Leone, on 09 June 2021 - 12:32 PM, said:
Seriously, I feel like a tired parent trying to explain to small children that they can't have a second dinner until they finish their dessert and snacks. We have one v one. If you wanna go solo you can't get more solo'n that. We have comp, for the most dedicated of group play. We have faction warfare. There's literally a queue for everyone. Heck they even went and release MW5 for pve!
I seriously feel like you're the kinda spoiled teenager that's looking into a full garage and finds it wanting. We got a motorcycle, a coup, a van and a truck and even a little ATV off on the side and you're the kid looking at your dad whose working two jobs and saying 'But I want a jeep!'
That's just pedantic b.s. And I suspect you know it, but you're just trying to stir the pot.
Mixing 12 randoms on each team != an organized group of 4 plus 8 randoms on each team.
There is no evidence that adding soup queue improved player population. In fact, the only data we have says that it _hurt_ player population (dropping for 3 of 4 months after soup was added).
The simple fact of the matter is, we have a crappy matchmaker. It is bad enough that at some level it becomes intolerable for some segment of the potential playerbase. Adding groups to that matchmaker makes the balancing of teams even worse whenever the groups' average skill deviates noticeably from the mean of the solo players in the match. It is not about good groups only. It's about groups that are substantially better or worse than the average.
You can be flippant about this, but I don't think you can argue the matchmaking issues, and you certainly don't have any evidence to support population benefits of soup queue.
The arguments about a good group killing the old group queue are not cogent to the current situation for a number of reasons which I have covered but will briefly review:
1) 8v8 group queue would require 67% of the population that a 12v12 group queue would. We are currently at about 65% of mid 2016 overall population numbers (Jarl's list), and at 75% of mid-2016 average players online numbers (steamcharts). Thus, we can populate group matches at about the same level as we did in 2016 if we stick with 8v8.
2) Going to a 4-man max group, as we have now, will limit the impact of top flite players. There will be no killer 12-mans, nor even a wolfpack of 6. That killer team will be at best half of one team. They'll still have a big impact, but not much more than they would right now in soup queue.
So if you think group queue was even passable in 2016 (it was pretty good for me, I got plenty of matches from end of 2016 to mid 2017 with waits under 5 min most times, and even better in prime time), then you should be intellectually honest enough to admit that we have the population to attempt split queues now with 8v8 group. And limiting groups to 4-mans should actually improve competitiveness. And by not having to mix groups and solos, groups matches could arguably kick off much quicker.