Credomane, on 30 March 2022 - 04:07 PM, said:
I only picked them up because I had tonnage to spare and didn't know what to do with it. RL15's were cheap and filled it up perfectly. Even as an One-Time-Use weapon they are great in the right circumstances. I can ruin someone's day if I catch them unaware. I can either kill 'em outright or make them have to remove themselves from the front light for a bit. 3xLPPC, slight pause, 2x RL15, slight pause, and 3xLPPC from behind says "good night to you good sir!" if timed right. If I manage to have another light with me packing machine guns then we can really clean house if given free reign.
The good thing is that PGI removed the Light PPC minimum range some time ago.
Or you could try missiles, since this
Raven has got missile cooldown/velocity/range quirks.
So what about using MRM-30 with 2-3 tons of ammo? You could strip armor from arms to find some tonnage.

Just joking.
Credomane, on 30 March 2022 - 04:07 PM, said:
I ran with one guy for a bit ( just happened the the QP queue kept putting us together on the same team). Our mechs' worked well together. He'd call out a target for a soft or hard open. Hard just meant I used my RL. I'd get their core open from the back and draw attention before dipping out. he' jump in and unload on their back pulling their attention on him again and I'd pop back out and rain LPPC fire upon our target. Wish I knew, at that time, that you could click players at the post match screen for a menu to friend request/report/whatever. My ECM provided enough cover to keep us off the radar and safe from LRMs.
The number of MWO players is not especially high, so you can expect to see him again sooner or later.
Checking his forum account could be good idea too.
Credomane, on 30 March 2022 - 04:07 PM, said:
Yeah that's why I took the XL engine but if I could find a way to squeeze in a light engine and survive for even one more shot without significant slow down then I'd at least try it.
The destruction of a side torso will result in heat spike and
that could result - in some situations - in temporary shutdown of your 'Mech.
Credomane, on 30 March 2022 - 04:07 PM, said:
I didn't think the RVN-3L could get stealth armor...If it still can I'm totally dropping the RL15's to pick up a XL295 engine and stealth armor.
Stealth armor has one significant disadvantage: The heat dissipation can be a problem.