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Mechwarrior Online 2021: Monetization

2021 monetization

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#21 Will9761


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 12:33 AM

If there is another thing I want to say when it comes to new mechs, they should be released side-by-side like the Civil War packs with both IS and Clan Mechs for each month. Maybe with the same weight class perhaps? This could be done in a way so each faction doesn't have to wait one at a time.

Like this:
IS - Wasp
Clan - Locust IIC

IS - Valkyrie
Clan - Shadow Hawk IIC

IS - Crusader
Clan - Black Python

IS - Longbow
Clan - Phoenix Hawk IIC

Edited by Will9761, 17 November 2020 - 12:27 PM.

#22 Dogstar


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 12:33 AM

I'd like to see a variety of subscription options with loyalty rewards attached, for maximum monetization it should be tiered to suit all pockets.


$5/month 'weekend warrior' package gets you a small pile of MC, some GSP, and premium time at weekends
$10/month 'mech dad' package gives you more MC/GSP and full time premium with a loyalty mech reward every year
$15/month improves on this with more MC/GSP and a loyalty mech every 6 months
$20/month keeps the same MC/GSP but ups the loyalty mech to every 3 month and includes a discount on store purchases

Obviously these are made up numbers (and probably too cheap...sigh) but you get the idea, make having a subscription worthwhile and a lot of us will be interested

#23 Commander Harrison


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 12:41 AM

I am cool with all the suggestions; except customizable colours for our lasers.
Seeing and knowing the colours of what is shooting at you is part of battlefield strategy. Unlike say mech decals or mech colours that are purely for vanity purposes.

In regards to Premium Time, I have like over 2 months banked and I see no need to activate it. Premium Time is only helpful to newer players who don't have likes 200million c-bills already. So perhaps an "alternate" form of Premium Time should be introduced that even old timers are incentivized to buy it. What would an old timer like me like to see? I don't know... seems like I don't need anything and can effectively play for TOTALLY free. So something ought to be done to help people like me see value and dump some $$$.

#24 Garran Tana


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 01:40 AM

Unit Pattern, once a unit buys a pattern for itself (with colours), the rest of unit can now use it for free,

Pattern slots dedicated to maps - no more desert camo on snow map, now if you wish you can choose to unlock a pattern slot that will be used when you fight on map corresponding with that slot. If you don't have the unlock for a map, the game will load your default pattern. It should cost only a tiny bit as you still need to get the pattern for the new slot and take colours for it. What it changes is immersion (I remember my first hours in the game thinking wtf while looking at colours of mechs, and loved to drop with all newbies as most of us were in vanilla colours - army green), fun factor and maybe some gameplay for stealth and ecm long range mechs.

#25 Amer


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 01:50 AM

Let us re-purchase Hero omnipods for c-bills (if the hero is currently owned) and/or allow hero omnipods to be bought with mc.

#26 il1il


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 02:02 AM

A few ideas;

Rent a mech like your buddies mech? "rent" it from them for a day to see if you want to buy it or like their build.

Allow 1 mech 2 hour "test drive" per week.. informed consumers make better choices sooner. (allow them 91 skill points and any build free)

Infinite war horn many people want the same warhorn on all their mechs.. Why not show them the value? (purchase only)
(please fix the stalker war horn location it obscures vision)

Skins- Expand the camo types to include more distinct skins The faction ones are appealing but they are attached to a faction that some one may not wish to represent.
(possibly seek player creations as other games have)

#27 Seth Kalasa


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 04:03 AM

1. Custom mech’s footprints
2. Custom warhorn sounds
3. Custom pilot’s skins
4. Custom sound packs
5. Mechwarrior’s name announced by Duncan Fisher at the beginning of the match.

Edited by Seth Kalasa, 23 November 2020 - 12:56 PM.

#28 Amro One


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 06:00 AM

How are we to tell what laser are shooting use if the colours are different?

#29 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 06:19 AM

Custom laser colours would obviously be client-side, so anyone who doesn't want this change would not be affected at all.

#30 MidasHatesCA


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 08:38 AM

Personally I'm against the implementation of laser customization. We use their specific colors to identify what's being used against us in a fight. This would definitely be ruined if, as an example, large lasers could be painted red.

#31 Lieutenant Hedgehog


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 08:41 AM

I'd just like a bit more bang for my buck for customization options.

Patterns/bolt-ons/cockpit items that can only be used for one mech, or a single 'premium' color for $6 (closer to $10 CAD) don't feel worth it.

To be fair, I've spent a decent amount of money on this game, more than most other games in my collection, but I'm a lifetime Battletech fan who geeks out over aesthetics & customization.

It's obviously a monetization model, making every little customization option something which has to be bought, and I'm sure it works for PGI. After all, paying for 18 different patterns for 18 different mechs is going to get PGI 18 different purchases.

But as a player it's unappealing and disappointing. I feel like there must be some solution where you lower the price point on cosmetics that actually motivates more people to buy cosmetics. Win win.

Edited by Lieutenant Hedgehog, 17 November 2020 - 08:41 AM.

#32 Alreech


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 08:55 AM

  • New Player Packs - Yes, good idea
  • Starter Packs (Brawling, Long Range, Heavy) - Yes
  • Themed Packs (Pop Culture, NASCAR) - No pop culture, but Faction Packs: The Faction Decal, 3 Faction colors, faction warhorn. Was done before with the Resistance / Invasion Wave II & III packs
  • New Items (Metallic Patterns, Custom UI Colors, Voice Packs, Sound Packs, Laser Color Customization, MechLab Customization, Global Patterns). Plz no custom laser colors or weapon sound. Items to customise the Mechlab like faction banners or propaganda posters, pin ups / Bonsais or Statues of Kerensky ect... . Mechs: more Pin Up Girls (& Boys) as Mech Decals, more normal Warhorns
  • Improve Cockpit Item Bonuses (added value). Yes, but only as done for the Championships: how about a "New Maps Supporter Pack"?
  • Unit Leaders should be able to set 6 colors and 2 cameo patters as uniform for their unit, this promotes MC spending for that stuff
Monetization of Mechs:

Existing Mechs in:
the Ingame Store: No change
Website Store: Pick one Mech, pay real Cash. Mechs buyed this way should get C-Bill or XP Bonus, a Mech bay and one cameo pattern (selected by the customer) free

New Mechs / Maps:
Battle Pass with different Tiers:
Low Tier: Cockpit Item with C-Bill or XP Bonus for new Maps
Middle Tier: new Mech, 1 Variants selected by the player
High Tier: new Mech, 2nd Variant selected by the player
Collectors Tier, new Mech, 3rd Variant selected by the player

Edited by Alreech, 17 November 2020 - 08:57 AM.

#33 Appuagab


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 09:38 AM

Crowdfund engine transition.

#34 Horseman


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 11:56 AM

View PostDaeron Katz, on 16 November 2020 - 12:51 PM, said:

In this thread, lets discuss ideas for updating or adding to our current monetization model in MechWarrior Online, such as:
  • New Player Packs
  • Starter Packs (Brawling, Long Range, Heavy)
  • Themed Packs (Pop Culture, NASCAR)
  • New Items (Metallic Patterns, Custom UI Colors, Voice Packs, Sound Packs, Laser Color Customization, MechLab Customization, Global Patterns)
  • Improve Cockpit Item Bonuses (added value)
  • The big thing: both in-game and in-store the players don't really drag attention to themselves and don't have many immediately parseable selling points. You want a customer to see the mech, see whatever text blurb you put there and think "I WANT this thing, NOW".
  • MWO doesn't really have much MTX other than MC, and some of the MC purchases aren't really balanced enough to feel worthwhile (C-Bill bundles for one). I'd suggest to look at the pricing of the various boosts/bundles etc and driving down anything that doesn't feel like a worthwhile return to the player until it's at a point where they feel good about having spent their currency for such a bargain.
  • You know what's missing from the entire monetization system? Faction packs that contain lore-appropriate chassis and camo/paint/decal unlocks to go with them. You could just sell the paint/decal bundle by itself, really, or you can kick it up a notch, doll up a mech in pre-defined camo and decals and slap a text blurb on it.
  • A lot of newer / less confident pilots don't want to experiment. They want to buy a mech that is already kitted out and ready to kick *** and take names the moment they get it. Take a bunch of top-tier builds from the general meta list on Grimmechs and package them (maybe in a C-Bill boosted form) as single-mech purchases
    • You can do the same with a Drop Deck bundle: a Drop Deck, four pre-selected standard mechs built out and ready to go plus perhaps an optional faction pack (see above)
  • The cash shop needs some serious look at how the bundles, standalone heroes and single reinforcement mechs are priced. When the price of a single mech is less economic than getting another mechpack, you know you ****** up. Try to bring that pricing in line with the mech pack paradigm, think around $6-8 per a Reinforcement mech, $10-15 per a hero mech
  • Big brain: Repackage the 30 pre-Invasion mechs into new mech packs for the store and repackage the Reinforcement mechs (where possible) as $5 add-ons to the mech packs of the corresponding chassis. This is a fairly low-effort thing you can do quite easily, would give the older chassis some exposure

#35 Greyhart


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 11:58 AM

I know this is not likely to be liked.

But how about a customizable mechwarrior pilot.

You'd have to add some functionality to the game to justify it but it could make things interesting and add a source of income.

So something like: in a respawn game you'd have to get your pilot back to the respawn site to get a new mech.

The pilot could have a short skill tree.

But a pilot might be expected to have a short life span. So when he dies the skill tree progress is wiped.

Additional achievements for having a long lived pilot etc.

And you could pay for additional pilot slots like mch bays.

#36 Horseman


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 12:05 PM

Another thing about customization... could we get a brief end-of-match screen showcasing some of the best performers on the match (see how Heroes of the Storm does it). More advertising for the cosmetic options and mechs, basically, while also giving players a few pats to ego and vanity (or motivation to strive to make it to the showcase in future match)

View PostGreyhart, on 17 November 2020 - 11:58 AM, said:

I know this is not likely to be liked.
But how about a customizable mechwarrior pilot.
You'd have to add some functionality to the game to justify it but it could make things interesting and add a source of income.
So something like: in a respawn game you'd have to get your pilot back to the respawn site to get a new mech.
The pilot could have a short skill tree.
But a pilot might be expected to have a short life span. So when he dies the skill tree progress is wiped.
Additional achievements for having a long lived pilot etc.
And you could pay for additional pilot slots like mch bays.
I mean, you want an RPG. This is a shooter and bolting RPG mechanics onto it is not a good idea.
Now, selling in-game avatars that display when you're using voice chat or at the end of match? That would still be something some of us would spend money on purchasing and customizing. Vanity is a powerful force.

Edited by Horseman, 17 November 2020 - 02:38 PM.

#37 Taifune


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 12:11 PM

View PostDaeron Katz, on 16 November 2020 - 12:51 PM, said:

  • New Items (Metallic Patterns, Custom UI Colors, Voice Packs, Sound Packs, Laser Color Customization, MechLab Customization, Global Patterns)

Do not allow Laser Color Customization globally. It's fine when it is local for a single client and only the player who wants to change colors sees it, but as the color gives feedback about the range/type, the laser color should not be changed globally... removing this feedback would make the player experience much worse.

#38 BALIander


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 12:30 PM

Hi Daeron,
i'd be willing to pay mc/ small $ to upgrade a few of my mechs' decal slots to premium decal slots.

A premium decal slot could replace a standard one and allow to stack a few regular decals.

Screenshot of a decal stack of 4 quickly thrown together:


Good fun without the hassel of implementing full customization.


Edited by BALIander, 17 November 2020 - 12:47 PM.

#39 Galahad2030


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 12:46 PM

Posting for reference. Capn Cat posted this Pilots proposal in Feature suggestions. It's professional quality work. Give it a read.


#40 XDevilsChariotX


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Posted 17 November 2020 - 01:32 PM

View PostDaeron Katz, on 16 November 2020 - 12:51 PM, said:

  • Improve Cockpit Item Bonuses (added value)

We def need more of these that provide extra exp and cbills. Believe there are only a couple of these items in game even. That or even have something like the tournament supporter pack always available for purchase that provides a global extra 15-20% bonus to exp and cbills.

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