MPhoenix, on 27 January 2022 - 02:58 PM, said:
I think I've found where your issue is with..
You "thinking" is part of the actual problem here
MPhoenix, on 27 January 2022 - 02:58 PM, said:
well we'll stick to this thread/topic.
If you "think" that'll help that's fine by me
MPhoenix, on 27 January 2022 - 02:58 PM, said:
'I', 'I told you', 'established facts', etc.
The problem seems to be your insistence that your input is inherently unquestionable, incontrovertible and the final say on a topic.
Well, the personal pronoun 'I' would appear to be perfectly suited whenever referencing things that 'I' actually expressed. No instance of me using that pronoun would indicate that 'I' consider my 'input' as being inherently unquestionable, inctrovertible or represents the 'final say' on a topic.You are free to try to ...
- ... refute any claim that 'I' (supposedly) made. For example you could try to find all instances of BT and MechWarrior games were machine guns could jam / produced heat vs. the all the instances where they didn't and still don't do so in order to disprove my claim that it's an (historically) established fact that in those games machine guns normally do not jam / produce heat
- ... disprove any fact that 'I' mentioned. Since the prior bullet point by extension already dealt with the thing that I called an 'established fact' how about you disprove the facts that
- BT / MechWarrior games (table top and otherwise) are heavily abstracted with regards to what they simulate as part of the expierence
- the BT universe puts more emphasis on the "fiction" part within the terminology "science-fiction" than the "science" part
- the BT / MechWarrior games are traditionally stronger shaped by the playability considerations of the original table top war game than by both the abstraction or the fiction
- ... inform me on where my (actual) statements of opinion you 'think' are logically incorrect. 'I' might then gladly point out to you why your opinion on that is false
MPhoenix, on 27 January 2022 - 02:58 PM, said:
Sorry, your opinion means the world to you and precisely **** to the rest of the world, just like mine and everyone else's.
Luckily this debate largely doesn't really revolve around my opinions.
MPhoenix, on 27 January 2022 - 02:58 PM, said:
Believe me, just because you've posted something doesn't mean I won't continue to contemplate, theorize and just simply enjoy the act of extrapolating the real life possibilities of sci-fi/fantasy tools, weapons and such.
Oh, I have certainly understood that you deliberately choose to ignore whatever doesn't fit your pre-conceived notions.
MPhoenix, on 27 January 2022 - 02:58 PM, said:
If you can't handle the fact that someone doesn't hold your opinion and gospel fact there's a great tool that is easy to use.
A lesson on the logic function called implication ( A->B ): Whenever you derive a conclusion B from a false permise A you get a logically true but semantically worthless statement. I can absolutely deal with the fact that you don't hold - what you believe to be - my 'opinion and gospel' as fact but I certainly appreciate the surely unintended irony of you trying to educate me on what the "my" problems are when it comes to expressing certain things and you now doing exactly that. ~laugh~
Subsequently I have no reason to use that "easy to use" tool. Actually that tool would be detrimental for me because - due to my formed opinion on your reasoning skills - my personal interest has shifted to amusing myself ... even if that amusement comes at your expense and most likely even without your remotest understanding as to why 'I' am amused or how it is at your expense.
MPhoenix, on 27 January 2022 - 02:58 PM, said:
It's called the 'BACK' button on your browser. Click it and go on about your day, you'll find yourself a much happier person.
Maybe you should consider following your own advise there.
Edited by Der Geisterbaer, 28 January 2022 - 09:00 AM.