- Share good victory (high damage, high kills, etc) or win streak splash page on Twitter/Facebook (in-client option) for extra c-bills or GXP. Make this optional and allow people to turn it off in the options menu if they do not want to participate in it.

These can be fixed templates of each mech that are stored as images because creating some convoluted system where the client creates a screenshot of the player's current mech from scratch is just too tedious. Would be cool, but the returns on creating that tech probably isn't worth it. A screenshot template of each chassis is probably fine.
The backend for the stats needs to be made though because it'll pick the best and most complimentary stats to post in a positive tone. If a player was absolute **** in the games today, it'd just show things like C-bills earned, components destroyed and damage done without showing kills at zero. If a stat is zero, it won't display. The bare minimum to display would be matches played and cbills earned because those would always be a positive number. The other stats will only be included if they are above zero. Again this is to promote the player and the game in a positive light so don't post negative stats here.
In exchange for doing this once per day or once per week (up to you or maybe let the player decide if they want daily or weekly shares), after successfully sharing that template post then reward the player with a reasonable amount of c-bills or general xp or both for being nice enough to increase MWO's social media presence. I'm sure different people will have different opinions with what's 'worth it' and those that don't find it worth it can just turn the option off so they don't get prompted after every match with the 'share your accomplishments on FB' button.
Possible rewards for sharing:
- 200-400 GXP
- 25,000 - 50,000 c-bills
- Special daily supply cache that PGI creates with small chance for good stuff.
The numbers are just examples. Too low and players won't bother and too high and it can ruin the in-game economy. Anyway, this is just a suggestion. As long as it's not too obnoxious and in-your face like it is in mobile games then it shouldn't bother too many people.