Why Do I Have So Many Mechs?
Posted 05 October 2021 - 01:12 PM
I know that in Faction Warfare we have four Mech drops, and we used to have Scouting that made lights and mediums for me useful, but since you can't Queue Up for multiple game types at once, everyone just plays quickplay, which means everyone just plays quickplay... So, I just play Quickplay.
I can't ever get a match in Solaris VII.
There's no reason to own different mechs for tactical reasons. I never know what map or mission type is going to drop, so I need to run a single Mech that can do it all. There's no reason to specialize my Mechs, make some hot, or some run colder, some higher DPS, some faster, some tougher.. there's no reason, because then I'll be at a disadvantage on most of the maps. So, I just run the same Mech over and over, and it's really kind of boring.
I sometimes wonder why I bother to keep playing. I go for the event free stuff, and then I'm done.. but then I wonder, why do I even care about a skin for a Warhammer 6R, I'm never going to use it. I'm not going to take my Warhammer out, because it serves no purpose.
My Mech has to be a generic, fits all roles Mech, and if my team mates Mechs fit the mission type, we do well, and if they don't, we lose. If everyone runs hot, and we end up on Terra Therma, then we lose. If everyone's slow, and it's conquest, then we lose. I feel like win or lose comes down to a lot of luck. Less so for my kit, as my Mech setup is generic, but are my team mate's mechs Generic, or are they running low DPS for Skirmish? Are they running slow on Conquest? Do they have light mechs and thin armor for Domination?
Why do I bother owning all these Mechs, I have no reason to use them?!
Posted 05 October 2021 - 01:38 PM
So sell them all except your one true precious.
Posted 05 October 2021 - 01:45 PM
Posted 05 October 2021 - 01:46 PM
Edited by LordNothing, 05 October 2021 - 01:47 PM.
Posted 05 October 2021 - 02:06 PM
Sasuga, on 05 October 2021 - 01:12 PM, said:
You are not paying rent for each mechbay are you? Where is the "bothering to own" part how does it work?
Sasuga, on 05 October 2021 - 01:12 PM, said:
FW is there, just queue and play.
all 4 weight classes are used at FW matches
Sasuga, on 05 October 2021 - 01:12 PM, said:
Sasuga, on 05 October 2021 - 01:12 PM, said:
Maybe you should play more different kind of mechs, it's actually more fun than playing some average boring generic mech all the time. Some specialized build might not be the best, might even be disadvantageous for some maps but some other maps it can be way better than generic boring build.
Sasuga, on 05 October 2021 - 01:12 PM, said:
TBH sounds like you need to change your MWO boring generic habits or just have a break. Or maybe check some builds for 6R and find some new interesting and fun playing style.
Sasuga, on 05 October 2021 - 01:12 PM, said:
Why do I bother owning all these Mechs, I have no reason to use them?!
You are overthinking it, it's not rock paper scissors like you say....
Hot mechs can still delete enemy mechs with shot or two, doesn't matter if you and everyone else in your team run hot if enemy doesn't have CT left.
Slow mechs can win conquest matches, usually slow mechs got more firepower/dps.
Winning skirmish has nothing to do with DPS.
Most matches you can do your part with almost any kind of mech build, you don't have to carry each and every game you play...
have more fun, stress less about if you carry a games or their outcome, it's just a game if you are not enjoying have that few days, week(s) or a months break.
and if you are out of mechbays or Cbills sell useless mechs
Posted 05 October 2021 - 02:20 PM
Posted 05 October 2021 - 02:40 PM
Curccu, on 05 October 2021 - 02:06 PM, said:
You win a lot more if you do, though.
Honestly, I don't see the appeal of "try something different, sure it sucks, but it's different".
Posted 05 October 2021 - 02:51 PM
Some people can carry but find it super stressful to be the only person on their team meaningfully contributing to victory.
Some people prefer losing with style to winning with the same autocannon nonsense ad nauseum.
There's reasons not to run the most punishingly efficient, milquetoast-boring meta nonsense you can afford, just like there's reasons to do just that. Sometimes you can learn things by piloting garbage, such as "there is literally no way to make ATMs good in the current build of MWO no matter what you do, what you put them on, how you support them, nothing - they just suck to an unacceptable degree end sentence no matter how much you personally might like them."
Posted 05 October 2021 - 02:56 PM
Faction play should be fighting over factory worlds.
Factions should give discounts to favored mechs.
Real Salvage should be in the game.
This game should have an economy, but it doesn't.
Edited by feeWAIVER, 05 October 2021 - 02:57 PM.
Posted 05 October 2021 - 03:07 PM
Sasuga, on 05 October 2021 - 01:12 PM, said:
There's no reason to own different mechs for tactical reasons. I never know what map or mission type is going to drop, so I need to run a single Mech that can do it all. There's no reason to specialize my Mechs, make some hot, or some run colder, some higher DPS, some faster, some tougher.. there's no reason, because then I'll be at a disadvantage on most of the maps. So, I just run the same Mech over and over, and it's really kind of boring.
For the record, THIS EXACTLY is why Faction Play is the superior game mode, and it's unfortunate that most of the population is addicted to quickplay-fast food gameplay.
If everyone playing quickplay would queue into FP, it would be an overall better experience for everyone.
Posted 05 October 2021 - 03:16 PM
1453 R, on 05 October 2021 - 02:51 PM, said:
Like.. what exactly? I can ****fit AMS onto my 'mech to pick up... a Warhammer bolt on?
Maybe I'm missing something here, but MWO really doesn't reward you in the slightest for driving garbage. I think it'd be a lot more fun if it did, in some way.
Like, I'm not suggesting we should be turning to S7 for inspiration, but when that came out I used some stuff I'd long ago given up on, like a Centurion or a Zeus... and I wasn't even screwing myself over in the process.
Posted 05 October 2021 - 03:56 PM
If you still do not like it, just sell it.
For those mechs that 'work' for me, I would say, like, already leveled up to max 91 skill points, so soon?

2. Warhammer WHM-6R is a classic case why you want multiple mechs of the same type/variant.
This applies to all IS mechs, and all Clan IIC mechs.
When you switch your (saved) mech loadout on my WHM-6R:
A) 2xUAC10 + 6xMPL: Endo Structure + Standard Armor
B ) 2xAC20: Standard Structure + Light-FE Armor
Switching (A) >> (B ) costs 600,000+ CBills
Switching back from (B ) >> (A) costs another 600,000+ CBills (That's a total of over 1 Million CBills!!)
And this happens more frequently than I would like to admit.
Also for my Cyclops, Mauler, Atlas, Kodiak, etc. etc.
Get the idea?
Therefore for any mech that you frequently switch mech layout to play, multiple mechs of the same type/variant will save you money in the longer run!
That's why I'm keeping my free monthly WHM-6R just received!
Edited by w0qj, 06 October 2021 - 06:17 AM.
Posted 05 October 2021 - 09:34 PM
Kanil, on 05 October 2021 - 02:40 PM, said:
Honestly, I don't see the appeal of "try something different, sure it sucks, but it's different".
Why different sucks? OP just said that he is bored of what he currently plays, so try something else
Bud Crue, on 05 October 2021 - 02:20 PM, said:
Not sure if OP shares your view, doesn't talk about even trying other kind of builds that than that "generic" build that is good at everything (usually that kind of builds are not really good at anything) whatever that even means in this case and says "I sometimes wonder why I bother to keep playing." doesn't sound like enjoying the game.
But yeah sure I can understand not seeing point of pokemech, I got some 300+ mechs in my mechbay that I will most likely never play again. but sometimes some interesting mech/build pops up after some balance updates and I can just pick that up from mechbay instead of buying it.
Posted 05 October 2021 - 11:57 PM
Posted 06 October 2021 - 12:30 AM
Posted 06 October 2021 - 06:10 AM
feeWAIVER, on 05 October 2021 - 03:07 PM, said:
If everyone playing quickplay would queue into FP, it would be an overall better experience for everyone.
All this Faction-based stuff is not really superior, 'feeWAIVER'...

Just for starters, some of us have a body that gets tired. We have to deal with the fact that our body will never put up with waiting 20 minutes for a Match which then takes 20+ Minutes to play. I have personally suffered from this issue, and gave up on any 12-man Faction-based Modes back in November 2017 when it caused me to sleep right through a Match that I was waiting for, which also had additional repercussions that I will never forget. If everyone was suddenly forced to either play Faction-based Modes or completely quit playing, then I and many others would be forced into leaving MWO entirely. Are you really trying to put people out to pasture because they can not play the game your way? Are you trying to kill MWO in general by causing another massive exodus?

Further, the payout given for a Faction-based Match is down around half of what the earnings are for playing 3 Quick Play Matches in that huge 40+ minutes chunk of time. On top of that, the Match Score is cut down by a rather harassing amount (as in, sliced in half) for every Mech lost during the battle. Both of these issues need to be fixed, but NEVER by nerfing earnings from the Quick Play side of things. (They barely earn enough in payout and Match Score to keep Quick Play on the functional side.) Instead, the payout which someone earns for Faction-based Modes needs to be at least doubled in order to make it worth a person's time spent on that stuff. To go with this, the Match Score needs to avoid losing more than 10% for every Mech lost during battle by the Player who uses it. (I would very much not be surprised that stomps are overly emphasized in the Faction-based End-Of-Match Screen by how disparately different two sides are when one manages to not use most of the Mechs which they brought! And oh dear, can one imagine how nasty things are in the Faction-based MatchMaker's handling? I can, and it's not pretty!) Until these two nasty things are fixed, many people who are not blocked by their body will continue to turn their noses away from Faction-based gameplay because they don't see that spending their time is even worth it. Trying to force people over to Faction-based gameplay as things are now will also cause an unwanted exodus of players even on the grounds of lacking in Match Score and payout.

To deck this off, there is also the standing fact that Faction-based Modes simply do not allow setting up with both Inner Sphere & Clan Mechs to use in the same Match played. It also happens that Faction-based Modes lock a player to a single Tech Base for an extended length of time, even if they're sick of using that Tech Base and wish to switch. There are people out there – myself included – who keep toggling back and forth which Tech Base that they are using at any given time. If those of us who want and/or need that choice are forced to play Faction-based stuff instead and lose that choice for extended lengths of time, then you are looking very much at another spot where an exodus would be triggered. Nobody needs that either, as it would hurt MatchMaking for everyone else!

In conclusion, you give me the impression, 'feeWAIVER', of being the kind of person who is so mentally locked to Faction-based things that you don't care how much damage it causes to MWO's population. You appear to rather that MWO collapses before you would understand that your idea of things is the wrong way. So go ahead, don't listen to me, and keep on ranting right down this dark path of yours....... Just see what awful result occurs if what you're wanting ends up happening against everyone.

~D. V. "Population for Faction-based Modes existing is gone, 'feeWAIVER'... Don't choke Quick Play too." Devnull
Posted 06 October 2021 - 08:13 AM
Edited by Catra Lanis, 06 October 2021 - 11:21 AM.
Posted 06 October 2021 - 09:25 AM
pattonesque, on 06 October 2021 - 08:15 AM, said:
Agreed... And even when Quirk Passes & Other Changes are not incoming, you'll want to avoid selling any of your Mechs anyway. Why?
- You don't get the full value back from selling a Mech off, so you would ultimately be wasting
(C-Bills) which you could never get back.
- If you bought your Mech with
(MC) at all, then you don't get any of that back!
- You might think of a good design to put on it later, and selling the Mech off would block you from putting that design on easily.
- It reduces costs to not end up freshly purchasing the Mech again off the Store's shelf.
- If you've had to change things like Heat Sink & Structure Types to make the Mech useful, then selling it off will undo all that spent effort.
[Quick Edit by the Post's Author for a noteworthy reason that they missed mentioning!]
Edited by D V Devnull, 06 October 2021 - 09:27 AM.
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