Cataphract40, on 17 September 2021 - 05:53 PM, said:


I have been waiting for that change such a loooong time!!! YEAH!!!

Gagis, on 18 September 2021 - 08:28 AM, said:
The default Mouse Sensitivity in MWO is 1.0. I and most experienced players use 0.1 instead. The default makes hitting lights or components on any mechs 10 times harder than it should be. Change it!
Lowest Ingame Mouse Sensitivity + The right DPI Setting on your Mouse = AIMBOTlike CARNAGE!!!

But still I see a lot of people horribly failing at the aiming part!

There is this thing called AIRTIME which you share with all your neighbours and it can cause really weird Ping Spikes so please... Please... PLEASE dear fellow MWO Players :

Kano111, on 18 September 2021 - 05:11 PM, said:
On the topic of light buffs possibly effecting assault mechs getting cored out vs a Piranah, Mist Lynx, Flea etc.... The lights and mediums should be keeping an eye on their assualts and protecting them from the dreaded 1v1 assault vs light island scenario... You know... team work

No amount of buffs and nerfs can fix poor team work.... Also aiming helps..
For the leggs of Lights... YES!
No one seems to do that anymore these days ?!

Everytime I play with a Light mech and don't have to run for the Domination Circle it seems I am the only weirdo escorting the slow (usually Assault) mechs to the battlefield...
pattonesque, on 19 September 2021 - 06:21 AM, said:
The exact numbers behind how this is achieved in Battletech and MWO are different. The effect is more or less the same
My KGC-000 with 6 x AC/2 or MAL-MX90 with 6 x AC/5 horribly disagree with you!

And last but not least : Thank you for fixing the worst map in the game!
Anything is better than the previous version!