Yondu Udonta, on 09 July 2021 - 12:46 AM, said:
How is it an 'elites club'? I wouldn't consider the majority of FP players 'elite'. Discouraging newbies, which I define as either cadets or running trials, from playing Faction Play is simply for their own good, because they will get roflstomped by players who know what they are doing and be left with a bad impression of the game mode (being unbalanced, one-sided match for 25/30mins blah-blah). And because of this negative experience they decide to stick to QP and not give Faction Play another shot, resulting in the population stagnating.
thats the perception anyway (and it was kind of a kneejerk reaction to nightbird's post). you cant call it endgame content, and then expect only t1s to show up. t1 isnt the exp bar of olde anymore, you actually have to be good at the game to be t1 now. for it to be endgame content, you need to be able to accomidate most t3s. to expect everyone to eventually be able to climb to t1 is unrealistic, players plateau at some level no matter how many games they have under their belt. i can totally understand why t5s and 4s might need to stay away, but they are also not a wide population bracket. the bulk of the population is in t3, and if you cant succeed in fp as a t3 (and ive made the case that you can, so its definitely a perception) then you cannot call it endgame content.
the problem is some (not all) of the elite players kind of think of it as 'their mode' and want to keep it 'pure', even if it means diving the whole kitten caboodle towards oblivion. a bar too high is just as bad as a bar too low. thats why 3 nights a week with a one lance limit is a good idea, so the mm has a snowball's chance in hell at functioning. chase that with a few events and you might be able to revitalize the mode. it would at least allow players to shed their negative perceptions and actually see that its the better mode while easing the new to fp players into the mode instead of walking into a 90 degree learning curve.
Edited by LordNothing, 09 July 2021 - 12:24 PM.