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Intel Gathering: Map Spawn Points

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Posted 11 April 2021 - 09:40 PM

View PostDEVVAROW, on 11 April 2021 - 09:24 PM, said:

I have a general observation. I have noticed the obsession surrounding the location of the starting point of the lances in the teams. I can say with utmost certainty that the way there is a fixed spawn point is the first mistake. Another thing that is wrong is the way the teams are placed far away from one another and made to place themselves accordingly throughout the procession of the match. This initial spawn to battle transition can be critically detrimental and it starts with the way the teams are placed far away and the spawn points always being fixed to this attribution. My proposal as a solution to this multiple point problem is to dissect the problems at their cause or source. There is optimum capability and adaptability in mechs, that is not the problem here. It is the players and they cannot be made to position themselves accordingly in a battle situation 100% of the time. MWO spawn point placement can help with this: multiply the variations and the types of matches played can be almost endless. As it stands the spawn points are fixed and thus mech placements and ultimate battle locations generally form in the central regions of each map. This is the main problem in having no variation in each game. If the spawn points were placed closer together so the teams have to engage each other at an instant and place them at different locations. So on one game the two main placements (enemy and friendly) are placed up in the corner of the map, close together and in that fight the mechs are already in a battle position. The next game on that map and same game mode the mechs can spawn in a different region of the map, but same again close together so the game can start and not be the first 2 minutes traveling and the assaults getting chewed up from behind. I hope this comes across as understandable.

To conclude, if the spawn points on maps were strategically placed to offer multiple plays on the same map by placing them closer together and in different locations, but these locations must be paired (enemy and friendly) so that they are: 1) close together.... 2) in locations that offer optimum plays in the game for a battle (i.e. game coordinator setting up the game to play the game nicely plz) and 3) are different so in big maps like forest colony that is like more than 5km squared or something a battle can actually happen in different places, like in the open corner with all the water that never gets used and stuff like that. To elaborate for examples sake you got a game on terra therma domination ok... this can be arguably one of the most set games ever... change the spawn points so the enemy is close to you and all of a sudden, instead of walking to the middle and waiting you have no choice coz the enmy is upon you and you must fight then and there while the domination circle is taken care of by those of the team that are made to take care of it. and on the next terra therma match that is domination the spawns can be placed on the other side so when the game starts it isn't the same as the last game. Sure you have to hold the circle like before, but now you are in a different place and thus a different game is played. Instead, what we have is in these two games depending on pure luck you could be placed in a seemingly random location far away from your other lances and very very far away from the enemy and to make it worse, those locations you spawn at are set and cannot be changed... the only thing you can hope for is to be on the other side next time or something like that. Way too far away from anything, friendlies and enemies alike. So it doesn't matter, anyway coz the spawn points are not complex and thought out enough.

Simply put the spawns closer make then tactically viable in a game-play situation. I could go on for days about it... polar highlands... you can have like 10 different battle locations there, but due to the spawns not being compatible with each other all you get is the first 3 minutes wandering to the middle. Same thing every time. My point is clear. That could be made better by making the 10 battle zones and highlighting them on the map. Choosing the spawn points for the 6 lances so that they are clustered around that battle region/zone. The game would all of a sudden have 50 more maps that were always there, but were never discovered... Grim plexus borders never get used to battle in, but were made to be one of the funnest battle zones in the entire game. Such a let down to have no battles there coz of this spawn point thisn. Skirmish and domination grim plexus and assault for that matter all identical games.... If you changed the spawn points up to my suggestions those 3 games resulting in one could be made into 3 types with more than 10 spawn battle zones for each and then it goes from being as useful as 3 games being one game to 3 being like 30 different good games. I hope you can understand this. The battles can happen in the entirety of the map at all times, for the most part.... Otherwise they can all happen in the middle and resulting from a transition from one side of the map to the middle, just as the enemy does. Same thing every time...

and the predictability of this is what causes the infinite loop of doom spiral as the lights come in to nibble the ankles of the assaults in each of these instances. so predictable and so easy for these parasitic leeches of mech to survive and thrive in this absurd world of utter disappointing spawn placements. Also... these particular mech pilots engage in battle after battle, not attempting to get any notable damage or make any worthwhile c-bills. All the while having light mechs in their garage and not understanding the main aim of the game is to do damage and destroy mechs by using heavy firepower and armor to achieve this. That is the aim of the game to get bigger and badder robots that use more weaponry and have more armor until you have the most expensive and heaviest battle mech there is. That is the name of the game. Light mech pilots, for the most part cannot afford big robots and are perpetually in this state of doom spiral infinity loop. They go into a match with their mech they spent a quarter of their cadet bonus on and slowly climb the ladder of little mechs until they have about 60 and only 4 assaults or something absurd like this. Their way of thinking is corrupted and not in line with the game play. It ain't about using exploits from spawn point placements in a cheap little mech coz you can't even score high enough or wait long enough to get a good mech that can actually do good damage, regardless of pilot skill level. Play the darn game for what it is: a game where you start in a small robot for the first 10 or 20 games and then you upgrade. You upgrade not stay at square one with light and medium mechs ruining the entire game for everyone else coz you have adhd.

Edited by DEVVAROW, 11 April 2021 - 09:49 PM.



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Posted 11 April 2021 - 10:00 PM

View PostDEVVAROW, on 11 April 2021 - 09:40 PM, said:

and the predictability of this is what causes the infinite loop of doom spiral as the lights come in to nibble the ankles of the assaults in each of these instances. so predictable and so easy for these parasitic leeches of mech to survive and thrive in this absurd world of utter disappointing spawn placements. Also... these particular mech pilots engage in battle after battle, not attempting to get any notable damage or make any worthwhile c-bills. All the while having light mechs in their garage and not understanding the main aim of the game is to do damage and destroy mechs by using heavy firepower and armor to achieve this. That is the aim of the game to get bigger and badder robots that use more weaponry and have more armor until you have the most expensive and heaviest battle mech there is. That is the name of the game. Light mech pilots, for the most part cannot afford big robots and are perpetually in this state of doom spiral infinity loop. They go into a match with their mech they spent a quarter of their cadet bonus on and slowly climb the ladder of little mechs until they have about 60 and only 4 assaults or something absurd like this. Their way of thinking is corrupted and not in line with the game play. It ain't about using exploits from spawn point placements in a cheap little mech coz you can't even score high enough or wait long enough to get a good mech that can actually do good damage, regardless of pilot skill level. Play the darn game for what it is: a game where you start in a small robot for the first 10 or 20 games and then you upgrade. You upgrade not stay at square one with light and medium mechs ruining the entire game for everyone else coz you have adhd.

I was one of these pilots... And as soon as I found out I made another account. As the story goes my first account was MUNTAFIRE. I used a quarter of my cadet bonus to buy my first mech. Some mechs later; I realized the folly of my ways and made MUNTAFIRE2. MUNTAFIRE only had played around 40 games if I recall correctly, when I decided to abandon the account due to my lack of hindsight in the fact that using my cadet bonus on little crap mechs was a bad decision. I felt whole as soon as I made MUNTAFIRE2, for I knew what must be done. I used the trial mechs as MUNTAFIRE2 , all the wau through the cadet stage and used the initial finds from the game's first stage to purchase my first mech: The Atlas D-DC. Back then, just after the release of MWO there weren't many robots to choose from and picking the strongest was all the more easier. Since I got the atlas I chose to use the piles of c-bills coming in to get more assaults and before you knew it I had scores of assault mechs in my mech bays. To date I have over 100 assault mechs. I did the same thing on this account, DEVVAROW... I used the cadet bonus to get some anh-2a on sale for 50% off. I had 3 fully skilled anh-2a's within a week and I used those same builds to conquer the game. This account has barely been played and is in tier 2 from me wandering in to games and shooting mechs, having fun... not with any real strategy coz none is to be had when all you can expect is to go to the middle every single time.



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Posted 11 April 2021 - 10:11 PM


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Posted 29 April 2021 - 05:17 AM

I have no idea whats going on here, but rotating spawn and objective points is the answer.

Have 4 or 5 different sets of spawn points, on smaller maps they can be on different sides of the clock (12:00-6:00, 3:00-9:00, 1:00-7:00, etc) and on bigger maps they can be in different parts of the map altogether (having both spawns along the L line, or the 11 line in alpine peaks, or similarly on Terra Therma, to encourage use of underutilized parts of the map.

Combine that with itinerate objective points (putting the domination point on alpine in the base in the valley, or on the air field in river city, or the old caldera in terra therma, or up in the corner of canyon/hibernal.

If players are going to nascar or toilet bowl, encourage them to do it on different parts of the map, and i promise people will complain alot less. Some might not even notice its what they're doing, because the rotating objective points will keep the matches alot more fresh.

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Posted 06 May 2021 - 05:24 AM

View PostBuckleUp, on 05 May 2021 - 04:03 PM, said:

Was the April patch supposed to fix the Tourmaline spawn points? I had a match there recently in Assault game mode. Spawned in Alpha lance in E4 and we still had PPCs and ERLLs hitting us before we had any chance of getting to cover or regrouping with the team.

Yeah, come to think of it: they did claim that that was supposed to have been fixed, already, but I've noticed folks spawning there, too. (I think I've played too few matches to have spawned there, myself, but I've been on the other side sniping at them as they run for cover).

I'm still voting for Union Class dropships that come all the way to ground with the entire team, and provide a defended spawn point (to limit DC-killing and spawn camping), while being destructible/capturable (to end a match with only the DC left). It'll make it easier for the dropships to land in completely random areas of the map, and try to keep the games a little more fresh and unique.

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