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Spawn Point At B4 Is Terrible

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#1 EyeMaster


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Posted 09 January 2022 - 05:00 PM

Why are they spawning heavys and assaults in B4 for Frozen City Classic? It's the worst! By the time you make it up the hill, you get fully assaulted and die. you never have a chance to be part of the game. Might as well just give up when you get spawned there. You can't make it with the rest of your team because you expose your back to the enemy right away, you can't walk backwards because there's too many obstacles. You come out of that location all lined up in a row for the enemy to kill you one by one. It is utterly a **** location to be spawned.

#2 An6ryMan69


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Posted 10 January 2022 - 08:30 AM

I got swallowed up by a lance of enemies on this spawn a few times at first too.

But you don't have to go up the hill, just because its right in front of you......

#3 Kynesis


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Posted 07 October 2023 - 04:09 PM

Why, after all this time, do we still spawn at B4 on this map?
It guarantees that the team spawning here are at a severe disadvantage, leaving those mechs open to intense fire right off the bat.

Just for the record, I'm only being polite here because I don't want this post to be deleted.
Fill in the blanks with your imagination. Don't hold back.

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