles

In Assault & Incursion both teams have to Attack & Defense. Often the losing team tried both, splits and get stomped.
Giving the teams clear Attacker or Defender roles allows them to concentrate on one thing, improving coordination of the teams.
  • The Attacker / Defender role should also be used pro forma in game modes like Domination, Skirmish & Conquest to enhance immersion.
  • A dead zone with long timer could be added to the base to prevent the defending team from camping in the base. That timer could be suspended if an enemy is in the base.

Edited by Alreech, 10 November 2020 - 11:19 AM.

#133 Alreech


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 11:24 AM

Map Design: use more MWO Solaris & MW5 assets for better immersion.

Currently both teams are spawned with Leopard Drop Ships or on the map. That doesn’t make much sense, especially if one team or both teams have to defend a base with buildings.
  • Use the Dropship spawns only for the Attacker, and use the Solaris Mech Hangar for the Defender.
  • If the Mechs are spawned directly on the Map (Canyon network) place a Union Dropship from MW5 in the Attackers spawning zone.
  • Use MW5 Tanks as stationary turrets in the spawning zone of Attackers if needed to prevent spawn camping, while using the current MWO Turrets for the Defenders.
  • Use MW5 assets like the Artillery pieces of the upcoming MW5 DLC or the Mobile HQs from MWO Incursion as alternative to the drilling platforms in conquest.
  • Replace the Satellite Dish in Incursion on some maps with a landing field & a grounded Union Dropship.
  • Alternative: “clear the landing zone game mode” with Domination mechanics. If the Attackers wins a Union Dropship lands (use the mechanic from Scouting), if the Defender wins no drop ship arrives.

#134 Alreech


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 11:32 AM

Game Mode: use drop decks in Quickplay to reduce waitng time by remove tonnage & class from match making.

Currently the matchmaker has to handle 3 objectives: balanced tiers, balanced tonnage / class, waiting time. The current "class balancing" is also very crude, it doesn't differ between a 100 ton or 80 ton Assault Mech, and many times the teams are not balanced by class/tonnage at all.

By using drop decks "tonnage / class" could be removed from the matchmaking, leaving only tier balance & waiting time. This should reduce the waiting time and create better balanced teams (by tonnage).

Of course the tonnage and number of Mechs should be lower than in Siege to keep quickplay short. A 3 Mech drop deck with 165 tons max would allow 3x55 tons, or the use of one 100 ton and 2 light Mechs.
This may also remove Nascar and makes winning by fulfilling objectives more important.

Edited by Alreech, 10 November 2020 - 11:33 AM.

#135 Mothykins


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 11:36 AM

View PostAlreech, on 10 November 2020 - 11:10 AM, said:

IMHO the current skill system should be removed because it stacks with quirks and put players with new Mechs in a disadvantage.

But this would also remove UAVs/ Airstrikes ect from the game if this part of the skill tree isn't replaced.
Pilot ranks could be such an simpler replacement.

I actually posted on this. I think that the current 'skill' implementation is bad - It should be a give and take system, yeah?

So you want extra armour? lose heat dissipation (Fluff; You're covering exhaust ports) Want more range? Get more heat.

Gives you a nice neutral when un-skilled, but lets you choose to focus in one direction at the cost of another. Makes you have to think if the upgrade is worthwhile for a build and stops the straight escalation of stats.

#136 Alreech


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 11:39 AM

Game Mode: Group Quickplay should use drop decks and be part of faction warfare to enhance the number of groups in the faction queue.

Situation 2013 - 2019:
  • Most players don’t bother with factions and only want to play with friends. Those have been the players formerly found in the group queue.
  • Due the long waiting times in 2019 many of those players left MWO or tried out faction play or switched to Solo Quickplay & synchro drops.
  • While many liked the respawns the drop decks allow in faction warfare many also disliked the long match time due the 4 Mechs / 265 tons or the map design of siege.
Group play wasn’t perfect:
  • The balance was bad due the different group sizes from 2 – 10.
  • Small group were forced to play Assault Mechs to not waste tonnage, large groups were forced to use medium Mechs or low ton heavy Mechs due tonnage restriction.
  • This kind of balancing didn’t work and create often tonnage imbalance. Uncoordinated Teams of 2 player groups in Assaults were matched sometimes against coordinate 10-12 player groups in fast medium / heavy Mechs.
  • Coordination in the team was good on group level, but on the Team level most times not better than in Solo Quickplay. If your group was smaller than 4 often parts of the lance split off to join their group.
IMHO these things could improve Group Quickplay:
  • Minimum - Maximum group size of 2-4 players with same faction to avoid lance splitting. Solo players could fill up missing players. Matchmaker should put groups of the same unit / faction / allied faction in the same team.
  • Use of drop decks to avoid tonnage imbalance & enforce split between Clan & IS tech. Of course the tonnage and number of Mechs should be lower than in Siege to keep Quickplay short. A 3 Mech drop deck with 165 tons max would allow 3x55 tons, but also the use of one 100 ton and 2 light Mechs.
  • The integration into Faction Warfare would also enhance the number of organized 4 player groups in the Faction Queue, reducing waiting time for match making during a call to arms.



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Posted 10 November 2020 - 11:47 AM

this is also a solution for the future

if they can pull this off it might be a good thing for the battle tech universe

Edited by NAMEUNKOWN, 10 November 2020 - 11:48 AM.

#138 Tamerlin


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 12:00 PM

I'll just focus on the "New Player Experience" list this week.

Change Starting Tier (to 4.5) - Should be done today. I'd start them at Tier 4.9. New players should never see Tier 1s, perhaps not even Tier 2s.

Update Trial 'Mechs - Let's start with the bigger issue: stock mechs are bad. I appreciate PGI using BattleTech Table Top lore values, but lore assumes a turn-based, RNG-to-hit, RNG-hit-location game. No competing game expects the player to completely scrap a new vehicle they just bought and re-configure it from scratch. Every stock mech should be a "champion mech", with a valid build. From there the trial mechs can rotate thru the stock mechs as often as needed.

Increase Cadet Bonus - Competing games work around this by having vehicle tiers; lower tier vehicles are cheaper than higher tier vehicles. MWO does not have vehicle tiers, so costs are static. A brand-new player can buy the most meta mech after only playing MWO two days. Instead of just giving new players more CBills, how about giving them some kind of "mech coupons" that reduce the cost of mechs. And since you are making better stock mechs (see above), players don't need to have such detailed mech configuration knowledge to start with. You can even add such coupons into supply caches, thus rewarding players who play the game often.

Update In-game Tutorial - I like CPT Adams and the Mech Warrior Academy. It gives good mech control basics, but it doesn't give details. For example - firing a gauss is different than firing an A/C, or how some mechs have missile bay doors (See below in the "Wiki" section for comments on game mechanics). You could have a standard survey for new players: "It's been six months, what do you know now that you wish you could have known at the beginning."

Establish New Player Video Tutorials - This is the same thing as "In-game Tutorial" and Mech Warrior Academy. There are plenty of MWO tutorial videos - Kanajashi's are very good. But many are dated. I see this point as being that none are PGI official. Some real thought needs to be put into deciding if it is PGI's job to teach you how to play MWO "correctly". I think in 2020 we can assume that everyone knows how to search for MWO tutorials and videos on YouTube (or elsewhere). I say if the Academy is updated, PGI-produced tutorial videos are not needed.

MWO Discord Channel - I have no issue with this, but do competing games do this? If it's cheap, then go for it.

Update Wiki / Add Wiki Contributors - As a primary Wiki author I have a fair bit to say here. I believe that every game mechanic should be explained by PGI either in the MWO client or MWOmercs. Not in forums, not in Outreach HPG, not in Smurfy's or MechDB. Everything about the game should be in the game - documented, approved and controlled by the game developers.

PGI needs an Information Strategy. What kind of data should in the MWO client, and what should be in MWOmercs/Wiki? As we initially made the Wiki, Kanajashi and I used Daeron as our editor, but we had a very free hand in what to add. We worked on "what do we think is missing"? The Wiki a bit un-updated (my last one was 2019?) as PGI focused on MW5 and MWO was left flapping in the wind starting in 2018.

Going forward, there needs to be an PGI approved Information Editor/Referee, and a change process. Perhaps a permanent forum dealing with information and suggestions. Determine some rules on what kind of information goes where.

Thanks again for this, Daeron. Good luck.

Edited by Tamerlin, 10 November 2020 - 12:32 PM.

#139 Spinning Broccoli


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 12:05 PM

View PostDaeron Katz, on 09 November 2020 - 09:27 PM, said:

Separating solo and group queue is definitely on the table! I think for it to happen though, other things might have to happen first, like for example moving Solaris and Faction Play to being event-based. This would put more players into the Quick Play queue, and potentially allow for a separated solo and group queues. I also think reducing matches to 8v8 could play a part in this. Added it to the list, let's talk about it!

What does Faction Play being event-based mean? I have grown to enjoy the longer range, tactical play of FP more than QP brawling. Hopefully games on FP maps will continue to be available on a normal weekday evening. Considering the extremely long queue times to get a FP game, especially as a pug, they shouldn’t be taking that many players away from QP, right?

Edited by Kurb, 10 November 2020 - 12:05 PM.

#140 GARION26


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 12:18 PM

View PostPeteZonee, on 09 November 2020 - 10:57 PM, said:

This needs to happen ASAP. Definitely before MW5 DLC drops.

Any of the other new player experience items if possible, should be done before MW5 DLC as I'm sure the DLC + Steam Launch will bring new players into MWO as well.

Definitely consider more stuff in the rescale algorithm like 35 ton lights, and some 55 ton mediums being too large. Mechs like the Awesome being too large, etc.

I suggest moving structure and armour quirks to the base mech and making it so the mech details screen separates the skill tree nodes to the mech quirks. This will simplify the quirks and make it easier to understand for new players.

Agree with this and the most important bit of all is fix the Cadets starting Tier ASAP - we have to improve the new player experience there are a number of fixes you are considering to the new Player experience. Starting Tier at 4.5 is presumably by far the easiest from a programming standpoint.

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