./configure CFLAGS="-O3 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -maccumulate-outgoing-args -mno-push-args -freorder-blocks-and-partition" LDFLAGS="-s"
Then I copied the installed game folder from my Win7 partition. There is a workaround to get the MWO installer to work with wine, but right before I was attempting to use wine we lost the old forums, which contained the info on how to get the installer to work in wine.
To run the game I find I have to use nautilus to browse to the game directory which is now in my .wine folder and double click the MechWarriorOnline.exe in order for the launcher to work. Making shortcuts to this launcher in Gnome in Ubuntu 12.10 will just not work for some reason. Oh well, I can make a shortcut in my places to the Bin32 folder so good enough for me.
I then configured my joystick in wine using the command "wine control.exe". Linux uses a few different ways of interacting with joysticks, so you must use the wine control panel to disable all but on stick or else you will find odd things happening in the game, because wine thinks that there are multiple joysticks connected, when in fact there is only one. Setting buttons up in game seems to work fine, but you must set throttle direction and inverse y axis in User.cfg in the base Mechwarrior folder to make your joystick operate the way one would like.
My user.cfg file:
I find these graphics options in my user.cfg very useful. They decrease the visual settings even more than the in game graphics settings. I have a very powerful system (GeForce GTX480 x3 and i7 990x OC to 4GHZ with 12Gb 1600Mhz ram) and leaving settings on minimum isn't enough to make the game playable. With these settings i can get over 20 FPS which is a bit more tolerable. I currently use SLI in Linux so that may have something to do with the weak FPS, will take more experimenting.
Then, when a round is over you MUST NOT click quit game. I found the game freezes in a black screen of doom. You must just end the match. Now when you get back to the desktop, the game launcher will not be in the window properly, and will not work correctly. To play another round you must kill wine with the "wineserver -k" in a terminal and re-open the launcher by double clicking on MechWarriorOnline.exe.
These are my results in wine so far, if anyone has any suggestions or something to add to this please do so. Hope this helps your Mechwarrior-ing in Unix!</p>