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Pts Is Coming...soon


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#301 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 07:38 AM

View PostAivazovsky, on 24 March 2021 - 02:40 AM, said:

Please, stop using this word. This is misinformation. You are deliberately misleading people. 10-15% (w/o rescale) is NOT drastically.

Whoop whoop, fact checker alert.. hehe sorry I couldn't resist..

Whether it's drastic or not.. the fact is changes will move ttk time in the smaller direction (stronger weapons have that funny affect on a mechs life).. the wrong direction. Games are already 5 minutes on average.. is our goal to bring match time to 3 or 4 minutes? Call of Mechwarrior without the respawns.. well respawn time is 3-4 minutes if your calculating loading times for next match on a good day lol. If anything, rescale should come before cauldron changes.. ooooor make changes on a per weapon-type basis updating bimonthly (since it's just an xml change).

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 24 March 2021 - 03:47 PM.

#302 Runecarver


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 07:42 AM

View PostKrasnopesky, on 24 March 2021 - 06:31 AM, said:

2x ATM 12 deals 72 damage in optimum range. Do you think it is fair that it has so much damage potential and in the current game that damage potential is very accurate? I do not think so, but I am genuine in asking for your opinion and reasoning.

So far you have been very critical to our suggested changes and you provide reasoning, which is excellent, but do you have any suggestions or solutions we could look into?

As I said in a previous reply to another person, we at The Cauldron do not want to nerf LRMs and ATMs, but rather make their use more consistent. Currently we find they either perform too well, or not well enough, often depending on the amount of AMS on the opposing team as you identified. Finding a balance where LRMs perform more consistently in being able to deal damage and AMS can help protect you from LRMs and ATMs at the same time is not an easy task when both systems can be boated in various amounts between teams.

ATMs have received a 20% missile health buff by the way, that is by no means minuscule (not that I am saying it solves the above issue, but hopefully it is a step in the right direction).

2x ATM12 dealing 72 damage in optimum range, even with TAG on the target they possess the same spread as clan SRM6's with artemis. The tonnage cost of an ATM12 launcher is nearly equal to those 3x SRM6s with the artemis upgrade. After all, the weapon system is designed with integrated artemis IV. The spread value of ATM's within direct sight reflects this, as it is the same as a clan SRM6 with artemis. But to make up for this, they have a longer 5 second cooldown.

A clan mech is also paying similar tonnage prices as 3x SRM6's with artemis when they equip an ATM12. While they get the homing ability from lock on, they also have the drawback of the 120 meter minimum range. That 150m (190m with full 15% range quirk) space where they are able to deal optimum damage without the missiles bouncing off is a precarious position, as it puts said mech with the ATM's into optimum weapons range of most heavy weapons in return. And a mech that mostly invests its weapons tonnage into ATM launchers is still highly vulnerable to being rushed down and rendered unable to do anything against an opponent within its minimum range.

A 20% health increase, which according to your stat notes equated to 0.2 to 0.3 health per missile, isn't going to do much when there are a pair, a trio or a quadruple number of AMS' either near or on the way to your target. The ATMs are still getting shredded.

A solution: Do not do anything until you have the whole picture. Mobility of your target is a considerable factor in achieving and maintaining locks. Against something really nimble, say a Vulcan, Flea, Phoenix Hawk or Uziel bouncing in and out of cover the process of achieving a lock is reset to zero every time the center mass is obscured. If the goal is to improve mech mobility further, the ability to achieve a lock against nimble opponents, particularly if they have 60-100% radar deprivation, will be that much more difficult.

Yes, ATM launchers, particularly when brought en masse deal large amounts of damage to the center mass area. Depending on the particular target mechs geometry this is often either the legs or the torsos. However, in that same optimum range, several other weapon systems also deal similar damage but are also able to put it out faster in order to start moving back into cover. Such as MRMs, SRMs, PPCs, ACs, Heavy Gauss and the like. With the damage and duration changes being proposed, even lasers look like they will have a much easier time trading favorably against ATMs.

The desire to "make the use of LRMs & ATMs more consistent" would require greater number of mechanicals changes and then a review of the weapons stats before any greater change in consistency can be achieved. It would require changing how fast locks are achieved, how much you have to track your target, and how fast missiles fly so that you aren't stuck staring square on at a target letting them wail on you as your slowest projectiles in the entire game make their way to the target. How badly they're diminished by passive nearby AMS' fields, will your lock disappear because an opposing team mech with ECM happened to pass within equipment effective range of your locked target, the effectiveness of radar deprivation in interrupting locks. It would also require a mechanical change to AMS, such as making its defensive capability only apply to your own mech, or switching modes between a strong self defensive capability, or a mode where it functions like it does now and attempts to intercept any non-friendly missile within range, but less effective so that multiple AMS' do not quite so easily negate an ATM or LRM mechs primary arsenal.

As it stands, an LRM mech firing indirect missiles as 900 meters gives the target a bit over 4 seconds time (even with velocity skills) to break the lock or get into cover. The talk about them being "oppressive" when massed is quite frankly no different from getting pummeled into dust by a lance of autocannon2 mechs, or ERPPC poptarts that you can't effectively return fire to. Someone, or something, has to provide that lock.

The one change I would suggest in order to lessen their effectiveness in groups is a change to NARC. Change NARC mechanics to have the NARC beacon drop from the affected target after they receive a certain amount of damage. That way, the player hit by a NARC projectile will not be left sitting there for 45 second or a minute and a half just eating missile fire until their death. Having the threshold be something like 120 damage would allow even a solo player with a NARC equipped to compliment their LRMs to achieve a few guaranteed locked volleys before losing tracking and having to re-expose in order to reapply a NARC beacon.

But outside of their synergy with NARC, LRMs are genuinely not that dangerous. It is already difficult enough to obtain and maintain locks against the tools provided to break them.

Edited by Runecarver, 24 March 2021 - 07:42 AM.

#303 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 08:14 AM

View PostRunecarver, on 24 March 2021 - 07:42 AM, said:


Your comparison to SRMs is not accurate. Yeah sure, SRM6s are lighter per missile. They also do less damage, don't home and don't have the ability to do damage at range.

An ATM27 Veagle is scarier than any SRM boat medium. In an assault, you can watch armor literally disappear as fast as you can say "Oh crap, ATMs". ATMs are brutal, you can shoot more missiles without ghost heat, and the potential to do 3 damage per missile means you are crapping out a **** ton of damage. Increased spread but more missile health is a good trade off. They are still going to do a crap ton of damage.

Not to mention, TTK with ATM boats in 3 damage per missile range is faster than any other weapon, or at least "time-to-open-up-all-of-your-components-especially-your-legs".

I'm not worried about ATMs at all. You are still going to crap out 82 lock-on damage with ease.

#304 The6thMessenger


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 08:21 AM

View PostRunecarver, on 24 March 2021 - 12:16 AM, said:

A higher spread value than direct sight clan LRM20s for ATM12s? And ATM9 having the same spread value as an MRM30? This is just pure nonsense.

View PostMonke-, on 24 March 2021 - 12:25 AM, said:

ATMs already vomit out loads of damage, making them spread more and not instacore mechs is a good change without making them weaker to AMS by nerfing velocity or missile health.

View PostRunecarver, on 24 March 2021 - 12:48 AM, said:

Except it's really not, as it just punishes mechs that can only bring a maximum of 2x ATM12s. It does greatly affect heavies and assaults bringing 3-4x ATM12s because that's most of their available tonnage put into those weapons, but those mechs sometimes have the ability to get a few backup weapons to try and concentrate more damage.

And once again, a miniscule 0.2-0.3 health per missile means absolutely nothing. A pair of passive AMS' will still completely evaporate an ATM12 missile volley. And triple or quad AMS will just not let you play with said weapons.

I honestly never seen the spread of ATMs a problem. I mean yeah sure nerf the spread I don't care. But the point of ATMs seemed to me that they do fuckton of damage anyways that they don't have to be accurate. Hell, the game already does that for you -- exactly why the ATM Veagle poptarts are popular and powerful. I think any vector of proper adjustment to ATM's damage output is simply direct damage.

As to the AMS problem, remember when AMS was barely brought in the game? I do, and that was because they were rather pointless if you can just hide behind a cover. I think the AMS should be a legit threat to missiles if they are to be relevant in game.

A Quad or Triple AMS while frustrating, should be powerful. It is comparatively a significant investment. Hell, the Corsair with Quad AMS is commonly built with only the firepower of a heavy, and how many Piranhas with 4 AMS do you see running around?

It's not fun against iron domes. But maybe bring more lasers?

Edited by The6thMessenger, 24 March 2021 - 08:31 AM.

#305 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 08:22 AM

View PostKrasnopesky, on 24 March 2021 - 06:01 AM, said:

If TTK is reduced substantially in the first iteration of the PTS, then we will adjust it as that isn't our intention. I do not anticipate a large reduction in TTK. As I said before that's the entire point of the PTS; to test the changes in a live environment and receive feedback from the community.

PGI have a long history of repeatedly nerfing weapons. They have done so far more often than buffing weapons over the years. Nerfing weapons that work into something that doesn't work well is not the design approach we want to take in The Cauldron. We are not prepared to repeat the same mistakes PGI has made.

Some weapon systems, like LRMs and ATMs, we are looking at re-balancing rather than nerfing. Currently they are often 'all or nothing' type weapons where they either kill 'Mechs very quickly and easily, or do 0 damage often due to AMS. Our approach to start with is test a slight velocity reduction paired with increased missile health for LRMs. We have simply reverted the last LRM velocity buff given to them by PGI. We will look at how LRMs perform and then consider if further changes are needed based on testing and feedback we receive. We are also looking into AMS changes too for future PTS iterations.

ATMS need some spreading... they core too quick no?

Agility, Skill Tree, 'Mech rescale, and Quirks are all aspects of the game that have driven people away from this game in the past. Huge numbers of players left when agility was nerfed and the skill tree was implemented in particular. Certain 'Mechs were nerfed into the ground with PGI's rescaling too.

A great example of a 'Mech hit very hard by these changes is the Firestarter. It used to be a very good light 'Mech, but was hit by repeated nerfs until we barely see it used anywhere in the game at any level. The Firestarter was made far larger, the common weapons it used were nerfed, its agility was reduced, and 35 tonne light 'Mech jumpjets are some of the worst in the game, especially when compared to the performance of 40 tonne class IV jump jets. All these factors contributed to making a usable 'Mech near unusable.

The overarching goal of all this is to both bring back old players who have quit the game due to these varied reasons and bring in brand new players. Obviously other content is needed as you have already mentioned; new maps, new content, QOL changes, but as I previously said, those are outside our scope to change. PGI must do that part, whereas we can work and help on other parts.

TTK is already low based on match times.. whether small or large difference, any reduction in ttk is the wrong direction to take.

I don't see lrm health increased in your spreadsheet of weapon changes is there an updated version somewhere? (https://docs.google....pFhxVj8J4w/edit).

By going by what you say you're in essence nerfing lrms by slowing their velocity.. (those with ams won't be affected much by the missile health buff because their ams will have more time to shoot them down). LRM's in the right hands are strong, no doubt (just like any weapon really), but the majority of lermer's are newer players.

You asked for suggestions on LRMS.. here's mine: IMO LRMs are a support weapon and should be designed not to kill a mech.. but to wear down armour and suppress the enemy. Kills should be a rarity. Increase their health sure, leave velocity.. but also increase spread.. i'm talking 5 components spread. Kills should be secured by teammates, thus fulfilling the lurmer's support role.. Lurmer's will get that sweet damage and feel like they're contributing, but the trade off of standing behind the team and being able to get hits without LOS is.. kills are harder to achieve. What do you think?

Will rescale be easy to implement? The success of your pts changes are dependent on rescale and my fear is that rescale won't happen this year.. (just going by past experience). How much confidence do we have that it will happen in a reasonable amount of time? If rescale is difficult to implement my other fear is that it will take away much needed manpower for adding real content to the game. Going the nerf route doesn't wouldn't require re-scale... and adding agility to mechs should be a simple xml change. Are you starting to see why nerf route is the way to go?

Speaking of the firestarter.. i was able to make it work again by maxing out agility.. I rarely use agility on things but some mechs like the firestarter and jenner definitely come to life once you give them all those nodes.

Again, I applaud all your efforts and time invested.. we thank you.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 24 March 2021 - 08:26 AM.

#306 Krasnopesky


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 08:26 AM

View PostRunecarver, on 24 March 2021 - 07:42 AM, said:

2x ATM12 dealing 72 damage in optimum range, even with TAG on the target they possess the same spread as clan SRM6's with artemis. The tonnage cost of an ATM12 launcher is nearly equal to those 3x SRM6s with the artemis upgrade. After all, the weapon system is designed with integrated artemis IV. The spread value of ATM's within direct sight reflects this, as it is the same as a clan SRM6 with artemis. But to make up for this, they have a longer 5 second cooldown.

A clan mech is also paying similar tonnage prices as 3x SRM6's with artemis when they equip an ATM12. While they get the homing ability from lock on, they also have the drawback of the 120 meter minimum range. That 150m (190m with full 15% range quirk) space where they are able to deal optimum damage without the missiles bouncing off is a precarious position, as it puts said mech with the ATM's into optimum weapons range of most heavy weapons in return. And a mech that mostly invests its weapons tonnage into ATM launchers is still highly vulnerable to being rushed down and rendered unable to do anything against an opponent within its minimum range.

A 20% health increase, which according to your stat notes equated to 0.2 to 0.3 health per missile, isn't going to do much when there are a pair, a trio or a quadruple number of AMS' either near or on the way to your target. The ATMs are still getting shredded.

A solution: Do not do anything until you have the whole picture. Mobility of your target is a considerable factor in achieving and maintaining locks. Against something really nimble, say a Vulcan, Flea, Phoenix Hawk or Uziel bouncing in and out of cover the process of achieving a lock is reset to zero every time the center mass is obscured. If the goal is to improve mech mobility further, the ability to achieve a lock against nimble opponents, particularly if they have 60-100% radar deprivation, will be that much more difficult.

Yes, ATM launchers, particularly when brought en masse deal large amounts of damage to the center mass area. Depending on the particular target mechs geometry this is often either the legs or the torsos. However, in that same optimum range, several other weapon systems also deal similar damage but are also able to put it out faster in order to start moving back into cover. Such as MRMs, SRMs, PPCs, ACs, Heavy Gauss and the like. With the damage and duration changes being proposed, even lasers look like they will have a much easier time trading favorably against ATMs.

The desire to "make the use of LRMs & ATMs more consistent" would require greater number of mechanicals changes and then a review of the weapons stats before any greater change in consistency can be achieved. It would require changing how fast locks are achieved, how much you have to track your target, and how fast missiles fly so that you aren't stuck staring square on at a target letting them wail on you as your slowest projectiles in the entire game make their way to the target. How badly they're diminished by passive nearby AMS' fields, will your lock disappear because an opposing team mech with ECM happened to pass within equipment effective range of your locked target, the effectiveness of radar deprivation in interrupting locks. It would also require a mechanical change to AMS, such as making its defensive capability only apply to your own mech, or switching modes between a strong self defensive capability, or a mode where it functions like it does now and attempts to intercept any non-friendly missile within range, but less effective so that multiple AMS' do not quite so easily negate an ATM or LRM mechs primary arsenal.

As it stands, an LRM mech firing indirect missiles as 900 meters gives the target a bit over 4 seconds time (even with velocity skills) to break the lock or get into cover. The talk about them being "oppressive" when massed is quite frankly no different from getting pummeled into dust by a lance of autocannon2 mechs, or ERPPC poptarts that you can't effectively return fire to. Someone, or something, has to provide that lock.

The one change I would suggest in order to lessen their effectiveness in groups is a change to NARC. Change NARC mechanics to have the NARC beacon drop from the affected target after they receive a certain amount of damage. That way, the player hit by a NARC projectile will not be left sitting there for 45 second or a minute and a half just eating missile fire until their death. Having the threshold be something like 120 damage would allow even a solo player with a NARC equipped to compliment their LRMs to achieve a few guaranteed locked volleys before losing tracking and having to re-expose in order to reapply a NARC beacon.

But outside of their synergy with NARC, LRMs are genuinely not that dangerous. It is already difficult enough to obtain and maintain locks against the tools provided to break them.

Great feedback, thank you for responding so extensively in a constructive fashion.

I completely agree that NARC should fall off after X amount of damage (this mechanic was previously in the game), but I do not believe we can do that with XML edits, so it will have to come from PGI.

I also agree that it can be difficult to obtain and maintain locks when the enemy team is filled with 'Mechs that have ECM or are fast and have a large investment into radar deprivation, but when the enemy team doesn't have these counters (as can often happen in QP with your team 'lottery') LRMs are very easy to use and often very oppresive.

I have been in all these situations; doing huge damage to people with LRMs, doing 0 damage because there were so many LRM counters on the opposite team, Being unable to move out of any amount of cover because my entire team is hiding away from LRMs etc etc. Quite honestly none of these situations amount to what would be described as a balanced or fun experience. They simply lead to frustration for both parties, rather than any satisfaction.

#307 Zigmund Freud


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 08:37 AM

View PostKrasnopesky, on 24 March 2021 - 07:01 AM, said:

Well, yes, indirect fire LRMs need to be countered by cover otherwise there would be little point in bringing another weapon system. Unfortunately many maps do not currently have adequate cover, especially for larger 'Mechs to hide behind. Go on Caustic, Alpine Peaks, Polar Highlands and try to find cover for a heavy or assault 'Mech, the options are very few and far between. Other maps with more cover can still be restrictive as well. If the enemy team has too many LRMs then you can simply be pinned to one area and unable to move out.

There's always a point in bringing other weapon systems, because LRMs spread damage, less DPS than other weapons, and have personal AMS and ECM counter.
The fact that Polar often turns into too uncomfortably many LRMs on both sides is caused more by map voting than anything else. Remove map voting and we'll have normal distribution of lurm boats on every map. (I'm not sure if it falls into the scope of this PTS stuff, but I think no map voting would improve players' experience anyway)

View PostKrasnopesky, on 24 March 2021 - 07:01 AM, said:

What would your suggested changes be?

I was writing the suggestions part in edit to that post during your reply so I'll just quote myself

View PostZigmund Freud, on 24 March 2021 - 06:49 AM, said:

As for proposals for LRMs vs AMS balance, I like the ideas posted above - more AMS damage and less range, without touching non-AMS-related stats of LRMs.
If boating is that big of a problem - increase difference between 5- and 20-tubed launchers' missile health further, while introducing diminishing returns kind of mechanic to AMS for balance (like 2 AMS get 5% range reduction, 3 AMS get 15% range reduction etc) - would make boating less tempting than bringing 20 tubes or 1 AMS. But again, it should be tested after mobility/rescale.

But I agree with you on that buffing direct fire and nerfing indirect (without NARC, UAV or TAG) fire modes would be a good change. But it should be changed through increasing indirect targeting time and spread.

Currently proposed velocity nerf, though, still makes zero sense IMO

Edited by Zigmund Freud, 24 March 2021 - 08:39 AM.

#308 Krasnopesky


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 08:38 AM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 24 March 2021 - 08:22 AM, said:

TTK is already low based on match times.. whether small or large difference, any reduction in ttk is the wrong direction to take.

I don't see lrm health increased in your spreadsheet of weapon changes is there an updated version somewhere? (https://docs.google....pFhxVj8J4w/edit).

By going by what you say you're in essence nerfing lrms by slowing their velocity.. (those with ams won't be affected much by the missile health buff because their ams will have more time to shoot them down). LRM's in the right hands are strong, no doubt (just like any weapon really), but the majority of lermer's are newer players.

You asked for suggestions on LRMS.. here's mine: IMO LRMs are a support weapon and should be designed not to kill a mech.. but to wear down armour and suppress the enemy. Kills should be a rarity. Increase their health sure, leave velocity.. but also increase spread.. i'm talking 5 components spread. Kills should be secured by teammates, thus fulfilling the lurmer's support role.. Lurmer's will get that sweet damage and feel like they're contributing but the trade off of standing behind the team and being able to get hits without LOS is.. kills are harder to achieve. What do you think?

Will rescale be easy to implement? The success of your pts changes are dependent on rescale and my fear is that rescale won't happen this year.. (just going by past experience). How much confidence do we have that it will happen in a reasonable amount of time? If rescale is difficult to implement my other fear is that it will take away much needed manpower for adding real content to the game. Going the nerf route doesn't wouldn't require re-scale... and adding agility to mechs should be a simple xml change. Are you starting to see why nerf route is the way to go?

Speaking of the firestarter.. i was able to make it work again by maxing out agility.. I rarely use agility on things but some mechs like the firestarter and jenner definitely come to life once you give them all those nodes.

Again, I applaud all your efforts and time invested.. we thank you.

I think TTK is in a good place, it is higher than almost the entire history of MWO, except for possibly a short window around 2013 when there were very few 'Mechs and weapons in the game. Again I do not believe our changes will significantly change that.

Here is the link that will always be updated: https://www.mwocomp.com/patches.html
You can see that IS LRMs do not have a health increase, while clan LRMs and ATMs do (as they are far more vulnerable to AMS).

I like the concept of making LRMs spread damage more, particularly when they are shot without LOS. As I mentioned previously I would personally like to see even more encouragement to shooting LRMs with LOS.

The success of this PTS is not hinged on any other changes other than the ones within the PTS. We have toned down certain changes and completely not implemented other changes to ensure that if major changes like 'Mech rescale, agility pass, quirks and skill tree rebalances do not occur that this version of weapon balance will still function well in the current game.

The Firestarter may be usable as you say with a complete agility tree filled out (I disagree here), but that is so extremely disadvantageous to that 'Mech when you compare it to something like a Vulcan (despite the Vulcan being 5 tonnes heavier). The Vulcan can devote all those skill points to Firepower / Survival / Operations instead and simply become even more stronger while having superior agility regardless of the large skill investment from the Firestarter. Also the agility tree cannot fix the worst aspect of the Firestarter; It's Pitch. The Firestarter basically cannot look down and the percentage based increases of the skill tree does barely anything to rectify this.

Also to the best of my knowledge, PGI Mark is now working full time on MWO again (announced by Daeron at some point) and he is a 'Mech modeller. I believe he is actively working on 'Mech rescale as we speak.

As a side note, I will mention that the solution in the Firestarter vs Vulcan example isn't to nerf the Vulcan. It is a strong 'Mech (read strong, not OP), but nerfing the agility of 'Mechs will just lead to people using other 'Mechs that aren't nerfed and cause the Vulcan to become useless, rather than the Firestarter becoming viable. This is the exact trap that PGI have so often fallen into in regards to balance in the past. It ends with 'Mechs and weapon systems feeling useless and frustrating to use and ultimately results in the concept of 'defunning' the game.

Edited by Krasnopesky, 24 March 2021 - 08:53 AM.

#309 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 08:39 AM

View PostKrasnopesky, on 24 March 2021 - 08:26 AM, said:

I have been in all these situations; doing huge damage to people with LRMs, doing 0 damage because there were so many LRM counters on the opposite team, Being unable to move out of any amount of cover because my entire team is hiding away from LRMs etc etc. Quite honestly none of these situations amount to what would be described as a balanced or fun experience. They simply lead to frustration for both parties, rather than any satisfaction.

This is well said. I hope we can all agree on this...

#310 Krasnopesky


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 08:43 AM

View PostZigmund Freud, on 24 March 2021 - 08:37 AM, said:

There's always a point in bringing other weapon systems, because LRMs spread damage, less DPS than other weapons, and have personal AMS and ECM counter.
The fact that Polar often turns into too uncomfortably many LRMs on both sides is caused more by map voting than anything else. Remove map voting and we'll have normal distribution of lurm boats on every map. (I'm not sure if it falls into the scope of this PTS stuff, but I think no map voting would improve players' experience anyway)

I was writing the suggestions part in edit to that post during your reply so I'll just quote myself

But I agree with you on that buffing direct fire and nerfing indirect (without NARC, UAV or TAG) fire modes would be a good change. But IMO it also should be changed through increasing indirect targeting time and spread, not velocity,

I was being a bit silly in my example, but if you removed cover from maps LRMs would win all the time as they are currently in game unless the enemy team brought a lot of 3/4 AMS boating 'Mechs.

Maps and map voting are definitely outside the scope of this PTS. This PTS is focusing solely on XML changes to weapons, equipment and (just recently) strikes. In saying that certain values, such as base target retention, are not in the XML files and as such we unfortunately cannot modify them.

There has been a few people now saying that encouraging direct fire with LRMs is the way to go, we will look into it and see if we can find a solution based on that concept for a later iteration of the PTS.

Edited by Krasnopesky, 24 March 2021 - 08:44 AM.

#311 Bud Crue


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 08:47 AM

View PostKrasnopesky, on 24 March 2021 - 08:38 AM, said:

Also to the best of my knowledge, PGI Mark is now working full time on MWO again (announced by Daeron at some point) and he is a 'Mech modeller. I believe he is actively working on 'Mech rescale as we speak.

I know this is a bit of a diversion from the main themes of the thread, but if this is true (that PGI is actively working on Mech rescale) this ought to be announced officially. That's huge and hopeful news if true.

#312 grim spider


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 08:55 AM

this PTS needs to come... NOW!!!!

The new patch is so bad that I cant get 100 damage no matter how hard I try, and have dropped from Tier 1 all the way down to Tier 5. Its really hurting my confidence in and outside the game, and I have missed work because of it.

#313 Krasnopesky


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 08:59 AM

View PostBud Crue, on 24 March 2021 - 08:47 AM, said:

I know this is a bit of a diversion from the main themes of the thread, but if this is true (that PGI is actively working on Mech rescale) this ought to be announced officially. That's huge and hopeful news if true.

Well I heard it being spoken about in public MWO streams from Daeron, so I don't see why it wouldn't be true. It is of course up to PGI to announce such things when they deem it the right time.

The Cauldron is working on other aspects but we won't release the information now because it isn't ready and/or we don't know if it is viable.

Edited by Krasnopesky, 24 March 2021 - 09:00 AM.

#314 Runecarver


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 09:05 AM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 24 March 2021 - 08:14 AM, said:

Your comparison to SRMs is not accurate. Yeah sure, SRM6s are lighter per missile. They also do less damage, don't home and don't have the ability to do damage at range.

An ATM27 Veagle is scarier than any SRM boat medium. In an assault, you can watch armor literally disappear as fast as you can say "Oh crap, ATMs". ATMs are brutal, you can shoot more missiles without ghost heat, and the potential to do 3 damage per missile means you are crapping out a **** ton of damage. Increased spread but more missile health is a good trade off. They are still going to do a crap ton of damage.

Not to mention, TTK with ATM boats in 3 damage per missile range is faster than any other weapon, or at least "time-to-open-up-all-of-your-components-especially-your-legs".

I'm not worried about ATMs at all. You are still going to crap out 82 lock-on damage with ease.

They do similar damages overall. With 3 SRM6s you're firing 18 missiles. An ATM12 fires 12. They both deal a maximum of 36 damage up to around 270 meters. And by the same token, SRM6's do not have a 120 meter minimum range as ATMs do.

Even if they "still do a crapton of damage" it doesn't matter much if the spread causes them to be unable to deal enough damage to compete with all the weapons being brought back out of irrelevancy. They do put out a lot of up front damage. But so do a lot of other weaponry, and they similarly are able to open up a section. Heavy laser vomit, MRMs, Heavy gauss, as examples.

View PostKrasnopesky, on 24 March 2021 - 08:26 AM, said:

Great feedback, thank you for responding so extensively in a constructive fashion.

I completely agree that NARC should fall off after X amount of damage (this mechanic was previously in the game), but I do not believe we can do that with XML edits, so it will have to come from PGI.

I also agree that it can be difficult to obtain and maintain locks when the enemy team is filled with 'Mechs that have ECM or are fast and have a large investment into radar deprivation, but when the enemy team doesn't have these counters (as can often happen in QP with your team 'lottery') LRMs are very easy to use and often very oppressive.

I have been in all these situations; doing huge damage to people with LRMs, doing 0 damage because there were so many LRM counters on the opposite team, Being unable to move out of any amount of cover because my entire team is hiding away from LRMs etc etc. Quite honestly none of these situations amount to what would be described as a balanced or fun experience. They simply lead to frustration for both parties, rather than any satisfaction.

But reducing their velocity will do nothing but make the weapon system( further incapable of fighting against more conventional weaponry, thus forcing LRM's to use indirect in order to have any chance of a favorable trade. Already a solo LRM boat without spotting help has to focus on getting their own lock, firing and then back off behind cover abusing target decay in order to deal damage without receiving dangerous amounts of pin point fire to a single section in return. LRMs just cannot trade against conventional weaponry due to the way they're designer as spread damage DPS weapons.

Increasing ATM direct sight spread that much is likely to result in the weapon system being unable to secure kills, as missiles will hit the periphery of larger mech outlines and a few missiles will now outright miss the target due to that spread. And with ATMs that is a massive loss, considering how few projectiles each laucher puts out. They do not have the ammo capacity for such waste.

View PostKrasnopesky, on 24 March 2021 - 08:38 AM, said:

I like the concept of making LRMs spread damage more, particularly when they are shot without LOS. As I mentioned previously I would personally like to see even more encouragement to shooting LRMs with LOS.

Then that would require the missiles to have velocity capable of reaching their target before the target just backs behind cover. MRMs already have a tough time doing that at range with their velocity, and theirs is over double that of LRMs. So a long range missile system being forced to fire with line of sight to a target would require the missiles to have some chance of actually hitting.

#315 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 09:18 AM

View PostRunecarver, on 24 March 2021 - 09:05 AM, said:

They do similar damages overall. With 3 SRM6s you're firing 18 missiles. An ATM12 fires 12. They both deal a maximum of 36 damage up to around 270 meters. And by the same token, SRM6's do not have a 120 meter minimum range as ATMs do.

Even if they "still do a crapton of damage" it doesn't matter much if the spread causes them to be unable to deal enough damage to compete with all the weapons being brought back out of irrelevancy. They do put out a lot of up front damage. But so do a lot of other weaponry, and they similarly are able to open up a section. Heavy laser vomit, MRMs, Heavy gauss, as examples.

Why don't we see Heavy Laser vomit on Vapor Eagles but ATM27 Vapor eagles are considered one of the best mediums.

Also, you can't fit dual heavy gauss on mediums, but you can fit ATMs, and enough to do significant damage.

ATM boats (even medium ones) will open you up way faster than MRMs ever will. So once again what you are saying is flat out wrong. 80 damage every few seconds, even if spread, is a crap ton of damage that the other weapons you describe cannot practically bring to the table in the same way.

#316 Nightbird


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 09:27 AM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 24 March 2021 - 09:18 AM, said:

Also, you can't fit dual heavy gauss on mediums, but you can fit ATMs, and enough to do significant damage.

Maybe he is using this lol https://mech.nav-alp...a1279f0d_BSW-HR

#317 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 09:51 AM

View PostKrasnopesky, on 24 March 2021 - 08:38 AM, said:

I think TTK is in a good place, it is higher than almost the entire history of MWO, except for possibly a short window around 2013 when there were very few 'Mechs and weapons in the game. Again I do not believe our changes will significantly change that.

Here is the link that will always be updated: https://www.mwocomp.com/patches.html
You can see that IS LRMs do not have a health increase, while clan LRMs and ATMs do (as they are far more vulnerable to AMS).

I like the concept of making LRMs spread damage more, particularly when they are shot without LOS. As I mentioned previously I would personally like to see even more encouragement to shooting LRMs with LOS.

The success of this PTS is not hinged on any other changes other than the ones within the PTS. We have toned down certain changes and completely not implemented other changes to ensure that if major changes like 'Mech rescale, agility pass, quirks and skill tree rebalances do not occur that this version of weapon balance will still function well in the current game.

The Firestarter may be usable as you say with a complete agility tree filled out (I disagree here), but that is so extremely disadvantageous to that 'Mech when you compare it to something like a Vulcan (despite the Vulcan being 5 tonnes heavier). The Vulcan can devote all those skill points to Firepower / Survival / Operations instead and simply become even more stronger while having superior agility regardless of the large skill investment from the Firestarter. Also the agility tree cannot fix the worst aspect of the Firestarter; It's Pitch. The Firestarter basically cannot look down and the percentage based increases of the skill tree does barely anything to rectify this.

Also to the best of my knowledge, PGI Mark is now working full time on MWO again (announced by Daeron at some point) and he is a 'Mech modeller. I believe he is actively working on 'Mech rescale as we speak.

As a side note, I will mention that the solution in the Firestarter vs Vulcan example isn't to nerf the Vulcan. It is a strong 'Mech (read strong, not OP), but nerfing the agility of 'Mechs will just lead to people using other 'Mechs that aren't nerfed and cause the Vulcan to become useless, rather than the Firestarter becoming viable. This is the exact trap that PGI have so often fallen into in regards to balance in the past. It ends with 'Mechs and weapon systems feeling useless and frustrating to use and ultimately results in the concept of 'defunning' the game.

How is ttk in a good place when matches are so quick?

Thanks for the updated cauldron link. I agree.. LOS lrms should be more concentrated.. maybe 3 component spread damage.. No LOS lrms should do 5 component spread.. increase missile health so lrmer's can do their damage. There is alot more ams and ecm than in the past so lrms do need health buffing but with increased spread.

Yep, we all know Vulcan is better than firestarter.. vulcan is better than most lights and mediums.. I was just trying to point out that the firestarter is still capable of performing albeit with more effort and experience. in most cases there will be a better mech out there than most (that's why we have meta).. does that mean we shouldn't use those underdogs? There is a certain satisfaction when you do well with an underdog that you just don't get with a meta mech. I get very little pleasure using meta.. i think i've run that meta mp vulcan twice (i use ml's on it). And I'm totally against making all mechs behave the same by buffing them to be the same. In the vein of keeping mechs unique and differentiated.. i suggest keeping the firestarter's mobility (or lack thereof vis-a-vis little pitch) as is and making it the atlas version of lights.. by buffing it's armor a bit.

As a reply to your side note: When you say you don't want to nerf the vulcan, this is exactly what I'm talking about. It's so hard to get you guys to let go of your crutches. The vulcan has absolutely too many things going for it.. small and narrow size, agility, jets, amazing hitboxes, amazing mounts, even decent quirks.. don't you think it can afford to be nerfed a bit?

The only reason we have bad mechs out there is because there are a handful of op meta mechs we compare them to. The solution isn't to buff 90% of the mechs to their level.. the more reasonable solution is to nerf the 10% of the standout mechs .. so simple.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 24 March 2021 - 10:04 AM.

#318 Nightbird


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 09:54 AM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 24 March 2021 - 09:51 AM, said:

How is ttk in a good place when matches are so quick?

Quick play... quick. Faction play matches last 20-30 minutes.

#319 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 09:59 AM

View PostNightbird, on 24 March 2021 - 09:27 AM, said:

Maybe he is using this lol https://mech.nav-alp...a1279f0d_BSW-HR

That's the build of a forward thinker right there.

View PostNightbird, on 24 March 2021 - 09:54 AM, said:

Quick play... quick. Faction play matches last 20-30 minutes.

Literally the reason I don't drop faction play. Many times I'm trying to get in have some fun and get out. I ain't got time for waiting around.

#320 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 10:05 AM

View PostNightbird, on 24 March 2021 - 09:54 AM, said:

Quick play... quick. Faction play matches last 20-30 minutes.

Too much time is spent searching, loading in, map voting (removing map voting would be a good move), waiting for that one guy to connect to the match and then exiting a match.. When all that's factored in against gameplay time.. quick play.. TOO quick. I'm sure most reasonable people would agree..

TTP (time to play) should be reduced.. not TTK.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 24 March 2021 - 10:40 AM.

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