Pika, on 02 November 2021 - 05:13 AM, said:
Nice when this happens. Rare that it happens once you teach T3+ but the inconsistency makes me wonder why I don't just stick to meta builds. (...)
But grats on the good game!
Pika, on 02 November 2021 - 05:13 AM, said:
I want to see all weapons viable at all levels of play and right now the entire missile category just hardly seems worth taking.
Pretty much
pbiggz, on 02 November 2021 - 05:24 AM, said:
Well done, an 800+ match is always a feelgood.
Meaning no disrespect, but T5 matches frequently feature players who cant or wont engage in counterplay. That's why we hear people saying simultaneously that lights with stealth armour are overpowered and underpowered. Same deal for LRMs.
I get it. I'm mostly stuck on T5, because in most of the matches I had, my team was unable, or didn't wanted to engage in counterplays. I've managed to live and counter LRM's, even to deal with masked lights (LPPC or ERPPPC in Clans, along with TAG in hands).
pbiggz, on 02 November 2021 - 05:24 AM, said:
You'll get T5 light pilots cursing at streak SRMs very existence while even mid tier players generally agree they're not worth the tonnage when you could get the same results for less weight if you just bothered to aim standard SRMs.
I pretty much use Streaks just in Clan Mechs, due to their superior range.
And I have a few SRM boats, incl. Dervish and Huntsman; along with 7xSRM6 Cyclops, where I'm just firing one after another like a "machine gun" for tracking compensation.
But to be honest, I think that lock-on time of the Streaks needs to be significatly shorter than LRM-s.
Regardless, I cannot deny their usefulness when I need to scare off nasty locusts, fleas or other piranhas, but something must be done to make them more viable for their extra (half)ton for integrated Targa-7 FCS.
Edited by Ch_R0me, 02 November 2021 - 05:40 AM.