All this living in everyone else's head is exhausting. Stop assuming the worst of people just because they prefer one map over another.
I liked the Old HPG and I like the new HPG (once I got used to the layout, at first I didn't care for it), both for different reasons. Old HPG for a sniper was brutal but doable, and I've witnessed and was part of a number of old HPG matches where it was the sniper that decided the match in some really close battles. New HPG is just much more expansive so naturally it's a snipers wet dream, but even still, once you're made your made and no matter how sneaky you think you are, someone out there is a darn good shot. They're both their own maps, and honestly the word "better" is REALLY subjective no matter how objectively one might feel about it.
I'm a part-time sniper, and fair to middling about it, and I could snipe on both old and new HPG. They're just different maps, different obstacles to overcome, different angles, definitely different ranges and different strategies. Sniping isn't just about wall-hugging though. Any sniper that stays in one position too long is a made sniper and a dead sniper. A good, and clever, sniper has to be willing go everywhere on that map including behind enemy lines, and you still come up short sometimes.
Nostalgia is a powerful reason, and to just bat it away with a platitude about making things better is just ... insulting? Everything can be made better, but sometimes you just want that old reliable original Coke (the real original, not the new original everyone could immediately taste was different). But no, Coke just had to screw around and make it "better." And now I drink root beer.
I say if people want old HPG, then don't pretend you live in their head, and let's bring back old HPG into the mix. If people want it, regardless of their "ulterior" motives, then the votes will bear that out.
Now don't get me started on that old forest map with the cave in it that everyone and their dog loves to run into. Ugh. What a cluster