I'd done this about two weeks ago... Just, don't know... I posted this today not knowing if I'll have the strength on the next week or not... I am exhausted like a dead rock...
The Sylph armours are badly sketchy... Malvina's touman en route to Terra...

"We are Jade Falcon, great among the Clans.
We are warriors who fight with the strength of the falcon's claw and ascend to the heavens on the wings of the same. We remember with the clarity of falcon-sight the words of Kerensky. Through the smoke of time he speaks to us, his chosen, and urges us onward with the promise of Eden. We will retake what is ours by right, that shining jewel Terra. Not the vastness of space nor the Wolf's obstinate howl will stay us from our righteous goal. We are Crusaders and will trample all who stand in our way!"