1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
Clearly. I'm not saying it's not the right move financially. Point of fact, I recall saying exactly the opposite and that I understand it's the best move they could make for their first new design since 2019. The machine is pretty obviously What The People Want. Maybe keep that in mind?
Yes, you should keep in mind that to keep the lights on, PGI must give the players what they will probably buy.
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
Oh come on. Don't even tell me you're not gonna count designs like the Archer, or all the missile-centric variants of 'Mechs like the Orion or Quickdraw.
Do not move the goalposts. You talked very specifically about:
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 07:45 AM, said:
A missile-hucking Succession Wars-era 65-tonner like we've got seventeen of already, ...
You did not talk about 60-tonners, 70-tonner or 75-tonners.
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
That makes it more interesting, not less. I like when Piranha invents new machines and expands the canon, even if only within the context of their game. I don't generally pilot much in the way of Sphere junk and the Roughneck isn't to my tastes even in terms of Sphere junk, but it's a very interesting design with a neat visual aesthetic and a really cool origin story. The idea of a company using an industrial design as a basis for a rapid-prototyping, up-armored militarized stopgap is oh so very BattleTech. What else is this universe for, if not strapping a bunch of armor and a bunch of guns onto anything with legs and a fusion plant?
This makes it more interesting
in your opinion. The opinion of other players might differ.
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
And? I'm not talking about strictly the 65-ton bracket man, I'm talking "Inner sphere heavyweight 4/6 missile chunkers". The Thunderbolt is simply a good approximation of what the Crusader's geo and hitboxes will look like since they're both thicc-fisted gorrilla-armed stocky robros. They share very similar shapes in the tabletop game, and the MWO art doesn't disprove the trend.
I can only repeat: Do not move the goalposts. You talked very specifically about:
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 07:45 AM, said:
A missile-hucking Succession Wars-era 65-tonner like we've got seventeen of already, ...
You did not talk about 60-tonners, 70-tonner or 75-tonners.
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
Doesn't stop the JM6-A from being a Spheroid heavyweight 4/6 missile chunker. With arm--mounted missiles, to boot. Is it fantastic? No. But it exists.
So you are okay with the missile boating
JagerMech, even though you admitted it sports not exactly ideal body shape, and yet you rant about the
"crap hitboxes/geo" of the missile boating
Crusader ...
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
Excuse me, have you seen the art for the Crusader? "Vulnerable arms" is not a weakness the Crusader gets to pick on other 'Mechs for. Again, I point you to the Thunderbolt, and the Thunderbolt's tendency to shed arms at the drop of a hat because its arms are gigantic bullet magnets. Very good for shielding torsos; very bad for retaining weaponry.
And what I said about the
Catapult's vulnerable arms - is it true or not?
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
No doubt it will. It'll simply have to share that niche with half a dozen other designs.
I can only repeat: Do not move the goalposts. You talked very specifically about:
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 07:45 AM, said:
A missile-hucking Succession Wars-era 65-tonner like we've got seventeen of already, ...
You did not talk about 60-tonners, 70-tonner or 75-tonners.
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
Why? They follow the same pattern with every 'Mech. Sure, there might be some quibbles, but there's also the idea that if they stray from the mold too much people will complain that it's not a proper Crusader, just a Crusader-shaped something-else. So yeah. Mostly missiles, with a couple of 'weird' variants for people who want to pilot a Crusader-shaped something-else, and they'll make sure to give it enough hardpoint glut and overquirking to make it the new defining standard for Spheroid 4/6 heavyweight missile chunker. The same way hardpoint glut and overquirking makes the Dervish definitively better than its canonical replacement, the Hellspawn.
So you actually do not know, what variants of
Crusader PGI is going to offer and what hardpoints they are going to have, right?
By the way, I should tell you that
Hellspawn is 45-tonner, while
Dervish is 55-tonner, i.e. 'Mech ten tons heavier. Is it really so surprising that
Dervish is better in some respects?
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
I am quite okay with waiting to see what variants of the
Crusader 'Mech Pack PGI will offer.
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
I am quite okay with waiting to see what variants (and with what hardpoints) PGI will offer.
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
Tell that to all the folks who screamed bloody murder at the Warden pack for Power Creep. Or the new Bloodname pack, for both power creep and 'being boring'. Or literally any time Piranha acknowledges that the Clans exist, really.
I do not think that
Crusader will be the example of "power creep".
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
Nope. Though I can make a pretty good guess that it's gonna have thicc armor/structure quirks for those outsized arms, the same generic five to fifteen percent general weapons performance quirks as every other Sphere machine, some missile-focused "unique" quirks like extra target retention quirks, some ghost heat decouplings, and the like to make it more attractive as a missile spammer. All the things we all know we'd do if we were Piranha introducing a new Spheroid 4/6 missile chunker and wanted to sell it to people who already have twelve of those.
Then I would suggest that you wait for some more detailed info. The
Crusader preorder details should be released soon.
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
I cannot, no. Can I talk for myself? People would've been screeching to the rafters if Piranha had announced any of my favorites instead of the Crusader, even though this is the last new 'Mech MWO is ever going to get and we all know it. Am I not permitted even the slightest bit of disappointment that the last new 'Mech we'll ever get is an entirely forgettable Spheroid plodder? i mean, it's better than leaving off on the blurdy Dervish, but still.
Of course that you can talk for yourself. Just do not try to pass you personal opinions as the facts, just like you attempted to do here:
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 07:45 AM, said:
despite the fact that the Catapult outcompeted the Crusader as a missile-hucking Succession Wars 65-tonner for decades in tabletop ...
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
...I'm not sure what the point of this bit is? By "decades" up above, I meant in tabletop. I can't imagine being in a situation where I was allowed to pick between a Crusader and a Catapult where I wouldn't pick the Catapult, and I don't even really know the TT rules. I've been following the 'verse since the nineties and MW2, but there was never any slightest chance for me to play the TT game. Perhaps that's why I simply don't align properly with the tabletop crowd. Who knows?
So you are talking about the game that you have never actually played? It was "you" who started to talk about the tabletop
BattleTech games. I can tell you that
Crusader has many useful properties that can be useful to have when playing the tabletop
BattleTech games.
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
I see a lot of bad 'Mechs when the mood strikes me to play. Doesn't mean they have any impact on the game. I saw Ravens pretty regularly too,and it's been close to eight years since the Raven wasn't a waste of a 'Mech bay slot. Heck, even piloted my old Ravens once or twice for funzies' sake, and got suuitably drubbed for my trouble.
The Warden pack was fun. 'Mechs were doing things they'd never done before, I was seeing builds I hadn't seen, and I found myself piloting 'Mechs and trying builds I never would've tried without those two variants. The Hunter pack wasn't as good, but it still got me into a 'Mech I'd never used before and introduced me to one of my best performers. Sure, maybe Crusaders can do the same...but I doubt it.
What is a "
bad 'Mech" for you that has "
no impact on the game" can be a viable and good machine in the hands of some other player.
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
Then they'll play something other than a Thunderbolt? Probably a Crusader in 'bout three months' time?
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
Would you be so carefree if they'd announced the Penetrator, instead? Or the Grendel, a 'Mech I've lusted after for years now and would buy without regret even though I don't play the game much anymore? Or the Phantom, strictly because getting 9+ Clanner energy hardpoints and ECM going 150kph is fun? Or, for that matter, announced literally any Clan 'Mech even though the last 'Mech we got was already a "Fans of the IP want it" Succession Wars-era missile-chunkin' junker? This would be why the Clans got two booster packs in a row, by the way - a red Summoner and Kit Fox are the thing we get instead of a sweet new chassis.
Yes, I am always ready to check a new 'Mech pack and then I decide if I will buy it or not. And if I do not buy it, I understand that some other players might like that 'Mech.
1453 R, on 28 March 2022 - 09:57 AM, said:
Heh. Again - enjoy your Crusaders. I'm glad fans of the design are getting their time to play. Suppose all I'd really want is a little bit of commiseration for folks that will never get their favorites. And, I guess, to throw the occasional egg at the hype train from over here in my little cubbyhole just for my own satisfaction while everybody else is busily training their hype.
As I just said, I can wait. I will check the upcoming PGI's 'Mech Pack offer and all available info and then I will make the purchase - or not.