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The Great Dev And Streamer Hunt Event

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#61 Chillidoge


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Posted 28 January 2021 - 05:09 PM

View Posttacorodwarrior, on 28 January 2021 - 08:07 AM, said:

No hurry, we have been waiting for years. [redacted]

Ouch, but true.

Okay, onto the topic now that I've read all the responses.

This is a good event - that much I am sure of. A single day, though? Again with this ethos of "let's do something small, because something big (like bug fixing or more than one new map) would be too hard".

My suggestion is that the Devs are mandated to play this game at least once a week for around an hour. Sean Lang can do it. The rest of you need to be regularly playing this game, so hopefully one of you will experience a CTD in the middle of combat. Maybe that will prompt you to patch the game, when it directly affects your experience.

Another suggestion would be for you guys to run on brand new accounts - you have forgotten how BS the new player experience is. Re-educate yourselves and have a think about what you could change there.

It doesn't matter if this is the best mech game ever and you get a nice cockpit item for killing a Dev or steamer if new players are scared off by the ridiculous skill grind, made worse by being forced to pilot unskilled, set loadout "Champion" mechs. I would really love to see those Champ mechs given a full 91 skill points to stop them being so obviously gimped compared to any other mech on the field.

I'll be looking out for you guys and there will be no mercy. o7

Edited by Ekson Valdez, 28 January 2021 - 09:50 PM.

#62 Daeron Katz

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Posted 28 January 2021 - 05:15 PM

View PostAlexBizzar, on 28 January 2021 - 09:49 AM, said:

I will absolutely risk getting fired from my job to hunt the streamers Posted Image

If need be I can pinch-hit if you're in need of a T3 streamer who flirts with T4 XD . (Though I've been more focused and aggressive lately, and less flirtatious with T4.)

Yes, join us on the battlefield! No, don't get fired!
*We'll talk about future events for sure.

View PostKhalcruth, on 28 January 2021 - 11:13 AM, said:

I call complete and utter BS on that one. As if any of the devs have ever played a Faction Play match. Been playing it nearly exclusively for 5 years now, never seen or even heard of anyone else seeing one of you guys in a match.

1) I have dropped FP within the last 5 years. Don't know about the others.
2) My point with that line was not that anyone WOULD for sure be in FP, but that if they DO go into FP, you can STILL earn the rewards for killing them.

View PostLockheed_, on 28 January 2021 - 01:23 PM, said:

he's probablytoo busy talking **** about the game and running LRM boats.
I don't think PGI would want him, when they can easily have the real deal.

There is and always will be only one Duncan Fisher, and I'm lucky to call him a friend.

#63 Lucky Noob


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Posted 28 January 2021 - 07:24 PM

Ha, this Event sounds like fun.

I will drop all day in search for Father Bill as hes in Range of Tier to drop against me.

Thanks Devs, such an Event encourage me to drop more Posted Image

#64 tee5


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Posted 28 January 2021 - 08:25 PM

Greetings and Salutations to BROARL,
for he is the only one out of all these names, who plays Faction Play on a regular basis.

CW for life, baby.

Edited by tee5, 28 January 2021 - 08:26 PM.

#65 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 28 January 2021 - 11:18 PM

I'm looking forward to set up defensive parameters for high-profiled prime targets for the enemy team. In some way, Escort makes it's way back into the game.
Imagine the actual Escort mode, but with a streamer or Dev as VIP. No bad pathing, possible communications, a VIP that's able to fight back and no fear of cheese tactics just to win the match, because streamers and devs actually would WANT to deliver a good show. I'd love to see that on an event basis!

#66 My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ


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Posted 28 January 2021 - 11:22 PM

Its nice to know that I get to miss out on this because Daeron can't be bothered to check his email, really appreciate it.

#67 Daeron Katz

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Posted 28 January 2021 - 11:54 PM

View PostBasmati Rice, on 28 January 2021 - 11:22 PM, said:

Its nice to know that I get to miss out on this because Daeron can't be bothered to check his email, really appreciate it.

1) You know what they about assumptions.
2) I'm very busy and have to balance my time, and you were not the only person requesting to be involved via email, Twitter, Facebook, the forums, and Discord.
3) My message at the end of the post announcing the event says "**If you are a MechWarrior Online content creator and would like a chance to be involved in future events, email daeron.katz@piranhagames.com", not "everyone that emails me right now will get squeezed you into this event."
4) And most importantly, I'm pretty selective who I work with. This includes me getting to know you, and only working with people that are professional and a positive force for the community.

If after reading that, you feel like you meet the requirements and we should still talk, then email me like the post says and maybe that will happen.

#68 Elizander


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Posted 29 January 2021 - 03:07 AM

You can probably increase participation and reduce salt by adding extra minor rewards in the future:
  • C-bill, XP or GSP reward for the team if they keep the Dev/Streamer alive by the end of the round.
  • C-bill, XP reward for players that get KMDD or components on the Dev/Streamer.
  • C-bill or XP reward for the team if they kill a Dev/Streamer on the opposite team.

#69 Tertius


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Posted 29 January 2021 - 04:31 AM

View PostWard0g, on 28 January 2021 - 06:20 AM, said:

While it's great to see an event like this finally scheduled and announced, unfortunately I've really only heard of three of the streamers. Where's Baradul, TTB, Critical Rocket, Larsh, OldBob 10025, or Haven Kendrick? And TheB33f... is he still playing MWO?

Also, someone needs to talk Texicus (Tex from the Black Pants Legion) back into MWO...

All, these streamers are in my opinion the living, beating heart of the MWO community that all stream on a highly frequent basis. I for my part am really glad to see names like RQisDevine, Phuri, Bishop Warrior, Violent Blue, CycloneJack and the others, because I had a lot of good an fun matches sync- or group-dropping with them.

On the other hand, I haven't seen Haven or B33f cor a very long time on the battlefield.

#70 D V Devnull


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Posted 29 January 2021 - 04:58 AM

View PostGreygor 727, on 28 January 2021 - 01:40 PM, said:

This is a nice start but you need to add other challenges to this. The odds of playing against one of the Dev's or Streamers sounds real slim to me.

I'm guessing that you missed the "January 2021 Payback Event" @ https://mwomercs.com/news/2021/01/2483-payback-2021-event which is currently running? If so, there's more stuff over in those Challenges to be earned. :o

~D. V. "we already have some extra Challenges right now..." Devnull

#71 Coffeeghoul


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Posted 29 January 2021 - 08:28 AM

I'm not having fun with this event.

I didn't see any Dev so far, I haven't seen streamers in more than a couple of matches (this might be my fault of course) and I got harvested by comp farmers in groups of 4 all day. I'd rather play against lurm teams then.

This got to be one of the worst experiences ever in this game so far, [Redacted]

For all of you having fun: I am really and honestly happy for you, from the bottom of my heart!

Edited by GM Patience, 29 January 2021 - 09:43 AM.

#72 jamesbombed00420


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Posted 29 January 2021 - 08:34 AM

should have included solaris

#73 VonBruinwald


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Posted 29 January 2021 - 08:52 AM

View PostDaeron Katz, on 28 January 2021 - 04:57 PM, said:

This is testing a new system. If it goes smoothly, rewards could be different in future events.

Next time round would be possible to add the following rewards:
  • Escort successful - If the streamer survives the match his teammates gets a reward
  • VIP Assassinated -If the streamer dies during the match the opposing team gets a reward
Additionally: Would it be possible to get the devs/streamers to provide an apprx. time frame when they'll be online; Father Bill was pretty predictable from his twitch schedule (8:00-12:00 GMT apprx.), MisterSomaru on the other hand is a mystery. It would also be nice if there was some log of who we have killed. I can't be the only person who would like to work my way through the entire list. Even getting through all you devs is a matter of luck, because we don't know when you'll be playing.

View Postjamesbombed00420, on 29 January 2021 - 08:34 AM, said:

should have included solaris

That would be a nice way to do it.

7 devs,
7 leagues,
They'll be playing all day*.
Will you take the challenge?

*Toilet breaks, lunch breaks and personal issues aside.

#74 Matt Newman

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Posted 29 January 2021 - 10:05 AM

Have you ever thrown a party?

Before Covid there were these things called parties where you and your friends could get together and have a good time.

I’ve thrown some good parties and I have been to some good parties.Posted Image

When all the people there are having a good time and sharing good vibes it is a lot of fun.

I have also thrown parties where some folks show up with the intent to wreck the vibe.

Feels bad man.

When it’s your party and you want everyone at the party to have a good time what do you do?

If you do nothing, and the Sh*ty vibe takes over, the people who were having a good time will leave and you will be left with a Sh*ty party. Posted Image

You could talk to the folks at the party that are ruining the vibe and ask them to lighten up.

Maybe they will chill out and realize that even if they aren’t having the best time it's no reason to try and make other people have a sh*ty time.

Or maybe they double down and say “F**k your party! My goal is to drive people away from your party!”Posted Image

When that happens you have to decide what kind of party you want to have.

I know what kind of party I want to have. Do you?

This isn't about Lurms or Groups.
Lurms and Groups are welcome at the party. Posted Image

#75 MT Slayer


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Posted 29 January 2021 - 10:13 AM

Sounds like your a lambda lambda lambda party

and ...missiles go whoosh

Edited by MT Slayer, 29 January 2021 - 10:14 AM.

#76 WarmasterRaptor


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Posted 29 January 2021 - 10:15 AM

View PostVonBruinwald, on 29 January 2021 - 08:52 AM, said:

Next time round would be possible to add the following rewards:
  • Escort successful - If the streamer survives the match his teammates gets a reward
  • VIP Assassinated -If the streamer dies during the match the opposing team gets a reward
Additionally: Would it be possible to get the devs/streamers to provide an apprx. time frame when they'll be online; Father Bill was pretty predictable from his twitch schedule (8:00-12:00 GMT apprx.), MisterSomaru on the other hand is a mystery. It would also be nice if there was some log of who we have killed. I can't be the only person who would like to work my way through the entire list. Even getting through all you devs is a matter of luck, because we don't know when you'll be playing.

That would be a nice way to do it.

7 devs,
7 leagues,
They'll be playing all day*.
Will you take the challenge?

*Toilet breaks, lunch breaks and personal issues aside.

Gotta say, I find your ideas very interesting! :) a fun way to bring back that wonky game mode ! and rejuvenate a bit the Sol7

#77 byter75


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Posted 29 January 2021 - 10:17 AM

Is there any way to opt out from the event or to remove any cosmetics earned during it?
I have some friends who don't want to benefit from the party people are being premtively banned from (but they still want to play (and they don't want to keep track of who not to kill)).

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