Hela Centrella, on 09 November 2021 - 02:13 PM, said:
I kind of agree with caravann on the light mech point. At least in T5, a good use of light on light is running something like an urbanmech and using it to keep light harassers off of your assaults' backs. Having a superfast engine isn't helpful so much because chasing down the enemy isn't the point, you just need to be maneuverable enough to respond to your assaults when they're getting bitten by mosquitoes.
You can't judge an entire playstyle based on the people least experienced/equipped to play or counter it.
Lights in low tier play either don't perform well at all, or overperform to a wacky extent, because t5 players tend not to perform well in lights, and can't counter when someone turns up who
can perform in a light. Its why you hear people screeching about how overpowered they are, while other players simultaneously (and rightly) point out how badly lights do compared to other classes.
And again, we aren't talking about weight classes in this game, we're talking about
strategies. Strategies exist on a higher order than weight classes. There are light mechs that are excellent snipers. There are assault mechs that are excellent strikers. There are medium mechs that can brawl.
You have to think based on what engagements you
want. A micropulse LBX direwolf wants to delete anything within 200 meters. Its armour and absolutely overwhelming dps means anything inside that range that doesn't have the same firepower is gonna be lunch.
A well piloted stealth armour locust however, stands an excellent change of ripping the back out of a poorly piloted sniper, or skirmisher, because what a stealth light
wants is close range engagements with isolated targets that can't afford to shoot back, with easy avenues for escape if the target's friends show up.
Put any of the above strategies in the hands of a fresh cadet who made their account last august, and its got a good chance of sucking, that doesn't mean the strategy sucks, and my issue with Caravann's proclamations are just that, he doesn't seem to understand what he's talking about, but he
proclaims to.