DAEDALOS513, on 23 March 2021 - 07:34 AM, said:
Why do you only play clan uac's and IS mp's.. if you mainly play clan uac's then they probably don't need a buff, right? IS mp's are generally considered harder to use (except on certain mechs with the right quirks) due to their limited range.. yet you play them alot and apparently do well in. Well, there are many weapons/builds not using mp's that you would probably do well in because they are easier to use.. which buffs you looking forward to most?
I play IS-MPL and C-UAC (5s and 10s) frankly because they let me alpha at high frequency while still doing decent damage. I am a reckless player (i.e. I can't properly position for Shi7 and my aim isn't much better, and I have no patience for peak and poke play of many of the higher skilled folks) and so I play builds that can tank a lot of damage wihle letting me alpha with impunity, such that a missed shot now and again isn't typically a fatal mistake.
I'm sure that someone has done the math and can give a more technical answer as to why they are ideal for the lower/moderate skilled player, but for me, those weapon systems are just the most forgiving/easiest to play. If there were more weapons that allowed me to fire more often, while remaining fairly cool, for equivalent lengths of time, in the manner that massed IS-MPL and C-UAC 5s and 10s 9 (and also the IS AC10) do, I'd be more likely to play them as well. But weapons that are really hot (e.g. PPCs (all of them)) and/or really slow firing (i.e. anything with a cool down of 4 seconds or more), I find to be more punishing for someone like me, particularly the hotter and slower that they are.
My read of the Gulag changes is that they will make a few (maybe several) more weapons fall into my comfort/fun zone (builds running 3 snub PPCcs for example) while others will remain a bit more skill based while not being wholly out of my willingness to play them on occasion. They are certainly much more up my alley than what PGI did to PPCs with this last patch (6-7 seconds between shots...screw that).