Clay Endfield, on 25 September 2021 - 03:01 PM, said:
Lame is not even providing labels and designations for mission types in Star chart, so that when you travel to a node that claims to be a "Warzone", the mission type turns out to be a "Battlefield" after arrival; which is really just a Warzone mission anyways, except your mechs lose a fat chunk of armor to artillery bombardment during the non-interactive mission start Drop Ship mech deployment cinematic (how the hell did this get past QA?!!).
Lame is breaking every mod that actually made the game playable. Lame is the lack of polish and QA the DLC received. Lame is all "new" mech variants that have identical stats and hardpoints to pre-existing mech variants, just with different weapons; I.E. coming stock with Artemis LRM-20s instead of Standard LRM-20s, other than that, it's identical to a pre-existing mech.
Lame is making a map so densely populated by foliage that weapons are absolutely useless in the hands of the players at ranges exceeding 30 meters; but enemy AI that can detect the invisible hitboxes of all the ridiculous trees can navigate a shot through the foliage from 400 meters and attack with impunity while the player is relegated to trimming the hedges before they can actually mount a counter offensive.
Lame is AI still wasting heat and ammo by firing on every invincible Hostile Dropship that approaches (Why is this still a thing?).
Lame is everything in this DLC that isn't melee and in-mission mech switching; and both are part of the free update. If you enjoyed MW5 after Heroes of the Inner Sphere, take a hiatus and don't buy this DLC until PGI (or more likely, the FAR more capable modding community) fix this hot mess.
I have not even played the DLC campaign yet, but I have run into artillery on the Davion / Kurita border in the original game and I got through it without losing any Mechs when I had nothing but light and medium Mechs. So "Lame" is your post, artillery makes the game challenging, yes, but I don't want the game to be a cakewalk so I can beat in in a few days and then get bored of it. The game is great so far, a fine combination of BATTLETECH and MWO. I am glad it is not PVP, otherwise whiners like you would pester PGI to dumb the game down.