SirSmokes, on 15 February 2021 - 07:19 AM, said:
What's your thinking behind that idea?
You're pushing for heavy nerfs to indirect lrm support and shifting focus to teamwork:
If we remove the targeting square from the hud (except in cases where the target is Narced/Tagged then) then leaching locks becomes a none-issue, for all weapons types, except for in cases where teamwork prevails.
As for removing torso convergence.
You're also suggesting weaker locks for when an LRM boat who gets its own locks unless they take tag. Whilst I'm not against the conditional, in theory, it's only balanced if you apply a similar conditional to Laser/Ballistic weapons, limiting convergence to arm weapons only is a counter-balance that makes sense.
Edited by VonBruinwald, 15 February 2021 - 07:42 AM.