Lockheed_, on 25 June 2021 - 04:49 PM, said:
aesthetically it's a nightmare and with the game already being really behind on visuals, I refuse to lower my standards even further.
make the map visually appealing, work on textures, use paths, roads, snow groomer tracks etc, stop re-using the same white colored rock asset for verticals that sticks out like a sore thumb over and over again, add some transitions between the rocks and the snow and not just surfaces hitting at almost 90°, use some logic when it comes to snow drifts and snow accumulation, add some life to the central base like the smaller bases already have and I am willing to vote for the map
If you refuse to play a map because it's not pretty, then your priorities are skewed so hard they've done a full 360 spin. Gameplay always, always, ALWAYS comes first, and making polar fun to actually play was the priority. If Francois wants to go ahead and give it a visual do-over later I won't complain, but again - Gameplay comes first.
Hell, back in the tf2 and CS:S days people would play on maps that were naught but devtextures 24/7 because the maps themselves were fun.
Edited by MechNexus, 25 June 2021 - 05:17 PM.