Old Map Revive
Posted 17 December 2021 - 05:39 PM
It was full of Wits and Smartness.
The new one is only good for ECM-Snipers or Browlers.
As always told, YOU DO NOT HELP PLAYERS TO USE THEIR NON EXISTENCE INTELLIGENCE /Brains is there, not used), and U PGI do not help that brains to start being used.
Missiles can be counter parted with AMS.
It SEPARATES the Role of mechs!
Missile are vs Browlers, Mediums and lights are vs Missiles and Browlers are for coming in.
And that was realy implemented in the old MAP.
And the lesson was
You crippled that in the new HPG.
And I heard you are also going to ruin that in GRIM PLEXUS.
Change ALpine, and I am OUT!
Posted 18 December 2021 - 04:42 AM
Seelenlos, on 17 December 2021 - 05:39 PM, said:
I agree that the old HPG Manifold should be put back in rotation, so the players can vote for it, if they wish.
Seelenlos, on 17 December 2021 - 05:39 PM, said:
As always told, YOU DO NOT HELP PLAYERS TO USE THEIR NON EXISTENCE INTELLIGENCE /Brains is there, not used), and U PGI do not help that brains to start being used.
You should adjust your tactics or your 'Mech's loadout (or both), because what worked on the old HPG Manifold map does not have to work neccessarily on the reworked HPG Manifold map.
Seelenlos, on 17 December 2021 - 05:39 PM, said:
Change ALpine, and I am OUT!
I have heard the gossip that the next reworked map will be the Emerald Taiga map, so stay calm.
Posted 20 December 2021 - 10:18 AM
martian, on 18 December 2021 - 04:42 AM, said:
Good to hear that.
Alpine is the only high performance modified map. They only made the paths better (only for the right map side), but they made the path for the left side a bit longer and the hills more combersome (though that was wrong, the old one was good enough).
But else ALPINE should be the blueprint for other maps.
Posted 22 January 2022 - 12:57 PM
In quickplay the team with more snipers up on the wall wins
as soon as a team hast lost 2 or 3 mechs more than the enemy it goes hiding downstairs and then the waiting begins
simply terrible
the old map often was nascar, but it was better than sniper hell
Posted 25 January 2022 - 02:15 AM
Especially I still remember when getting on the wall in old HPG Manifold was an achievement, to be rewarded in "free" intel for team, while being relatively safe up there, and spewing PPC's on enemies backs... Oh, good days.

Posted 25 January 2022 - 11:16 AM
Seelenlos, on 20 December 2021 - 10:18 AM, said:
Good to hear that.
Alpine is the only high performance modified map. They only made the paths better (only for the right map side), but they made the path for the left side a bit longer and the hills more combersome (though that was wrong, the old one was good enough).
But else ALPINE should be the blueprint for other maps.
I think Alpine is an example of a seriously problematic map actually. Maybe the best example (except Hellebore, maybe) of a map where not having jump jets puts you at a major disadvantage. Players without JJ's AND long range weapons, or teams without lots of JJ players are basically screwed on Alpine.
I recently played a game where I had a medium LRM boat with JJ's, and after getting into a good position I dumped 8 tons of LRMS on a whole lance of heavies that could do nothing at all about it, as they had no JJ's and could not reach me or do anything about it, period. I was a 4-1 fight against me, and I hammered the hell out of them with impunity for as long as I wanted to. Kind of fun for me, but basically a serious map design flaw. Me having JJ's and them not having them was a free win, simple as that.
I've also played a match recently on Terra Therma where our team had three heavies left in the fight and the opposite team had one half crippled medium that jumped onto the top of a mountain, and we couldn't reach him or shoot back effectively. He eventually killed all of us with just a couple of remaining lasers, as he basically had us in a turkey shoot. Again, good for him, but just horrible that such a thing can even happen.
I'd suggest Canyon Network is by far the best map to be emulated. It gets a crap ton of votes, its not too small and not too big, has decent cover but not clutter like many new maps, has good visibility, is not overly complex (complex maps like Rubellite always heavily weight against newer or casual players) and offers some benefits for highly mobile/jump capable mechs while not giving them a clear advantage. And no free turkey shoot areas either.

Any map where players feel they're basically screwed as soon as they drop is problematic, and Alpine is unfortunately one of them.
And yes, I'd love to see the old HPG, and Polar Highlands back in circulation, for sure!
Edited by An6ryMan69, 25 January 2022 - 11:23 AM.
Posted 26 January 2022 - 11:43 AM
NO PLAYER should be deleted before even getting a chance to play in a match or even fire. Waiting 2-10 minutes to get a match to die within the first 2-3 minutes and only being able to crawl to the fight is a POOR experience for any player skill level. I think maps that provide distinct advantages to specific mech classes and styles is what is really breaking the game.
I would LOVE to see MAP and Scenario Selection go away and you get what you get and not have to play Grim Plexus 20 times before you play a map like solaris city or terra therma
Posted 29 January 2022 - 06:51 AM
Ch_R0me, on 25 January 2022 - 02:15 AM, said:

Exactly what is wrong with both versions of the map : ER PPC/Laser campers galore!
Out of bounds measures both horizontal and vertical would do the map soo much good!

Posted 29 January 2022 - 10:36 AM
Roodkapje, on 29 January 2022 - 06:51 AM, said:
Out of bounds measures both horizontal and vertical would do the map soo much good!

Hey, sometimes Arctic Cheater would jump in and flush them out!

If only Viper F were available earlier...
Posted 02 June 2022 - 03:25 AM
Posted 22 June 2022 - 02:20 AM
Personally i dont like the new one way to much sniper heaven. I loved brawling on the old one. These day's its all sniping no more brawling.
I dont mind new maps but why not add the old one back in the rotation with (Classic) just like forest colony.
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