FupDup, on 21 February 2021 - 09:01 AM, said:
The Gulag stuff has a number of good ideas and also some that don't seem so good. Just looking at the proposed quirks sheet has me really confused. They're giving more armor and other quirks to already good mechs like the Huntsman, Mad Cat Mk. II and Blood Asp but not making any quirk changes at all to the C-Bill Quickdraws? Dafuq. It seems like currently good mechs are getting better quirk changes than currently bad mechs like the Uziel and Thanatos. Why is the Hellbringer of all mechs getting armor while Catapults only see a nerf to the K2? And a Trebuchet even gets nerfed too.
What kind of priorities do you have that you buff the Mad Cat Mk. II but nerf a Trebuchet? The Black Lanner isn't even mentioned in the whole quirks sheet! You're buffing Hellbringers but giving no changes to Black Lanners? No changes to Thunderbolts?
Every time I look at this sheet I keep seeing more massive snafus pop out at me.
Beyond the quirks wonkiness I'm also concerned that boosting the agility of all heavies and assaults by such large numbers will negatively impact weight class balance by reducing the mobility advantage that lights and mediums are supposed to have over the big bois. No, boosting the light and medium agility won't change that because they'll still be just as large of targets that are now a bit easier to track with enhanced assault agility.
I'd ascribe the Gulag quirks being questionable to diverging views on Mech role.
"Emotionally" I'd be on board with you, I'd want mild armor quirks for the Catapult K2, but I know they don't belong there. The K2 is a direct-fire equivalent to all the other Catapults, meaning it's supposed to be a support platform.
I've pressed my K2 into brawler service because dealing ~300 damage in a match with 2x HVYPPC was good piloting performance on my part, i.e. the build sucked. It sucked especially hard if Quick Play landed the lore-like PPC K2 on Solaris City, which is why I rebuilt it as an Autocannon brawler. Because I like the iconic chassis and don't want to sell it. But it's not a Rakshasa, it's a Catapult. It's basically a walking field artillery piece.
So while I would like it to be a different way, if energy weapons and especially the IS PPC line all get a boost, I'll live with my not-buffed K2 and rebuild it as the PPC supporter it was intended to be.
The Gulag invested the thinking power into making chassis utility more varied by role and design? I'm for them then.
When it comes to Heavy and Assault agility, we could perhaps find an elegant compromise by varying Mech acceleration with engine rating.
So, like,
top speed rises linearly with engine rating, and acceleration rises exponentially.
Because of the poor acceleration, there's currently no rational reason to go beyond rating 300 on Assaults.
Even with a 400 engine, it takes "forever" to reach top speed, and an effective Assault Mech must match the speed of the nearest Annihilator / Dire Wolf anyway. The agility of Assault Mechs is so atrocious that you can get away with downgrading from the Mad Cat MkII's stock engine.
Since the chassis will never be a good Annihilator-like Mech, I tried making an XL400 Mad Cat MkII, to play like a bigger Timber Wolf. It's pointless. Jump Jets are much better for improving mobility than an engine larger than stock. It's a pity.
But if no other Mech, the Timber Wolf needs an acceleration boost. Pilot Skills won't fix it alone. The armor-quirked Bushwacker makes a better Timber Wolf than Timbie himself. The Timber Wolf handles like a battleship. It's a line warrior as it is now, it can't duel.
JPeiper, on 21 February 2021 - 09:44 AM, said:
I'd like to ask you to be very carefull buffing micro,sm lasers and mg's. I can see your point when mounting these in a mid/heavy/assault but if playing these do you want lights blowing out your back in no time? You'll then have 3/4 guys in lights with these buffed weapons running around your legs and no way to hit 'em. This is the only game mechanic that leaves me frustrated and playing Fallout 76 the rest of the day. (yes, that bad) . I can live with a player sniping with a gauss and no charge up time -I'll get to cover and still be viable, having a light around my legs is the end...I'm taking a time out to type this as it happened in the last 3 games.Please don't make it worse .
This is the ultimate problem with "design by committee". In the end, someone with a good understanding of all aspects - Light to Assault, lore conservativism and pragmatism, pro and casual - must take the reins firmly and create something with a face and an identity.
I can understand your objection if I consider the Piranha, but 1 mech with a frankly stupid hardpoint setup compared to the other options shouldn't force us all to accept Small Lasers and Micro Lasers being trash on all other platforms. The Piranha will have to be dealt with separately, using negative quirks or something else; with other lights, a Small Laser buff should not be game-breaking.
Edited by xAndy199, 21 February 2021 - 10:34 AM.