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Can We Agree About Things To Fix?

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#21 Rizzi Kell


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Posted 17 July 2021 - 12:28 AM

For what more Tickets? If you just raise up the Tickets, everything works like normal Skirmish, just take Conquest out of the rotation, it is still aviable in Comp and Quickplay. Domination is different, i agree, it could be over in less then 2 minutes, but you have preparationtime to get at least one light in first wave to get the circle...if you don´t, live with the loose, that is the objektive of this gamestyle. Same at Siege, if you do a real Objektiverush, the game is over after first round especial if you are organised and prefered IS side(for the Def-Quirks)(for sure it will work on Clanside too but a little bit harder if the IS side is organised too).
Get the Dropweight to same level, there is no longer need to prefer the IS side, and if you now come with:...But Law...! Forget it there is no Battletechlaw in this game.
Lets talk about other things that should be fixed, give more Reward for the Players who do Objektive, not only for Damage and Kills, If you do Objektive you win, thrust me it is for real. For example I went IS-Side for Siegeattack, and i deside to get in a stealth mech just for doing Objektives i do not do dmg to mechs but a lot of damage to the Objektive, this is not counted and not rewarded but I win the game, yes i can hear you that that is not cool and maybe a little unfair, but that is a gamestyle accepted by PGI, and you can let some guards behind to get me down quick. So my suggestion is to reward damage to Objektives, and get Capturetime to the Reward too, get this little helpers who help you win this game by doing less dmg to the Enemy, i think we will see a big differece in Gamestyle, and we will see harder fights about the Objektives as before(not like know, a lightPilot doing all the Capping in Conquest but doing only 200 Dmg is less Rewarded then the Longrangeplayer who stands at one point doing 1000 dmg, so what is your oppinion, who won the Game the Capper or the Camper? and who is rewarded in this game? Oh it is the Camper for sure....
Next suggestion, get ride of this Loosing a mech halfs your Matchscore, this just help out that you hide your damged mech, and not fight against the enemy in the last minutes of the match. Just move it off and make the totaly done Matchscore working on the Loyalityreward, it will help both sides in fight, and it is friendly to beginners of cw, cause of getting up in Ranks and get those Mechbays needed at the beginning of your carrere, btw did we talk about taking part in CW with trailmechs? Dissable this, and do not alow people to take part on cw with in the first 100 matches in quickplay.

#22 Kotis77


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Posted 17 July 2021 - 09:44 AM

View Posttee5, on 16 July 2021 - 03:19 PM, said:

-conquest tickets to 1400 maybe later to 1500 but NOOOOT 2000
- make attacker and defender random, not only one side is defending during one phase.
- same tonnage for IS and Clan, since everything is balanced by the cauldron, we can have same tonnage.

- work on your random function, 4 times Boreal Vault in a row is no fun.
- a little bit more Siege, but quick play style maps and modes can stay.
BUT 3 times conquest in a row and then maybe one Siege Match is not good.

- make the leaderboard work correctly.

I think conquest 1500 tickets is what consensus is atm. 2000 is just another skirmish

Yeah attack/def is complicated. This isnt great that we got now and random isnt either... Counter attack would solve at least little bit of that problem, but can we get consensus on that?

i have same feelings about qp maps to siege ratio. consensus is we need more multiplier to SIEGE

And leaderboards... I know why PGI dont wanna fix that. If fixed statwarriors would make FP boring again.

View PostRizzi Kell, on 17 July 2021 - 12:28 AM, said:

For what more Tickets? If you just raise up the Tickets, everything works like normal Skirmish, just take Conquest out of the rotation, it is still aviable in Comp and Quickplay. Domination is different, i agree, it could be over in less then 2 minutes, but you have preparationtime to get at least one light in first wave to get the circle...if you don´t, live with the loose, that is the objektive of this gamestyle. Same at Siege, if you do a real Objektiverush, the game is over after first round especial if you are organised and prefered IS side(for the Def-Quirks)(for sure it will work on Clanside too but a little bit harder if the IS side is organised too).
Get the Dropweight to same level, there is no longer need to prefer the IS side, and if you now come with:...But Law...! Forget it there is no Battletechlaw in this game.
Lets talk about other things that should be fixed, give more Reward for the Players who do Objektive, not only for Damage and Kills, If you do Objektive you win, thrust me it is for real. For example I went IS-Side for Siegeattack, and i deside to get in a stealth mech just for doing Objektives i do not do dmg to mechs but a lot of damage to the Objektive, this is not counted and not rewarded but I win the game, yes i can hear you that that is not cool and maybe a little unfair, but that is a gamestyle accepted by PGI, and you can let some guards behind to get me down quick. So my suggestion is to reward damage to Objektives, and get Capturetime to the Reward too, get this little helpers who help you win this game by doing less dmg to the Enemy, i think we will see a big differece in Gamestyle, and we will see harder fights about the Objektives as before(not like know, a lightPilot doing all the Capping in Conquest but doing only 200 Dmg is less Rewarded then the Longrangeplayer who stands at one point doing 1000 dmg, so what is your oppinion, who won the Game the Capper or the Camper? and who is rewarded in this game? Oh it is the Camper for sure....
Next suggestion, get ride of this Loosing a mech halfs your Matchscore, this just help out that you hide your damged mech, and not fight against the enemy in the last minutes of the match. Just move it off and make the totaly done Matchscore working on the Loyalityreward, it will help both sides in fight, and it is friendly to beginners of cw, cause of getting up in Ranks and get those Mechbays needed at the beginning of your carrere, btw did we talk about taking part in CW with trailmechs? Dissable this, and do not alow people to take part on cw with in the first 100 matches in quickplay.

Oh wow. Thats hard to read...

But yeah nah... Consensus is NO PVE in PVP game. At least go straight for gens. Thats fa ked up man...

Edited by Kotis77, 17 July 2021 - 09:52 AM.

#23 Rizzi Kell


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Posted 17 July 2021 - 01:40 PM

Or do it like (2WAR), (FAIT) or (JINX) just let the capping be done by other....
oh, it is skirmish then.....

Edited by Rizzi Kell, 17 July 2021 - 01:40 PM.

#24 Kotis77


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Posted 19 July 2021 - 12:32 PM

View PostRizzi Kell, on 17 July 2021 - 01:40 PM, said:

Or do it like (2WAR), (FAIT) or (JINX) just let the capping be done by other....
oh, it is skirmish then.....


So you really like PVE in this game? While there isnt anything deeper meaning if win by PVE. I would get it at least a bit if there is content/mening to winning by PVE. Somekind campaing or something else than winning by would get you some reward or good feeling about yourself.

But this is only hollow arena shooter that reminds of Battletech universe. So only thing you can do in this game is just shoot other online players and try to get some kills/damage, PEWPEW.

As for us [JINX] we do capping in conquest. Thats the only gamemode that is fun with objectives, but this 1250 isnt fun for doing that. Even if both teams cap and its very close match like 1250 to 1200 there is 10 minutes left in game and two mechs. So at least for me it isnt fun.

And for other gamemodes Assault, Domination etc. is just skirmish with stupid objectives. And if you dont get to win by fighting then go for objectives. Not straight PVE. Its just dumb.

#25 Al_Bundy


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Posted 20 July 2021 - 12:22 AM

Translate by Google :

why are you discussing here?
Nothing will change, nothing at all, not today and not in 12 months either, PGI was not interested in changing the FP, lives with it.

Just like there are groups that are fun to drive the last FP players out of the mode by putting "OP" groups together instead of splitting up to ensure more balanced games.
Even if it is understandable that groups do not want to share, but in the modest situation in which FP is, the players have to organize themselves in order to bring more people closer to the mode, THEN and only THEN if there are actually more players in the mode - will there is a small chance of change.

But let's be honest: this is a dead game mode and needs a general overhaul, but that will never happen, no more players will get into the mode either (many try 1x maybe 2x, then they are farmed and never return ).

It would be best to earn the faction points in the QP, and to cancel the FP mode (just like Solaris), then there is only QP and PGI is happy.

#26 Horseman


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Posted 20 July 2021 - 02:25 AM

View PostKotis77, on 12 July 2021 - 03:48 PM, said:

Can we agree about getting more siege?

View PostKotis77, on 12 July 2021 - 03:48 PM, said:

Or what you wanna see fixed on FP? On minimal resources that PGI can throw at FP.
  • Scouting back as a separate queue. It would allow for FP activity even in relatively low population times / with small queues (perhaps a drop-down when queueing: queue for invasion, scouting or both)
  • An indicator of how many matches are currently ongoing and how far along are they (mechs, time, objective progress), not unlike what we see in Solaris. This gives some feedback as to when the queue could get an influx of players and avoids the appearance of a "dead" mode.
  • An indicator of what sized groups are presently queued, since not all players understand that the matchmaker is supposed to prioritize forming matches using groups over solos.
  • Possibly a queue priority system similar to what's in Solaris, since otherwise players can get skipped repeatedly (which is PITA with the already long queue times in the mode) and leads to more churn


And can we just keep it at players that really play Faction warfare. Not QP dreamers that wanna take FP to where its not gonna go.
Agreed. There are other things that could be done with FP in the long run, but quick wins might prevent it from dying completely.

View PostRizzi Kell, on 17 July 2021 - 12:28 AM, said:

Get the Dropweight to same level, there is no longer need to prefer the IS side,
Haven't they been equalized a while ago already?


Lets talk about other things that should be fixed, give more Reward for the Players who do Objektive, not only for Damage and Kills,
That's out of scope of this thread, as you're talking about scoring system changes (that were discussed multiple timesbefore) and not something specific to FP.


not like know, a lightPilot doing all the Capping in Conquest but doing only 200 Dmg is less Rewarded then the Longrangeplayer who stands at one point doing 1000 dmg, so what is your oppinion, who won the Game the Capper or the Camper? and who is rewarded in this game? Oh it is the Camper for sure....
Who won? The team did. Both the capper and the sniper have their roles to play, and either of them can swing the end result depending on the circumstances. A sniper who did 1K damage has substantially contributed to removing at least two enemy mechs from play - and smoking wrecks aren't capping or shooting your team's cappers.

Edited by Horseman, 20 July 2021 - 02:48 AM.

#27 TheStranger


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Posted 07 August 2021 - 08:44 PM

View PostLordNothing, on 12 July 2021 - 04:33 PM, said:

short answer
[color=#959595] id even go for throwing out incursion as it doesnt really play much different from skirmish[/color]

Then throw out Domination and Assault as they are just skirmish with a different hat on. The only modes that make people think are Conquest and Incursion.

#28 TheStranger


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Posted 09 August 2021 - 11:55 PM

Mixed drop decks, especially for Merc units.

#29 IronWolfPack64


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Posted 10 August 2021 - 09:17 AM

View PostTheStranger, on 09 August 2021 - 11:55 PM, said:

Mixed drop decks, especially for Merc units.

Dropping clan mechs on the IS side and IS mechs on the clan side would completely defeat the purpose of the mode. If you want a dead game mode just do that and see what happens.

#30 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 14 August 2021 - 05:32 PM

honestly i haven't played FP in a very long time. the main reason is as a solo player i got tired of the constant stomps. on top of that were the long wait times for a match just to get stomped every time.

now as for the subject of the talk i don't agree with equaling out the tonnage limit. Clan mechs still hold an advantage on just how much firepower they can bring to the game per ton.

i like the idea of raising the Ticket numbers on certain game modes so that the first wave loss isn't a match lost, give more of an opportunity to counter push.

we also need to think about things that will bring in new players or bring back players like who game up on the game mode. i would love to come back to FP but i just don't see it happening now as things sit in the game right now.

honestly FP needs a whole lot of love before it becomes viable again. bringing scouting back might help but we need to attract more people from QP into FP.

keep in mind new players are what keep the game going. they are what keep money coming into PGI to keep the game running (those who are going to pay money who have been playing a long time have likely already bought the packs they are interested in). burnout is a real thing hell i didn't play for almost a year during the time when there weren't any events or anything to do worth playing. in this vane of though some FP exclusive events might be a good idea as well. it would definitely decrease wait times for matches if nothing else and perhaps some people would stay or come back to the mode from time to time after.

#31 IronWolfPack64


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Posted 14 August 2021 - 08:19 PM

View PostVeeOt Dragon, on 14 August 2021 - 05:32 PM, said:

honestly i haven't played FP in a very long time. the main reason is as a solo player i got tired of the constant stomps. on top of that were the long wait times for a match just to get stomped every time.

now as for the subject of the talk i don't agree with equaling out the tonnage limit. Clan mechs still hold an advantage on just how much firepower they can bring to the game per ton.

i like the idea of raising the Ticket numbers on certain game modes so that the first wave loss isn't a match lost, give more of an opportunity to counter push.

we also need to think about things that will bring in new players or bring back players like who game up on the game mode. i would love to come back to FP but i just don't see it happening now as things sit in the game right now.

honestly FP needs a whole lot of love before it becomes viable again. bringing scouting back might help but we need to attract more people from QP into FP.

keep in mind new players are what keep the game going. they are what keep money coming into PGI to keep the game running (those who are going to pay money who have been playing a long time have likely already bought the packs they are interested in). burnout is a real thing hell i didn't play for almost a year during the time when there weren't any events or anything to do worth playing. in this vane of though some FP exclusive events might be a good idea as well. it would definitely decrease wait times for matches if nothing else and perhaps some people would stay or come back to the mode from time to time after.

I agree, I wonder if PGI could put together some kind of recruitment centered event that rewards people for joining a unit or playing with a group and rewards a unit for brining new people in? Idk how they would do it exactly, or what the event rewards would be but it’s certainly an interesting idea and if it could happen could bring a lot of people into the mode.

#32 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 15 August 2021 - 01:23 PM

i don't join units. i have had some bad experiences with them in my early play days. join 3 different units and all were supper rude. nothing but meta try hard ********. i knw there are friendly units out there but one shouldn't be forced into joining unit to play FP

you know while reading another thread here in the FP section of the forum i thought of something else that would make it easier for people to join groups or units if they chose. implementing a Group or Unit VC so that you don't have to use an outside service. that is another reason i refuse to join a unit or group as they always want you to download this or that outside service to use for chatting. make this chat work only outside of matches so that when you enter a match you are back to using the normal team VC.

also it would help let groups communicate with other people in the game not in their outside chat service. so often in QP i see groups that i know are communicating based on their movements but there is nothing in game VC because they are likely using an outside program.

Edited by VeeOt Dragon, 15 August 2021 - 01:54 PM.

#33 D A T A


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Posted 15 August 2021 - 03:44 PM

More siege
timer to 35 mins all game modes
is deck = clan deck = 265 tons
All drop zones together, dropships floating for twice as long
Defense turrets inside drop zones (skirmish removed)
Conquest tickets to 1750 (pgi should be close to do this)
Domination circle radius x2, timer +1 min
Incursion quadruple amount of turrets
Siege double gen health

Edited by D A T A, 15 August 2021 - 03:50 PM.

#34 IronWolfPack64


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Posted 15 August 2021 - 06:53 PM

View PostD A T A, on 15 August 2021 - 03:44 PM, said:

More siege
timer to 35 mins all game modes
is deck = clan deck = 265 tons
All drop zones together, dropships floating for twice as long
Defense turrets inside drop zones (skirmish removed)
Conquest tickets to 1750 (pgi should be close to do this)
Domination circle radius x2, timer +1 min
Incursion quadruple amount of turrets
Siege double gen health

Dude! Better yet! It’s all just skirmish! That’s only one change that would accomplish all of the above goals.

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