Okay, so I took the liberty of counting up all the mechs mentioned in the intel gathering thread for new variants. I ignored requests for entirely new chassis and non-canon variants. I also will be excluding hero variants because those don't make sense for the booster pack format. This drastically changes the data because the Widowmaker and Bounty Hunter (TBR) were fairly popular. Also, sometimes people don't specifically refer to the variant by name, such as saying "ECM Huntsman" (which is HMN-H). I interpreted these the best I could but I had to ignore requests for some stuff like "Stealth Urbie" because that doesn't really exist (there is however ECM Urbie). My numbers may be slightly off as a consequence but I think I got the general picture nailed down.
First, just for curiosity's sake, this is how the weight class distribution looked:
Lights: 91
Mediums: 100
Heavies: 146
Assaults: 129
Big boys get more attention, business as usual. For factions:
IS: 281
Clan: 185
Somewhere, I can hear the spirit of Gyrok screaming in the distance.
Classes by faction:
IS Light: 55
IS Medium: 59
IS Heavy: 93
IS Assault 74
Clan Light: 36
Clan Medium: 41
Clan Heavy: 53
Clan Assault: 55
Okay, now for the part that you actually care about. Which robots were the most popular?
You'd think a pie chart would make sense here but with 205 individual mechs it would be unreadable. I'm gonna have to do this the hard way. Reveal the spoiler for the entire chart to take up your screen. I've sorted from largest count (most popular) to least popular.
Also let me clarify that when I say "votes" I mean people who make a post saying that they want the mech. I am completely ignoring actual upvotes because ain't nobody got time for that.
Okay, so let's compare the results here to what we actually got in the Stryker pack. The Dragon 1G was the most popular IS mech, sitting at 12 votes. The second most popular was actually the AWS-9Q at 9 votes. PGI went all the way down to the TDR-10SE at 8 votes, which was the second most popular heavy. This suggests to me that they want both mechs in a booster pack to share the same faction and weight class.
PGI's methodology appears to be first selecting the most popular mech per faction, then the second most popular mech in that faction within that weight class. So, what will the Clans get in Q2?
The Dire Wolf C wins by a gigantic margin at 17 votes, making it the most popular mech in the entire chart. The next highest Clan assault mech is the BAS-E at a comparatively much lower 5 votes. Both of these variants would be more effective than the IS choices.
For the IS pack in Q3, I think to keep the theme we should ignore the heavy and assault classes. This makes the next most popular mech the Commando 4H. This is actually not a bad variant at all because it has 6 missile and 2 energy hardpoints. The next IS light in line would be the Commando 7B at 4 votes, but I don't think PGI would have two variants of the same chassis. The third in line is the Urbanmech R80, which has ECM (hell yes) but it requires Improved JJs (not in the game). Pushing down the list further we arrive at the FS9-P, which has 8 energy and 2 missile hardpoints. Another good choice.
Finally, we arrive at Clan Q4, leaving us with just the medium class to go. The Huntsman H is the most popular Clan medium by far and tied with the Summoner G for third most popular mech period. This variant gives us ECM in the left foot, 4 lasers in the right arm, and 3 lasers in the left arm. Already a strong chassis, made strongerer. The next most popular Clan medium is the Viper F, which gives us 4 ballistics per arm. Definitely well deserved.
So basically, the moral of the story is that the Q1 pack got incredibly horrible luck but the others should actually be legitimately good if the pattern follows.
However, there is another factor that I just considered. PGI might have chosen the Styker mechs not purely by popularity, but also by the ease of implementation (existing weapon geometry). I don't want to have to factor that in to my predictions so **** it.
Edited by FupDup, 24 February 2021 - 06:24 PM.