Pulling in a few quotes here, so that fellow constructive discussers can easily catch the update...
Samial, on 19 February 2021 - 06:03 AM, said:
I have never seen that map before this patch.. It was dead black.. I've been playing for years is it really that rare or was there changes?
Honestly i'm fine.. Also isn't caustic always at night?
Its a bug i wonder.
Lockheed_, on 19 February 2021 - 05:49 PM, said:
So I just dropped on caustic and it was super dark. I have seen night mode on this map BUT it felt like usually the sky has more of a glow or something, it felt weird.
This can totally be coincidental and I was just primed by this thread, but I'll keep voting for this map an see what happens.
ALSO in testing grounds its super dark now too and THAT IS NEW!
so I guess Samial was right.
they somehow broke Caustic
Samial, on 19 February 2021 - 05:54 PM, said:
Yes it was the first thing i had to do. I'm pretty sure i've never seen Caustic this dark before?
Thanks for the check i completely forget to check the testing grounds, i wonder if others could check.
LordNothing, on 19 February 2021 - 08:27 PM, said:
i noticed this too, but when i looked to see if the map was updated it wasn't. but it seems like they removed a lot of the blue fire and the night vision caldera trick doesn't work anymore. so maybe something they changed had unintended side effects.
Hello, everyone. I have just been to the Testing Grounds Version of the Caustic Valley Map having gone insanely dark, and I've just found some more shockers. Have a look...
- While in this super-dark version, all the paint color on the Mech drowns out to ultra-dull shades or flat black, unless you walk under an active light or fire any variant of PPC that's equipped. There may be additional ways to light things up, but my lowered graphics settings (which prevent my computer from running far too slow) do not reveal it.
- If you have Decals equipped on your Mech at all, they will also vanish & disappear without any form of lighting present to reveal them. This particularly includes ones that are laid on the unpainted gunmetal areas. The only exceptions to this are a bright Mech paint job with any color of Decals that are laid on the painted sections, or bright Decals which are present on any painted section without regard to the selected color of the underlying painted section.
- Walking near certain bright items that glow & flicker in the battlezone happens to result in a wildly trippy bright lighting effect which shows on a Mech's surface. At the moment, they appear to be heavily accentuated by the lack of the normal overhead sun-like lighting that we all used to see before.
- Many of the Cockpit Items happen to look unusually dull when the Cockpit Light is switched off. They are likely being affected in near the same way as the paint and Decals on the outside.
...and that is all of what I could quickly discover at this time. This makes me think in terms of an impression of what things might be like if our own local planetary sunlight suddenly went away. I can definitely say that I would never want this darkness to happen in Real Life to our planet. It would be hell.
Maybe the Developers at PGI should call this the "Apocalyptic Caustic Valley" variant of that battlezone? It feels like the only proper name for it.
~D. V. "
feeling like they just saw someone's idea of a hellish apocalypse with Caustic Valley's super-dark form" Devnull