On the off chance that the developers manage to read this... a few requests / suggestions for consideration:
1. Multiple screen support [ie. Adjustable Field of View settings for multi-screen users. Possibly the ability to put cockpit controls/indicators on a separate screen from the HUD/Out-the-Window view screen.]
2. TrackIR (headtracking) support
3. Clickable cockpit controls (which would enable touchscreen use)
The 3rd one might not be feasible with customizable cockpits... I guess it depends upon what they have in mind.
As for the TrackIR... I'm thinking of it more for looking around in the cockpit (or even looking out the left or right side windows if they are present), rather than moving the torso around. Torso twist should probably be handled via whatever joystick/throttle/pedals setup the pilot has/wants.
Of course, if click-able cockpit controls are not built-in, people can still build something for an extra touchscreen with TouchBuddy, Helios, or something similar (as long as keybinds are available).
If this stuff isn't in the plan for the initial release, I would NOT suggest making a significant delay to the initial release to add it in [Feature creep is deadly to software development]. But if they get in, even if it is in a later patch/update... it would rock. With the prominent inclusion of Information Warfare in this game, the items listed are a natural partner.
To get a good example of how that stuff can be done well, take a look at Eagle Dynamics' DCS: Black Shark and DCS: A-10C. I believe the new BMS mod for Falcon 4 also does it well.
Edited by cyberkut, 01 November 2011 - 08:04 AM.