The Great Streamer And Dev Hunt
Posted 01 May 2021 - 06:04 PM
Posted 02 May 2021 - 07:58 AM
Please show the tiers of the streamers so I can see with whom I'm able to play with/against. And, if possible their schedules.
I've never seen any Dev ever so far, btw.
Posted 02 May 2021 - 12:21 PM

Posted 03 May 2021 - 07:24 AM
Don't want to end with burn-out syndrome, you know.

Posted 03 May 2021 - 10:11 AM
Ch_R0me, on 03 May 2021 - 07:24 AM, said:
Don't want to end with burn-out syndrome, you know.

You're already too late to hunt Streamers & Developers at this point, because they simply will not run that part for as long as it should be. As I'm typing this however, there's a little under 2 Days + 6 Hours left on the Event Challenges to play. Even if you can not get them all at this point, you may find that some of them are still possible to complete and earn extra from. I wish you good luck, should you attempt to try.

~D. V. "Perhaps not all hope is lost on 2021's April-May 'Streamer & Developer Hunt' Event Challenges for you?" Devnull
Posted 03 May 2021 - 12:03 PM
D V Devnull, on 03 May 2021 - 10:11 AM, said:

~D. V. "Perhaps not all hope is lost on 2021's April-May 'Streamer & Developer Hunt' Event Challenges for you?" Devnull
Thanks, but I just managed to pull off the Stryker event. Getting those victories on DRG-1G and TDR-10SE (no matter how hard I could try) was a chore with pugs.
Only managed to score 550 match score once.
Thus the need to take a break.
Edited by Ch_R0me, 03 May 2021 - 12:04 PM.
Posted 03 May 2021 - 01:35 PM
Posted 03 May 2021 - 05:04 PM
Ch_R0me, on 03 May 2021 - 12:03 PM, said:
Thanks, but I just managed to pull off the Stryker event. Getting those victories on DRG-1G and TDR-10SE (no matter how hard I could try) was a chore with pugs.
Only managed to score 550 match score once.
Thus the need to take a break.
You pushed yourself all the way to 550 MS on the Stryker Event, even though no Challenge within asked for that? Ouch... big time.

Alright, have a nice rest, and I'll see you on some Event in the future.

~D. V. "had no idea you pushed it too far on the Stryker Event... rest well, Ch_R0me..." Devnull
Posted 03 May 2021 - 10:58 PM
D V Devnull, on 03 May 2021 - 05:04 PM, said:

Yeah. Then I had one victory left on my Dragon (Build) to finish the event, yet despite doing my best, we've lost.

Even better, I've used ergonomic mouse, for which I'm still adjusting my muscle memory

D V Devnull, on 03 May 2021 - 05:04 PM, said:

~D. V. "had no idea you pushed it too far on the Stryker Event... rest well, Ch_R0me..." Devnull
Thanks. Gonna show up on next event if possible. o7
Edited by Ch_R0me, 03 May 2021 - 11:00 PM.
Posted 04 May 2021 - 08:13 AM
Ch_R0me, on 03 May 2021 - 10:58 PM, said:
Hi again... I just had something nag me at the back of my mind. I then went and checked... It appears the Stryker Pack Event still has more than 20 Days of time left as I type this. You're not actually permanently defeated there... Go get 'em, and you'll get some extra automatically from the Developer & Streamer Hunt Challenges in the process without having to apply any extra effort!!!

~D. V. "I just got slapped by my mind about this... both Events are still running, you're not out of luck!!!" Devnull
Posted 04 May 2021 - 01:20 PM
D V Devnull, on 04 May 2021 - 08:13 AM, said:

~D. V. "I just got slapped by my mind about this... both Events are still running, you're not out of luck!!!" Devnull
Yeah, scored two challenges. Also, indeed I'll not be able to do all of them. But at least finally managed to done that Stryker event (with another match), and I really need to cool down to prevent myself from burning out from this game.
Posted 05 May 2021 - 09:57 AM
Ch_R0me, on 04 May 2021 - 01:20 PM, said:
Roger that, and I still wish you a good rest. Glad to hear you got that Stryker MechPack Bonus Event nailed down, and also glad that you did not end up empty-handed on these Streamer & Developer Hunt Challenges as well. Always better to get something and not end up with nothing!

~D. V. "See you on the battlefields after you've enjoyed a good cooldown!" Devnull
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