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Patch Notes - - 21-September-2021

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#101 Roodkapje


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 10:33 AM

*** About the three King Crab variants FINALLY getting HSL+1 for the AC/20 :

View PostCataphract40, on 17 September 2021 - 05:53 PM, said:

Posted Image

IKR!!! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

I have been waiting for that change such a loooong time!!! YEAH!!! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

View PostGagis, on 18 September 2021 - 08:28 AM, said:

On a more serious note:
The default Mouse Sensitivity in MWO is 1.0. I and most experienced players use 0.1 instead. The default makes hitting lights or components on any mechs 10 times harder than it should be. Change it!

Lowest Ingame Mouse Sensitivity + The right DPI Setting on your Mouse = AIMBOTlike CARNAGE!!! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

But still I see a lot of people horribly failing at the aiming part! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image


Another thing that can affect you is packet loss from a bad ISP, bad router or by using WIFI to connect to internet. WIFI ruins any online game, including MWO, if other people are streaming video or something like that on the same router. If your gaming PC is the only device connecting to the same wireless network, it doesn't hurt that much.

There is this thing called AIRTIME which you share with all your neighbours and it can cause really weird Ping Spikes so please... Please... PLEASE dear fellow MWO Players :


View PostKano111, on 18 September 2021 - 05:11 PM, said:

Nice work..
On the topic of light buffs possibly effecting assault mechs getting cored out vs a Piranah, Mist Lynx, Flea etc.... The lights and mediums should be keeping an eye on their assualts and protecting them from the dreaded 1v1 assault vs light island scenario... You know... team work Posted Image

No amount of buffs and nerfs can fix poor team work.... Also aiming helps..

For the leggs of Lights... YES!


No one seems to do that anymore these days ?! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Everytime I play with a Light mech and don't have to run for the Domination Circle it seems I am the only weirdo escorting the slow (usually Assault) mechs to the battlefield...

View Postpattonesque, on 19 September 2021 - 06:21 AM, said:

An AC/2 does small amounts of damage at long range in Battletech and MWO

The exact numbers behind how this is achieved in Battletech and MWO are different. The effect is more or less the same

My KGC-000 with 6 x AC/2 or MAL-MX90 with 6 x AC/5 horribly disagree with you! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

And last but not least : Thank you for fixing the worst map in the game!

Anything is better than the previous version! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

#102 pattonesque


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 10:37 AM

View PostRoodkapje, on 19 September 2021 - 10:33 AM, said:

My KGC-000 with 6 x AC/2 or MAL-MX90 with 6 x AC/5 horribly disagree with you! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

an AC/2. As in, one.

#103 Rizzi Kell


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 11:00 AM

and another jokepatch from the outerspace.... wasn´t it that you would get off most of the quirks and get game ballanced? give more HSLL on LPL to IS and nerf same time the LPL of clans... nice work couldron nice work PGI *ironic mode off*

#104 Navid A1


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 11:48 AM

View PostRizzi Kell, on 19 September 2021 - 11:00 AM, said:

and another jokepatch from the outerspace.... wasn´t it that you would get off most of the quirks and get game ballanced? give more HSLL on LPL to IS and nerf same time the LPL of clans... nice work couldron nice work PGI *ironic mode off*

It's a good thing we made changes to base stats of weapons then... otherwise quirk list would have been double in size.

Quirks are to give mechs unique advantages to differentiate between an ocean of variants with multiple overlapping chassis and variants.
Changes to base stats of weapons was to make them good on their own, without quirks being a must have to use them.

#105 Voice of Kerensky


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 05:27 PM

And now I ask you, PGI (or Cauldron), to answer honestly. Who specifically of you hate so much streaks? This is really very interesting to me.

Somehow it turns out that you first tell us that the streaks are so incredibly strong that they can kill almost any light with one shot (but there were always very few streaks in the game), so the streaks must be destroyed, trampled and humiliated. After realizing that you've actually made streaks arguably the most useless weapon in the game, you've raised their power a bit, but at the same time, you are giving tons of extra armor to all Mechs, giving quirks to all types of weapons, and increase the heat efficiency of mechs / weapons . Those in fact, the streaks remained in the same humiliated, useless state in which they were after the first total nerf. Do you really think we (the players) didn't notice this? It looks just disgusting.
I can even suppose a couple of people who will now very reasonably assure me that I am wrong, that I misunderstand everything, and in general that this is all different...

Ew to be like this.

And again, not a single word about separation solo and group queue.

#106 John Bronco


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 05:29 PM

Streaks can't be fixed without engineering resources. Get over it.

#107 justcallme A S H


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 06:09 PM

View PostVoice of Kerensky, on 19 September 2021 - 05:27 PM, said:

I can even suppose a couple of people who will now very reasonably assure me that I am wrong, that I misunderstand everything, and in general that this is all different...

I have detailed for you already the information behind it so I won't cover it again.

I have used SSRMs a bit since the latest patch and adjustments. They are no longer the single-instant-alpha-delete-machine they were. Which is good because it was ridiculous.

Now it takes 2-3 Alphas for a light depending and if the are not dead they are well maimed which is what we were after..

Took a few months but the aim has been reached. If they need more adjustments later they will get them like all weapons.

#108 C337Skymaster


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 06:24 PM

View Postpattonesque, on 19 September 2021 - 10:37 AM, said:

an AC/2. As in, one.

Yes, but when's the last time you saw "one" AC/2 mounted on a 'mech? Further, in Battletech, each weapon lands on a different component, or not at all, increasing the "fear factor" as you close ranks with a particular battlemech, since it can start to land a greater and greater amount of damage from a single weapon on a single component. This also applied to the "fear factor" of facing down a Clan 'mech, which could project such high single-component damage at range. Now, with the ability to boat 6 AC/2's, have them all hit the exact same component, and have them do so multiple times in the same time it takes that one high-damage, low-range weapon to shoot back, and from double its maximum range to boot, your claim of "low damage, long range" starts to fall quite a bit flat.

As I've been saying for awhile now: one of the best ways to fix this game is to eliminate pinpoint damage. I'm not proposing any sort of RNG, just the elimination of convergence to allow all weapons to fire in parallel. Will it shift the meta? You betcha. Will there be a new meta? You betcha. I already said, earlier: there is no such thing as "balance". There will always be a "meta". But the lack of ability to pinpoint an alpha strike will go a long way towards balancing the weapons and 'mechs we already have without going absolutely crazy with respecs and quirks.

#109 C337Skymaster


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 06:30 PM

The other thing that will go a long way towards giving different 'mechs a "purpose" when there are other options that do it better, is to eliminate those other options in certain circumstances. For example: only Wolf's Dragoons and the CLANS had Annihilators. Only Kurita had Maulers. Only Liao had Vindicators. Only Steiner used Commandos, or Zeuses. The list goes on, and the divisions get extremely nuanced (The AS7-K was a Kurita variant, while the AS7-S was created by the Lyrans, etc). Corsairs are a pirate 'mech from the Periphery (supposedly), as are Roughnecks. I know this particular suggestion will be harder to implement, but we have a lot of very smart people running this game (or so we're told, anyway). I'm sure someone, somewhere, can figure out the specifics.

#110 John Bronco


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 07:06 PM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 19 September 2021 - 06:24 PM, said:

As I've been saying for awhile now: one of the best ways to fix this game is to eliminate pinpoint damage. I'm not proposing any sort of RNG, just the elimination of convergence to allow all weapons to fire in parallel. Will it shift the meta? You betcha. Will there be a new meta? You betcha. I already said, earlier: there is no such thing as "balance". There will always be a "meta". But the lack of ability to pinpoint an alpha strike will go a long way towards balancing the weapons and 'mechs we already have without going absolutely crazy with respecs and quirks.

Wouldn't this just further shift the meta to mechs with torso weapons, which are already the best mechs anyway?

#111 Voice of Kerensky


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 10:20 PM

View Postjustcallme A S H, on 19 September 2021 - 06:09 PM, said:

I have detailed for you already the information behind it so I won't cover it again.

I have used SSRMs a bit since the latest patch and adjustments. They are no longer the single-instant-alpha-delete-machine they were. Which is good because it was ridiculous.

Now it takes 2-3 Alphas for a light depending and if the are not dead they are well maimed which is what we were after..

Took a few months but the aim has been reached. If they need more adjustments later they will get them like all weapons.

1) So what if you gave detailed information before? So what if you have repeatedly written that the streaks are now in the place where they should be? More streak mechs on the battlefield did not appear from your words.
For the third month now, I have spent the overwhelming majority of battles (80% or more) on light mechs, over the previous two months and this month, a total of more than 400 fights. On different lights: on big and small, on slow and fast, on IS XL and without ECM. I have never been killed by a streak mech. Moreover, I will say that during this time I saw a streak mechs no more than a dozen times (in almost 90 days).
2) You can't help but understand that the damage you inflicted with streaks after increasing the amount of armor for all mechs - is empty damage. With this damage, you only knocked out the armor that the mechs received on top of what they had before. Thus, you knocked out the armor, without which the mechs used to feel normal, but at the same time the streak mech gains heat into his heatsinks to the very ears.
3) I really like the special approach to streaks. All the mechs are assembled in such a way that after two or three volleys, any assault or heavy mech (60-100 tonn) should feel bad. Then the approach to streaks is different: after two or three volleys of streaks, the bicycle (read light mech 20-35 tonn) should not die. And what, in this case, should streaks oppose heavier mechs? I hope my logic is clear.

We see that under the pretext that the lights allegedly quickly die from streaks, you nerfed streaks, gave armor to the lights. But at the same time you continue to increase the survivability of all other mechs, increase the effectiveness of other types of weapons.
Maybe you should approach streaks in a more balanced, objective and fair way?

#112 Ravni


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 10:52 PM

That is a huge number of mechs to re-quirk in one patch and overall it looks like a great job: especially love the new ammo & +HSL quirks. Excited to see how the new caustic plays.

#113 justcallme A S H


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 11:02 PM

Not "so what" at all.

  • You have been provided the rationale and aim, We have it very close now for Streaks.
  • Have covered that before. Have also stated if it needs a look it will get one as needed.
  • Streaks have never been good against heavies+ so there is little point trying to slot that in.

As I said I have tested Streaks. Other Cauldron members have tested streaks. We feel they are as I posted previously here and if they need adjusting again they will get it.

They should not insta-yeet Lights. Based on past posts it would appear that is what you want. That is not coming back.

If a Engineer/Dev comes on and we can change the actual mechanic, great.

#114 Mister Maf


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Posted 19 September 2021 - 11:05 PM

Cyclops buffs? Posted Image Sure, why the hell not. AC20 HSL for KGCs is gonna be s p i c e y.

#115 Voice of Kerensky


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Posted 20 September 2021 - 12:38 AM

View Postjustcallme A S H, on 19 September 2021 - 11:02 PM, said:

Not "so what" at all.

  • You have been provided the rationale and aim, We have it very close now for Streaks.
  • Have covered that before. Have also stated if it needs a look it will get one as needed.
  • Streaks have never been good against heavies+ so there is little point trying to slot that in.

As I said I have tested Streaks. Other Cauldron members have tested streaks. We feel they are as I posted previously here and if they need adjusting again they will get it.

They should not insta-yeet Lights. Based on past posts it would appear that is what you want. That is not coming back.

If a Engineer/Dev comes on and we can change the actual mechanic, great.

Thanks for the revelation.
Should this be understood as the Cauldron always knew that streaks against heavier opponents were always ineffective (although I absolutely disagree with that)? And a decision was made to reduce their effectiveness even more? Bravo.
And Cauldron, despite the fact that the chances for a streak to meet fire are purely mathematically less than to meet mechs of any other (heavier) class, still decided to nerf the streaks and buff the survivability of the lights (armor, mobility)? I applaud while standing.

And soon it is expected to reduce the size of the mechs...

P.S. Apparently, some very important person (people) in the game was once offended by the streaks, since a decision was made to strangle the whole weapon system due to a far-fetched problem...

#116 Gitstompa


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Posted 20 September 2021 - 05:07 AM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 19 September 2021 - 06:30 PM, said:

The other thing that will go a long way towards giving different 'mechs a "purpose" when there are other options that do it better, is to eliminate those other options in certain circumstances. For example: only Wolf's Dragoons and the CLANS had Annihilators. Only Kurita had Maulers. Only Liao had Vindicators. Only Steiner used Commandos, or Zeuses. The list goes on, and the divisions get extremely nuanced (The AS7-K was a Kurita variant, while the AS7-S was created by the Lyrans, etc). Corsairs are a pirate 'mech from the Periphery (supposedly), as are Roughnecks. I know this particular suggestion will be harder to implement, but we have a lot of very smart people running this game (or so we're told, anyway). I'm sure someone, somewhere, can figure out the specifics.


Imagine thinking this is a good idea.

#117 YiffyInAJiffy


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Posted 20 September 2021 - 08:08 AM

View PostVoice of Kerensky, on 20 September 2021 - 12:38 AM, said:

Thanks for the revelation.
Should this be understood as the Cauldron always knew that streaks against heavier opponents were always ineffective (although I absolutely disagree with that)? And a decision was made to reduce their effectiveness even more? Bravo.
And Cauldron, despite the fact that the chances for a streak to meet fire are purely mathematically less than to meet mechs of any other (heavier) class, still decided to nerf the streaks and buff the survivability of the lights (armor, mobility)? I applaud while standing.

And soon it is expected to reduce the size of the mechs...

P.S. Apparently, some very important person (people) in the game was once offended by the streaks, since a decision was made to strangle the whole weapon system due to a far-fetched problem...



Worth noting, the rescale would not hurt streaks at all and would instead make them a stronger option. At least from my understanding, streaks pick an individual, per missle bone to lock on, and are not spread dependant. Their spread would be completley unaffected, while every other weapon would get worse. (even pinpoint, as you're more likely to flat out miss)

My personal vote: sucks to have streaks relegated to an ultraspecialized role on a smaller # of mechs, but the net positive it's been for playing lights and not getting instagibbed from one wrong turn has been worth the tradeoff on my end until an engineer pops around to fix the weapon system so it can be good against heavier mechs without an instant erase of lights. It's a band-aid/ductape solution but you gotta work with the tools you have.

#118 Kodan Black


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Posted 20 September 2021 - 09:24 AM

I know that bigger changes will need more technical help, but is it possible to in the interim make streaks lock more easily at higher tonnage? Maybe make it so lights are the baseline at current. I'm thinking that maybe it at least makes it easier to get a faster shot against bigger stuff, though you will still almost certainly lose if you are pure streaks. But maybe you get an extra salvo off.

#119 Roodkapje


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Posted 20 September 2021 - 09:37 AM

View Postpattonesque, on 19 September 2021 - 10:37 AM, said:

an AC/2. As in, one.

I know, but as already said :

View PostC337Skymaster, on 19 September 2021 - 06:24 PM, said:

Yes, but when's the last time you saw "one" AC/2 mounted on a 'mech? Further, in Battletech, each weapon lands on a different component, or not at all, increasing the "fear factor" as you close ranks with a particular battlemech, since it can start to land a greater and greater amount of damage from a single weapon on a single component. This also applied to the "fear factor" of facing down a Clan 'mech, which could project such high single-component damage at range. Now, with the ability to boat 6 AC/2's, have them all hit the exact same component, and have them do so multiple times in the same time it takes that one high-damage, low-range weapon to shoot back, and from double its maximum range to boot, your claim of "low damage, long range" starts to fall quite a bit flat.

Posted Image Posted Image

However :


As I've been saying for awhile now: one of the best ways to fix this game is to eliminate pinpoint damage. I'm not proposing any sort of RNG, just the elimination of convergence to allow all weapons to fire in parallel. Will it shift the meta? You betcha. Will there be a new meta? You betcha. I already said, earlier: there is no such thing as "balance". There will always be a "meta". But the lack of ability to pinpoint an alpha strike will go a long way towards balancing the weapons and 'mechs we already have without going absolutely crazy with respecs and quirks.

Let's not do that! Beats the purpose of aiming at all and the LURM will only increase eventually because of that! Posted Image

View PostC337Skymaster, on 19 September 2021 - 06:30 PM, said:

The other thing that will go a long way towards giving different 'mechs a "purpose" when there are other options that do it better, is to eliminate those other options in certain circumstances. For example: only Wolf's Dragoons and the CLANS had Annihilators. Only Kurita had Maulers. Only Liao had Vindicators. Only Steiner used Commandos, or Zeuses. The list goes on, and the divisions get extremely nuanced (The AS7-K was a Kurita variant, while the AS7-S was created by the Lyrans, etc). Corsairs are a pirate 'mech from the Periphery (supposedly), as are Roughnecks. I know this particular suggestion will be harder to implement, but we have a lot of very smart people running this game (or so we're told, anyway). I'm sure someone, somewhere, can figure out the specifics.

Don't like that idea either but I was wondering : Is there a list where I can see easily which mech belongs to which House or Clan ?!

I am always afraid that I might combine the wrong cockpit item (banner/flag/you know) with the wrong mech! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Edited by Roodkapje, 20 September 2021 - 09:38 AM.

#120 MechWarrior5782621


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Posted 20 September 2021 - 12:37 PM

I think the easiest adjustment would be to just increase the tonnage of AC2's: make it 7 tons for IS, 6 for clan. A clear improvement.

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