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Anyone Else Jonesing For That 'quirk Preview' Daeron Mentioned On Sean's Show?

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#21 Void Angel


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Posted 17 August 2021 - 03:24 PM

View PostWid1046, on 17 August 2021 - 05:31 AM, said:

They could always just post clearly that it is a work in progress and may change.

They have tried that before. Apparently, the burned hand teaches best. =]

#22 PocketYoda


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Posted 17 August 2021 - 07:30 PM

View Post1453 R, on 17 August 2021 - 08:21 AM, said:

I don't play Sphere 'Mechs much at all. I came into BattleTech from MW2 and the Clanner bias never left. All I can say is that if my Dire Whale can make meaningful jumps, so can everything else. You just have to invest in your hopes. A hundred-tonner taking one single jump jet with no jet tree enhancements, you're not gonna jump anywhere, no. But previously, even with maximum jet count and the Jumpy tree, heavy 'Mechs with fewer than five jets or anything with assault jets weren't getting anywhere worth going. Now my four-jet Night Gyr can access terrain quite well, and my three-jet Dire Whale can get to places nobody is expecting a hundred tons of poor disposition.

Well... that explains a lot.

View PostRickySpanish, on 17 August 2021 - 03:14 PM, said:

The Wolverine is better, but I have not played many games recently in 'Mechs other than the Spider 5V, and that has so many jets adding even more lift would go un-noticed. My understanding is you will get different results on different 'Mechs, depending on how screwed they used to be with respect to their weight versus jump jet class.

Totally get that, but was never really a fan of Wolverines.. The lose a shoulder and all my weapons puts me off on most of them. Griffins are probably better as i see a lot poptarting in them.. Not really a fan of missile mechs i tend to avoid them as well.

Next time i play i'll try more mediums.. As i tend to do poorly in most with the power creep weapons they die super fast in my hands.

Crab 27SL feels the same as before the JJ update to me.

Edited by MechaGnome, 17 August 2021 - 07:37 PM.

#23 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 17 August 2021 - 08:04 PM

View PostMechaGnome, on 17 August 2021 - 07:30 PM, said:

Well... that explains a lot.

Totally get that, but was never really a fan of Wolverines.. The lose a shoulder and all my weapons puts me off on most of them. Griffins are probably better as i see a lot poptarting in them.. Not really a fan of missile mechs i tend to avoid them as well.

Next time i play i'll try more mediums.. As i tend to do poorly in most with the power creep weapons they die super fast in my hands.

Crab 27SL feels the same as before the JJ update to me.

Class IV Jump jets got the smallest buff so it would be hard to notice. The rest of the jump jets got much more significant buffs.

#24 Wid1046


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Posted 18 August 2021 - 04:39 AM

There's both been a discussion about how much mobility has changed and how much the jump jets have changed in this thread. Some individual medium chassis got decent mobility changes (both types of hunchback for example are much better now), but the jump jet changes were practically non-existent for all mediums.

I compared the change in max jump height for a few mechs of different weight classes. I used Omnimechs with locked-in jump jets for comparison, however both Clan and IS are getting exactly the same boost. Any two mechs with the same weight and same number of jump jets will have exactly the same maximum jump height.

Here's what a few omni-mechs with locked-in jump jets are getting as an increase in jump height for example:
MLX: 98.9% increase
ACH: 93.0% increase
SHC: 3.9% increase
HMN: 4.5% increase
SMN: 27.0% increase
EXE: 65.9% increase

Basically heavies and light-assaults (80-85 tons) can now jump about an extra third as high, heavy-assaults (90-100) can jump about an extra two thirds higher, lights can jump almost double as high, and mediums are basically the same as before.

You can read more details about it (including charts for all jump jet quantities at all weights) here: https://mwomercs.com...mpjet-overhaul/

#25 1453 R


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Posted 18 August 2021 - 05:51 AM

1.) It's been literal decades since I've seen Macross. My apologies for mixing up Veritech paint jobs.

2.) I am allowed to like Clan 'Mechs and Clan gear. It clearly isn't helping me Dominate The Meta(C), but I am a big adherent of "faster is better" and Clan machines are almost always faster. BESM was a good time to be alive in MWO, I still miss the days when people didn't trim their engines as low as they possibly humanly could just to try and pack in one more quarter-ton of autocannon ammunition. My general preference is for medium-weight 'Mechs with groundspeeds in excess of 100kph and wide access to secondary non-weapon equipment. If Shadow Cats weren't half-crippled by terrible hardpoints they would almost certainly be my favorite 'Mechs, and I still wish I could get them to work. I've never heard a single solitary person complain about Shadow Cats being overpowered.

#26 Armchair General

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Posted 18 August 2021 - 08:21 AM

Locust sneaky peaky found on discord:
Posted Image

#27 Spheroid


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Posted 18 August 2021 - 08:35 AM

Needs more. Even with +30% RoF its worse than the underwhelming Javelin-F for machine gun damage. How about -50% mg spread or increase crit chance roll.

Edited by Spheroid, 18 August 2021 - 09:38 AM.

#28 JediPanther


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Posted 18 August 2021 - 08:39 AM

View PostArmchair General, on 18 August 2021 - 08:21 AM, said:

Locust sneaky peaky found on discord:
Posted Image

I'd be surprised if the 1v quirks go live and then get conveniently hot fixed nerfed shortly after as being "too outside our targeted data set" or some other excuse to remove it. The lpl on it would be ok. 52% cd on energy once stacked with fire power.

5 armor really isn't going to help the not pb lct see much use. 30% capture acel. Spider does that at close to 70-80% and still hardly sees uses as a caping mech.

#29 1453 R


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Posted 18 August 2021 - 08:46 AM

Looks like the Cauldron was listening then people said they wanted their ERLL Poke Locusts back. I'm not deeply conversant with the Locust family's base quirks, but I am intrigued by the cap accelerator quirk on the 3V. Definitely need more quirks that are about more than just embettering guns or lessworsening survivability values. Most of what I see looks like pretty healthy buffs on the scale of Locust, but...yeah. They're Locusts. They're never gonna be powerhouses.

Thanks for the peek, AG. Much appreciated. Here's hoping Daeron pulls through at some point here, too.

#30 GoodTry


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Posted 18 August 2021 - 09:15 AM

View PostJediPanther, on 18 August 2021 - 08:39 AM, said:

I'd be surprised if the 1v quirks go live and then get conveniently hot fixed nerfed shortly after as being "too outside our targeted data set" or some other excuse to remove it. The lpl on it would be ok. 52% cd on energy once stacked with fire power.

The 1V has -30% energy cooldown already. I'm not seeing any obvious builds that will be great even with the new quirks.

#31 JediPanther


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Posted 18 August 2021 - 09:29 AM

View PostGoodTry, on 18 August 2021 - 09:15 AM, said:

The 1V has -30% energy cooldown already. I'm not seeing any obvious builds that will be great even with the new quirks.

1V is the worst lct. Like the spider 5v there isn't really any thing it is good at due to placement and lack of hard points. It's one of those meh-for-fun variants. An lpc for lol or snub for fun. It's one of the many variants that the quirks alone determine the mech's potential.

If you want a great lct you have two of seven. PB and 1E. I'd love to be able to have a one time swap ability between variants of a chassis. I'd put the 40% cd on the 1E for sure and it's the mech that got me the aos years ago.

#32 Void Angel


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Posted 18 August 2021 - 09:54 AM

View PostJediPanther, on 18 August 2021 - 09:29 AM, said:

If you want a great lct you have two of seven. PB and 1E. I'd love to be able to have a one time swap ability between variants of a chassis. I'd put the 40% cd on the 1E for sure and it's the mech that got me the aos years ago.

Got mine on a Spider 5D!

#33 1453 R


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Posted 20 August 2021 - 03:08 PM

WHELP. They finally dropped the 'preview', and now we know what we're getting.

To whit: August 24th, 2021 HPG/Quirk pass 1 Preview Post.

To briefly and very generically summarize: most of the Quirkening seems to be in terms of adding armor to underperforming/too-fragile chassis, often turning structure quirks into armor. Many, manypre-existing weapon-specific quirks were turned into global reductions to heat generation, cooldown, range, or the like, especially for 'Mechs with a plethora of mixed hardpoints. A very few 'Mechs gained either outlandishly high values for specific weapons to mirror lost 'GigaQuirk' loadouts(LCT-1V, CN9-D), or semi-unique quirks of a type or magnitude not previously seen. The Pretty Baby, for instance, has a stupendous 70% reduction to its receiving-crit chance, which is thirty points higher than any other Crit Receiving Reduction in the game. The Madd-6S (one of the 100-ton Marauder IIs, and I hate that those things share a designation with normal Marauders) gained a generic PPC family HSL+1 quirk in addition to its existing IS ER PPC HSL+1 quirk.

There's not as much cool, unique, behavior-changing quirkage as I would've hoped for, but I'm also very pleasantly surprised by how many Clan 'Mechs received some uptweaks. Even infamously "already fine!" 'Mechs the Sphere side hates that have needed help for forever, like the Dire Whale. Which, to be fair, only received some relatively minor fixes to improve its durability for the most part, but still. The hyper-fragile Incubus received some desperately needed improved armor, the Adder and Cougar gained some needed durability, and a lot of the more headscratcher Clan weapons quirks were culled and replaced with more sensible numbers. If almost universally smaller than Sphere numbers because der, but nevertheless.

If this keeps up, and if Daeron can deliver on his Great Pricing Rebalance as well? Sales are going to improve. We'll have to see how much, but this seems like a positive direction even if not necessarily the best positive direction. Well done so far, Cauldron folks.

#34 w0qj


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Posted 20 August 2021 - 05:37 PM

I like what Cauldron is doing, and especially like this Quirk Pass #1 upcoming end-Aug-2021 !

==>I'm personally looking forward to how Cauldron would make the Mauler more usable as compared to the Cyclops. Every since Cyclops had been introduced, the Mauler had been in its shadow (less mobility, and Mauler quirks not enough to offset this performance deficit).

This Quirk Pass #1 and changed maps (Canyon Network, Polar Highlands, and now this HPG Manifold), does indeed make MWO feel like a new game now!

I personally am eyeing the premium mech packs now as these look more interesting in view of the Quirk Passes...
~Clan Wave I
~Clan Wave II
~Resistance II

Perhaps others as well Posted Image

==>Perhaps MWO will consider to give an one-off Flash Sale of 50% Off for a very brief period (say 12 hours), before the Quirk Pass has been applied to the rest of the numerous mech chassis? MWO gets to drum up Premium mech pack sales, while players can speculate/gamble/hope on buying these before the full Quirk Pass has been applied to all chassis? Posted Image

Edited by w0qj, 20 August 2021 - 05:37 PM.

#35 ScrapIron Prime


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Posted 20 August 2021 - 08:07 PM

Centurion AL and D. Already my favorite mechs, now I’m just giddy. Posted Image

#36 1453 R


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Posted 21 August 2021 - 07:18 AM

The CN9-D with a pair of LB/X-5s could be nasty. Or, hell - run a pair of LB/X-2s and have what amounts to a jam-free rotary autocannon. The quirks drop the things' refire rate below half a second, you can slice it down to around ~0.36s with skilltree. I think that's legitimately faster than the hold-the-button-down default "max" fire rate, think I remember that being 0.5s. If not, though? Yeah. Paired LB/X-2 on a CN9-D is a spinup-free, 900m rotary autocannon. The 5s are probably the better pick, but heck if the 2s don't sound amusing as hell.

Edited by 1453 R, 21 August 2021 - 07:18 AM.

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