You wouldnt have to ask if you had been around longer in mwo. A lot of of things you experience now in the game are a direct consequence of considerable numbers (that is an understatement) of mwo players that went into complete cardiac arrest because they had been lamenting over ppcs, gauss, lrms....about all the long range weapons for so long.
The vast majority of mwo players back in the days couldnt handle strong, powerful long range weapons. They couldnt handle it. You have no idea just how many kazillion threads were active, talking about op ppcs, gauss, sniping, even lasers. All of it was massively nerfed several times. Big hug fat nerfs.
What you ask for, the reduction of armor, that is the past of mwo. Mechs were much more fragile. Many weapons were much more powerful. But 90 % of mwo players outright hated long range mech combat. They said it is boring. Almost all of them desperately wanted mostly brawls. Long lasting brawls in as buff as possible mechs with a lot of armor. That is why gauss was nerfed, why ppcs were nerfed, why lasers were nerfed. That is one major reason why you now have that much nascar. It is one of the major reasons.
Not because of the maps, what most ppl that dont now **** believe. They dunno what theyre talking about.
Nascar is one of the direct consequences of a step by step, continous and massive nerfing of everything that is long range.
And now, here, today, evybody complains about nascar. I just love this haha. I love it. This is why mwo is soo funny. The ppl here are funny. They dont know what they want. Back in the days they hated everything ppl here now wish would happen in mwo. They want very close quarter brawls to be the dominant engagment style in mwo. And so, the devs listend to all those players. They listened them. They did exactly what all playerrs asked for. Or most players. I ******* wasnt one of them. I thought ppcs, gauss, was all fine. It was all fun.
Everything was nerfed then armor was increasesd. And you couldnt alpha or long range snipe as easily anymore. Back in the days.....god, that was awesome. You had fantastic sniper battles and you could die way more easily. It was a man's game back then. It was harder, more fun. Nowadays....its a bit trashy and totally arcade style now. You had way more ppl in the back cause sniping with ppc and gaus was devasting back then. Those things are kind of a joke at the moment. Unless you have a very long match and you have excellent heat dissipation and can fire forever. Or if you boat 3 heavy ppcs or heavy gauss with lasers.
Apart from that those once scary and awesome weapons systems were destroyed. Destroyed by this ungrateful arcade community.
But it is funny that you now ask for those old times.
There wont be many ppl that will support that endeavor though. But I would wager that even those reduced gauss and ppl weapons.....ppl would consider them to be complelty op, never even knowing that in the dark times those weapons were truly devasting. Nothing like today. I think the lamentations of the current puggernaut army would be so insanely loud and overpowering, that this server would collapse instantly. lol.
Edited by LowSubmarino, 17 February 2021 - 12:37 PM.