[color=#DBDBDB]did they change the max group size for quick play casue i have a group of 5 and ive played with this group befor but now it wont let me. if they did why would they do this it sucks having to get 2 groups up and play a roulette wheel to see if we get in the same match and hope were on the same team. faction play is dead so the only way to play together is quick play. if this is the case then this just sucks and takes the fun out of the game playing with freinds[/color]

Why Is The Max Group Size 4
Started by Vanhoose, Apr 14 2022 02:34 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 14 April 2022 - 02:34 AM
Posted 14 April 2022 - 07:07 AM
Less player population equals only one queue. To keep solo players from getting completely steamrolled, they limited groups to 4 players. And MAN you should hear them complain that people get to group up with their friends at all!
PGI will be working on things this year, hopefully better "play with my friends" opportunities will be one of them.

PGI will be working on things this year, hopefully better "play with my friends" opportunities will be one of them.
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